Chapter 5: 11:07am

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When Lupe woke up from her nap, she looked at her watch and saw it was already 11:07, she couldn't believe she slept this long. It was quiet in the house, she assumed Manny must also be taking a nap with Grandma Maria.

She remembered the dream she just had during the nap, it was about what her life would look like if their plan worked as she expected, not like now.

"After all, Jay never changed, he is still the same as when I first knew him." Thought Lupe.

Lupe was never shy about her feelings to Jay since she started working under him, she knew how to flirt with guys and she also knew Jay was married, but she couldn't control her desire. He was handsome and full of male hormone, every time when they stayed in his office alone, she just couldn't help from thinking about something dirty. At the beginning, Jay noticed her intention and kept a good distance from her, but since she didn't do anything out of the line, he couldn't do anything about it, not to mention Lupe always did a great job on whatever task she was assigned to.

Until one day, everything changed. Lupe got a call from Manny's school that Manny suddenly had a high fever and he passed out in the daycare, and they sent him to emergency room. When Lupe went to Jay's office and asked for an early leave, she couldn't help bursting into tears, Jay didn't know what to do other than give her a hug. Lupe felt so warm and touched by this hug, she hugged him back and when she lifted her head up, she saw Jay's face right in front of him, the way he looked at her was so sincere that made her forget about what just happened for a few seconds. She went up and kissed on Jay's lips. Jay didn't push her away; he also didn't leg go of his hands which were still hugging Lupe's back. That was one of the happiest days of her life.

Since then, she could feel that Jay treated her differently in a subtle way. She would notice he lingered around her longer whenever he was talking to her coworkers on the factory floor, he also picked her for answering questions and asking her for opinions in the team meetings, she also noticed a couple of times that he was staring at her from his office window, but of course as soon as Lupe looked back, he immediately moved his eyes away.

But even though they both felt the chemistry, none of them took a step further, Lupe knew he was married and had a kid, she knew that she needed to keep the distance from him. But still, sometimes she would leave a note on his office desk before she left work, or she would bring him some food she cooked and share with him, on his birthday she also knitted a little puppy doll for him since she knew he loved dogs. She didn't know why she did all these things, she imagined them being together, but she also asked many times for God's forgiveness for just thinking about it. Even thought hey had the 'accidental' kiss the other day, Lupe was still not 100% sure if Jay was into her, she noticed Jay would avoid her when they had a group chat sometime, he also never asked for her number or talked with her more than normal outside of work, he didn't even ask her much about her personal life. She thought that kiss was probably just something he didn't mean to have done but accidentally did.

But everything changed at one night, it was a tough day at work, the plant manager was not in a good mood because he was scolded by someone from the headquarters for poor business performance, almost everyone had to work overtime that day to ship some late sales orders the upper management had requested. Lupe was supposed to leave at 2:30 that afternoon, but they asked all the employees to work overtime till the late sales order was shipped out. Not surprisingly, Lupe didn't leave till almost ten that night, she couldn't believe what she could do if her mom was not there to help her.

When she finally turned off her computer and was about to leave, someone called her name, she turned around and noticed it was Jay.

"Thank you for staying so late Lupe." Said Jay, Lupe looked at his eyes and she saw the light coming out from his eyes which made her feel warm all over her body.

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