Chapter 6: 12pm

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Lupe ran downstairs and saw Maria terrified looking at something, but Lupe didn't see anything unusual as Manny was still playing with his toys in the room.

"What? Ma?" asked Lupe.

"Look at that, what is that?" Maria pointed at something to Lupe, it was a black egg, she continued, "I was cleaning up the floor and found this under the couch."

Lupe saw it and immediately went to grab it, she then said, "oh, it's just some toy Manny brought back one day from school. Don't worry." Then she ran upstairs.

"It's lunch time Lupe!" Maria yelled at her from downstairs.

"I am not hungry, don't wait for me!" Lupe yelled back.

Lupe sat in the bedroom and stared at the egg, she didn't know what to do, how did the egg come to her house? And how come nothing happened when she grabbed the egg like before?

Suddenly, she heard the voice talking to her again, but she didn't see anyone.

"What do you want?" asked Lupe.

"You didn't finish your assignment, but I will give you a second chance." Said the voice.

"What's the point if everything is ending today?" asked Lupe.

"At least you did something special in the world, your name will be remembered forever in our world, your existence will not be anything like all the other people. Isn't that enough?"

Lupe didn't say anything, the bombing sound from outside continued one after one, sometimes near sometimes far. Lupe wondered how Jay was doing.

In the other side of the city that morning, right before Jay started getting ready for work, he had something else going on in his head, it was like another normal day to him but somehow, he felt something unusual would happen. He always felt painful to see his wife been so nice to him and he felt like he was a terrible person, that morning he told himself that he couldn't hold this any longer, so he confessed to his wife that he had an affair with one of his employees and he regretted every second of it. To his surprise, his wife didn't react as strongly as he expected, everyone was panicking about what had been happening.

"I don't want to hear this Jay, it's not the right time." Said his wife. She was also getting ready for her day.

"Something weird has been going on with her lately." said Jay. Then his wife turned to him and looked serious.

"I know you had something going on Jay, I am not stupid, but if you worry her so much, why don't you ask her." She looked right into his eyes and that made Jay hesitant about what to say.

"It's just weird," Jay looked away and he continued, "A few weeks ago she asked me to put an egg shape stuff in my office and yesterday she kept saying something about the end of the world."

"Don't do stupid things, I don't know about her, but you have kids." His wife sounded exceptionally calm.

On the way to work, Jay was in a kinda good mood, he didn't expect his wife to react so calmly, he had prepared the worst before his confession, but now he was wondering if she even gave him permission to do it.

In a sudden, he heard some explosion near him, it was so strong that his car even moved off from the track, he had to park on the side of the road and make sure his car was ok. He then noticed he was not the only one who parked by the road, the highway was full of cars and obviously the traffic in front of him was already really bad.

"What's going on?" Jay asked a guy who parked behind him.

"No clue, are we under attack from Russia or China or something?" The guy looked around and then checked his phone.

A giant smoke was all the way up in the air, the sound of fire siren was everywhere, some car just flew through the highway like they were running away from something, while the police cars were also passing by constantly.

Then there was another bomb not too far from them, Jay seemed to realize something, and he jumped in the car immediately and started driving to work. He finally understood what Lupe was planning to do and he knew he had to rush. On the way to the factory, he also couldn't stop thinking about Lupe, why did she decide to do this? Did she actually love him, or did she just use him for this purpose? He did feel guilty about what happened that night, but he still believed his feelings for her were real.

When he finally got to the factory, he planned to get to his office, found the egg and threw it out, however, the bomb sound was everywhere, one after one, he knew there was not much time for him to go in, he was also scared if it exploded at that time when he got it in the office.

After everyone left, he was looking for Lupe, he wanted to confront her about what happened, but as he was following Lupe, his mind was shifting quickly like movies, he couldn't stop thinking about what happened that night when Lupe asked him to stop, he thought Lupe just used this as a revenge to him, maybe Lupe did love him after all, that was why she wanted to do this together with him, to end the world together with him, is there a more romantic way to show your love, come on, Jay, you are so stupid! Jay couldn't stop himself from thinking about all of those. He felt so stupid to waste it, he felt like a coward, apologizing to her was the least he could do, he didn't expect her to forgive him, this is the end, just thinking about this made him relived, at least he wouldn't need to hold the regret for too long, this is the end.

Lupe sat on Maria's bed and thought about Jay, she did love him after all, the bombing sound was more and more frequent, Manny started to cry downstairs, so did Maria, they were screaming Lupe's name, but Lupe didn't answer, nothing matters at this point, she thought.

At this moment, the egg suddenly started making an extremely loud sound and vibrating like it was going to explode, meanwhile Lupe had a strong headache that made her cover her whole head, it was so painful that she couldn't even think, all the sounds seemed to disappear and the only thing she knew was the pain in her head, until when she opened her eyes again.

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