Chapter 1

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It's midday. The market is always the busiest at these hours. The sun compliments the townspeople's subtle clothing patterns. Everything is a little brighter, a little happier, and a little busier. Although, with people standing around everywhere, it makes dodging a lot harder.

"Oof- watch where you're going, impudent Brat!" A man calls after the boy that carelessly shoved him aside.

"Watch where you're striding, snob!" Eon spat back from behind, speeding his pace up.

He might've stayed back to throw a fist or two at the boujee guy if it weren't for the Delere trailing quick on his tail. As he rushed by each stall, some bystanders gasp and exclaim one by one, finding the sight new and appalling. The others have grown used to the chasing of this cloaked man and simply paid him no mind, going back to bargaining with a shopkeep. Not even the birds perched overhead seemed to mind that much.

The cobblestone grounds still have a wet coat of dew on them from the morning showers. Eon always looks out for paths with the glossy shine when that happens. Not because it's dangerous, but because he can use them to his advantage. Analyzing his surroundings: ideas click against each other like a game of marbles. Ideas taking a little budge in the right direction.

I have to lose him.

Seeing that his escape route is finally clearing up: he turns a sharp corner into an abandoned alleyway, pivoting on his toes, shoulders cutting the wind. Eon lightens his step so the taps of his boots aren't noticeable. He quickly scans his surroundings for people. Once reassured, he creeped to look over the corner with his back to the wall to determine whether or not he'd lost the officer.

Keeping a steady hand on his satchel, his poker face remained solid for most of the ride. As if none of this is new to him. Because it's not. Chases like this happen every few days or so. Almost like a cheesy bedtime story you hear from your mother every night before bed. Eventually- everything becomes predictable and boring. You have to spice things up every once in a while, right?

A small pile of cartons containing satin and silk fabrics sat behind Eon. The people in this kingdom are quite fond of their clothing, and it shows. There are more dresses than utensils in every household. They aren't exactly snobby for the most part, but definitely posh.

Eon grins a toothy smile and crouches behind the small boxes. Scanning the area once again, he takes out the three stolen apples and a small handful of black, onyx shaded raisins from his satchel.

Not enough.

He sighs aloud. All of that work and where did it take him? This won't last long.

Not many people are willing to pickpocket in these parts of the lower district. The Delere, otherwise known as the officers, aren't very merciful. If you know your tactics, sliding past them is an easy feat. They have an almost humiliating temper when it comes to runaways. It's entertaining for people like Eon. Although that is not an excuse to fool around, rules are meant to be broken to an outlaw like him.

Suddenly, the gliding air which had been subtle at first, shifted to a more aggressive gale. His cape fluttered up dramatically. A sharp gasp slips out from his mouth as Eon trips over himself to catch it.

Eon reaches out to retrieve the cloth before it is lifted up too high. In doing so, he himself slipped forward on the wet grounds, landing flat on his stomach. Eon strains himself to keep his chin off the ground. His eyes are already exposed enough. He doesn't need people to see that part of him too. Eon snatches the rough fabric back against him, not letting go until the wind dies down. He slowly picks himself up, groaning curses under his breath.

All of a sudden, a loud crash startled him out of his daze.

"Damn. I missed it!" he whines upsettingly, creeping out of his spot on both hands.

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