Chapter 4 - Eon Doresain

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A few days passed and the mail came in late at night, but it wasn't Valentine that delivered it. RA few days passed and the mail came in late at night, but it wasn't Valentine that delivered it. Rather, it came regularly by the local mailman. Inside was a series of steps that led to the real invitation.


Leave your abode out to a cove. Tavern down west, where no voices rest.

Ask for three whiskeys each a drop of greened white, in a tall goblet, served before night. When poison is duned, be sure to tell truth:

"The stale bits of the stars tell tales from afar. I'm not thirsty anymore."

It wasn't signed, nor did it have any "sent from" address on the envelope. Only Eon's. The letter was clearly written on homemade paper. The edges threaten to cut away at your fingertips. Something tells him it's like that on purpose. It looks burned at the edges. Ancient, even. Probably to avoid having the delivery person think there's any information worth stealing.

"Did they really have to make it so long? It's not even an application!" Eon groaned aloud, reading the paper over again as he slumps over on his bed. He should probably memorize it, then shred it before he goes out. He put the paper down on the drawer and picked a few things out of his small wardrobe. A loose, white, ruffled shirt with wide sleeves, tightened over with a black corset he got from his aunt as a gift a while back.

His outdoor shirts are usually loose because they don't have openings for his wings in them. They're usually worn for special occasions where his cloak would only arouse suspicion. So he'd wear "normal" clothing instead.

To finish off, some tight black pants, and dirtied knee-high brown boots.

As for Eon's much exposing eyes and hair, he has magic to thank.

Like mentioned earlier, Irine has a friend in the Advena Canatre that specializes in the field of magic and witchcraft. She knows of Eon and recently offered a few small bottles of elixir that changes one's appearance- color wise- Since she is aware of Eon's day to day casualties. She quotes, "I'm only being empathetic.". Although to Eon and his Aunt, not a million thank-you's could represent their gratitude.

Fortunately, he has a few with him already. In case of emergency, they're stashed under a floorboard next to his "bed". A frameless messy mattress, really.

Eon wedges his talon like fingers in the crack of the board to flip it open. His fingers are a frosty white that fade off into the middle of his palm. With no real nail bed, his nails are more like claws. It almost seems like he dipped his fingers in forever snow. They're extremely hard to clip and very strong, which is why he never usually takes his gloves off of his hands. In fear of hurting someone, himself, or just general exposure. Eventually though, they'll rip at the seams accidentally. Eon doesn't mind it though. In fact, it gives him something to fidget with.

Eon throws the small plank aside and shifts through all of the trinkets he keeps hoarded in there. It's not very wide or deep, but it's enough for things to get lost in. Eon's finger brushes against the cold glass of the small elixir bottle and picks it up. He holds the container between his thumb and index finger.

"I havent had to use this yet." He smirks and downs the red liquid.

The instructions that came with the gift were simple: Close your eyes, and drink it in one go.

Eon shivered slightly at the bitter aftertaste. The drink smelt like honey but tasted like nothing short of vinegar. He didn't get to see what fully happened to him in real time, but the result certainly surprised him. The eyes that he saw in the mirror were rich, twin pools of sapphire blue that faded out to a deeper navy at the edges. His hair already began darkening at the roots until it spread to the ends of his hair, becoming a soft chocolate brown. They even grew a little bit, curling at the ends to add some texture to his hair. Eon inspected every inch of his face. The color of his unexposed pale skin darkened slightly to a more humanly peach color. Everything was tinkered to change in the slightest. Just enough for him to pass by bystanders regularly. Eon became ecstatic. He could finally interact with others in a normal manner! He just had to execute the directions accurately. For all he knows, there might not be a second chance. He shouldn't get ahead of himself.

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