Chapter 3 - Valentine Kursatine

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As the three walk into Irine's apartment room, one can immediately tell the differences between nephew and aunt. Irine's walls were color coordinated with multiple shades of green. Everything gave off an earthy, safe feeling. There were dried plants and butterflies hung up. The couches and tables had a beautiful design on them, with frogs and lilypads embroidered or carved. As Irine closes the shutters and blinds, Eon watches Valentine take his boots off. Valentine didn't dare step on the rug with such muddied shoes. It seemed so expensive, and it'd be a shame to ruin it.

Valentine notices the shift in Irine's initial mood. After all, he is trying to take Eon away. Valentine wonders what she does for an occupation for her to be away for days, and how she knew what he was immediately. Valentine thinks pensively as he locks the door behind him, walking towards the dining table where the other two are sitting.

Valentine clears his throat, "So, Ms..."

"No need for the formalities," Irine smiles warmly at Valentine. "Just call me Irine."

The atmosphere has lifted already. It appears that this woman is no stranger to creatures. And she is certainly not afraid. Valentine hesitates before finally addressing the situation at hand.

He clears his throat, "Irine. I'd like to speak with you about your nephew here. Since I assume that you are his legal guardian, yes?" Valentine says, resting his arms on the small table with his fingers intertwined in front of him.

"I guess you could say that. I am not Eon's blood related aunt. And..." She trails off, looking at Eon as he fiddles with the seams of his gloves. Valentine notices this as Eon shifts and rests his cheek against his fist.

Does he ever take those gloves off?

Valentines wonders.

"-Technically, the Delere don't exactly know about him or his existence." Irine sighs. Valentine's attention turns back to her.

"He's been a 'refugee' for about 10 years now. I've taken him under my wing-"

Eon cheeses playfully at the joke.

"-both as a foster parent and professional Mifonlia. I've been working in the field of supernatural for about 20 years now. When I came across Eon, he was only 8 years old. Scathed all over and cold... The king doesn't exactly appreciate soliciting, so I try to keep him under the radar." Irine glances at Eon. Who seems a little dissonant or sonder. It almost feels like a conference between a parent and teacher about their misbehaving child.

A Mifonlia is a type of biologist that explores the life and existence of cryptids and supernatural beings. They are in high demand as of late. Especially with the alleged attacks that this kingdom wants to launch.

It makes sense now. That's why Irine spotted Valentine's true race immediately. She has years of experience.

"Of course, I never took advantage of him. Exploiting is a deed I could never come to forgive. Rather, I tried to help him develop the way he normally would have before the loss of his parents, and create a diet for him in healthy and appropriate portions. I ran some tests with a good friend of mine. A witch, to be specific. After a few years, we decided that he was half owl-being cryptid, half human."

Valentine nods as she speaks. This information could be beneficial to his file as a recruit to-be.

"I always like to keep my little one here safe, although, It seems that's inevitable now." Irine chuckles. She laughs with a smile, but the pain in her voice is clear even to the densest of people. Valentine frowns. He's never grown up with a shoulder to cry on. He can't exactly empathize with Eon, but he isn't heartless.

Valentine gives a few reassuring words to Ms Irine.

"Ma'am, if you are unsure, you don't exactly have to accept the offer immediately."

"No. In the end, It's his decision." Irine firmly states.

Eon blinks, looking at Valentine. The room goes silent for a moment. A silhouette is seen outside the window. A flock of birds. They're migrating for the winter. Things are getting colder, and time is ticking. The candles lit in the room make for a bright atmosphere. They flicker lightly, reminding Eon of the people he detests, and the ones he'd lost. Eventually, Eon nods.

"It's not like I have anything else to do with my life."

"...I see. I'm glad to have you with us, Eon." Valentine's tone remains solid and firm.

"I'll be on my way now. Official documents that are needed to fill out will be personally sent to you within two weeks. It was nice meeting you both." Valentine stands. The other two are almost shrouded in his shadow. As Valentine flips his hood back on, entering the now quieted streets, he mentally recaps his day. Eon's gritted face flashes in his mind. It was when he kneeled on the floor, clutching his pain.

He has a good tolerance. He'll need it.

"Gods, you're so dense." Cole smirks as he wipes dust off of his face, throwing a sharp tong-like instrument onto a nearby tray.

"I'm not. I only did what I needed to. If anyone, he was the stubborn one." Valentine lazily sits on a wooden chair, throwing his cloak off.

"Well, Cole has a point." Kieran backs him up, sitting on a counter, clutching the rims of the edge..

"If you guys have a complaint, take it to the Director." Valentine murmurs, opening a glass bottle of beer with his claws.

The workshop Cole works in is big, but small enough for idle chat. It's a repair shop, so it's always cluttered.

"Kieran," Cole calls, picking up an intricately designed broom with a bundle of short blonde dragon hair at the tip.

"I think your broom is good. Test it out." He says, taking out the hair tie holding his dreads in one place. Locks of brown fading into an ombré blonde sweep over his face.

"All right, thanks." She gladly thanks, hopping off of the counters storing his tools.

"And, Val." Kieren says, taking her broom back.


"Can you try to welcome the new guy? At least until he finds his assigned team."

"What do you mean? I'm always welcoming." Valentine offhandedly says. Kieran and Cole exchange glances, and sigh. Valentine scoffs.

"You guys are so dramatic."

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