Chapter 6

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where was Eon?

He slowly peels his eyes open to peer at the arms he'd landed in– bridal style.

They're rough but gentle. Like a first time father that doesn't quite know what he's doing. Although, their face is unclear. Because Eon has landed in an awkward position for his wings, the person's face is shrouded in white feathers.

Eon chokes a mouthful of stutters before pushing himself off of the stranger. He lands on a patch of warm, but rocky grass. Eon's tailbone feels insanely bruised. Rubbing his lower back, he curses under his breath.

The place they landed in was a vast green plain with a forest far ahead. Eon had seen nothing of the sort! The way everything is so natural, so clear and beautiful... It almost seemed like a dream.

"You okay?- pff" The person spits out what seems to be remains of a feather that ended up in his mouth.

"I'm fine." Eon murmurs. He was sure to see a bruise in that spot tomorrow.

Eon looks up at this person to see just who caught him. His eyes take a few moments to adjust to the light change. Revealing: Percival?! It seems he must've drank a teleportation potion or chanted some spell to arrive here quicker. It made Eon wonder why he had to go the longer way down instead of teleporting too. He scoffed.

Under the sun, Percival's eyes seemed more almond and feline shaped. Perci throws his cloak off and holds it in his arms to reveal a brown tabby tail and ears. His tail swishes suddenly as he notices the interest Eon takes in his features.

"It's as soft as it looks. Wanna touch?" He grins to reveal sharp teeth that glisten under the light.


Percival flicks his tail over to the front so Eon could reach better. He was right. It was in fact very soft and well kept at that. It was clear that he made sure to wash thoroughly. Eon's hand held the tail lightly in his palm, not sure how to handle such a feature, he simply rubbed the tail with his thumb. Doing so, he could have sworn he heard Percival purr for a moment. It didn't last long until Perci flicked his tail upwards to hit Eon's face playfully. Eon chuckled.

"Let's get going." Percival reaches out to pull him up.

"Get going where?" Eon asks as he dusts himself off.

"Oh they didn't tell you? You'll be going through a trial... ugh why do they leave the details up to me?" Percival spits the words angrily under his breath, putting his hands on his hips. "Your goal is to reach the other end of the forest-" Percival points to the trees Eon is looking at in the close distance. "In thirty six hours. Think of it as a trial of courage. Which means I have to leave right about now." Percival smiles lightly as if this were going to be the easiest task ever. Eon knew it would be anything but simple. The land here clearly is not normal by any means. Who knows what could be lurking in the prowl there? Just as Eon turned his head to ask a question, Perci wasn't there anymore.

"Huh?" Eon exclaims, whipping his head back around in shock. He's stuck now, with a goal to reach the other side of the forest himself. "Thirty six hours..."


Eon's features had regressed within his first few hours of travel. Although, one could hardly tell that his hair was white with all of the dirt and grime in there. It made him grateful that his wings were enclosed. Imagining the hell he'd go through cleaning them made his head hurt.

His breathing had gone labored long ago. His pants were occasionally interrupted by spasms in his chest. When this happened, he'd collapse against a tree to rest and recover. Little did he know, rarely were the bark on them safe to touch. Often lined with poisonous trails left by exotic slugs and such. This did not come without consequence

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