Chapter 1: New Challenge

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Hi everyone this is my first book so here can be some mistakes but I try my best!

write in the comments what would be good about this book and what you would like me to write

Of course this is only my fanfiction and Orginal autor is Stuart Gibbs

spy academy

1000 hours

"hey Ben, come here quickly" said Zoe. I was late for the roll call announced by the principal, everyone was supposed to be there at 10:00, I looked at my watch, it was 10:04. "Quickly, maybe they won't notice you're gone" I stopped to calm my breathing and then followed Zoe into the room. I saw that the director was standing at the microphone and saying something, he was probably saying something important because everyone was listening to him with concentration. I noticed Mike, and went towards him followed by Zoe. "Yo bro where were you?" I wanted to answer but then I heard the director's words "Spider is probably back, we suspect that one of us may have contact with him" everyone was speechless, then I noticed that Erica was standing in the corner of the room and looking straight at me, when I looked at her and then she gestured to follow her. A moment later, the director stopped talking and let us go. I quickly walked towards her, "I think we have another job to do," "You know something?" I asked she said something but I didn't hear because I was lost in her eyes, Erica has been my crush since I started going to this school, I don't know how much she likes me but, she likes me enough to be jealous and want a lot of my company, although lately it seems to me that wants something more. ,,Hello earth to Ben" ,,em... yeah?' I replied uncertainly.she looked at me and said "do you ever listen to me?" "yes I was just lost in thought" she nodded "right, there is something to think about" after a while she said "we're leaving soon, be ready" and she left.I thought, "next mission probably with Spider" then I realized that I had time to prepare for the mission.

/Time Skip\

when I packed up and was ready to go, someone knocked, I went and opened the door, Mike was standing there "hi I just want..." he looked behind me and saw my packed things "are you going on a mission?" "I guess so," I repliedhe looked at me with excited eyes and said "am I going too?"I shrugged and said "I don't know."He wanted to say something else but I interrupted him and said I had to go, I went to the principal's office and waited. About 5 minutes Catherine, Alexander and Erica appeared, they were surprised when they saw me "Ben, what are you doing here?" Catherine asked, I looked up and replied "I was waiting for you to arrive to discuss the mission" "Okay" Catherine said with a smile "no I see no reason why we shouldn't start, come on." Everyone walked in as Erica walked by, she gave me a smile and I winked.

when everyone entered Catherine said "let's start, it seems that the spider is targeting a wealthy family, this family has a lot of money, the accounts are well secured but one piece of information is enough and the spider gets everything"

"So what should we do?"

Catherine looked at me and said "the family has a daughter, her name is Layla and she is 14 years old, the same age as you Ben"

she showed us a photo of a pretty blonde with green eyes "you must try to gather information that can help stop him."

Is that all?" I asked

Catherine nodded and said, "Not the family is good at dealing in weapons. The spider will probably want to steal it and then he will be invincible."

"Okay, you can go, and you'll leave at 4 p.m., be ready."

When everyone left, I grabbed Erika and said with a smile, "Thank you for mentioning being ready, I made a great impression on Catherine and Alexander....and I guess I did impression on you too."

She looked into my eyes and stammered, "e yes, I think so "she turned red and quickly left"

Then she turned around and licked her lips and said, "I hope we have fun... you and me."

Hi thanks for reading this chapter, let me know if you like it. Sorry for only 750 words but this is my first book and chapter I thinkin next chapters will be more letters. I think there will be some "naughty stuff" in this book ;) so be ready

Spy school: Guilty or not?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz