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The sharp whistle of the spear pierced the air as Lucius dodged it spearing the man in the neck with his blade. He went still instantly. On his left a man attempted to severe his head. A well timed duck evaded the attack, saving him from his untimely death.  Lucius pivoted on his heel and sent a devastating blow to the mans face, nearly cleaving it in half. He barely blinked as it separated an fell to the ground. It was the way of war, Death, dismemberment and dishonor. He was numb to it all now. Except this time was slightly more meaningful. Lucius was not just fighting for his nation. He was protecting his very way of life. 

Carthage had been threatening them for years. Their threats to invade, to enslave, it all seemed empty until it wasn't. Lucius was a warrior that had paid his time to the service and empire but once he heard of the invasion, he resumed his title and returned to the horrors of war, that he had swore he would never endure again. He needed to protect his home his manner of living and most important his wife.

 She was all they had since they had not been blessed with children as of yet. Just as Lucius speared a man in the chest with his blade, a man strikes from his back knocking him in the head. Lucius fell onto his back and was stunned as a dozen men came upon him with swords drawn. He was being targeted that much was clear but why what had he done to warrant it, He couldn't understand. They were on the same side after all. He had come back from retirement out of loyalty to his nation and instead he had ended up betrayed

A lone man rode up on his horse regal and proud; his sneer of disdain aimed at Lucius for an offense of which he could not deduce. He stood there staring down at him as he struggled to shake off the blow he had suffered.

"CHAIN HIM!" he spat.

"What have i done?! "Lucius demanded confused yet angry.

He was the commander of his legion. They could not simply shackle him like a peasant criminal!. He was livid. Immediately at his command the men moved to restrain him in bonds.  Lucius struggled against their hold as they roughly dragged him through the very same  dirt he had just spilled blood upon in the name of the empire. The same empire that was now taking him away in captivity.

 As they traveled quickly to their ships that would bring them back home, Lucius dreaded the ride. He had been separated from his men, thrown in with common men and no one had yet to explain what was the reason for his mistreatment. 

Finally they reached their destination and it was just as he had suspected ; the capitol.

Lucius awaited with the rest shackled and weary. Dirt clung to his hair and face, his body held cuts and ugly bruises. If anyone witnessed his current appearance, they would never believe he was  a commander.  Never believe he had once saved the empire from invasion with his legion holding back hundreds. He was renowned, revered and respected  but at this moment he was disgraced. Whomever was responsible for his predicament would pay dearly for all he had endured. 

It took them several turns of the sun to finally reach their destination. The entire time he fell in and out of consciousness. He was delirious with hunger and thirst. He suspected a few of his cuts had become infected yet all he could think about was his wife. Was she alright? Did she worry? Did she believe him dead? He hoped someone had witnessed the events and inform her of his fate. Lucius knew he would see her again one day though. He vowed to himself. With everything in him.

Immediately after the ship docked he and the others were carted away. The sweat clung to his filthy skin as the harsh sun beat down on the unfortunate stock being carded to an unknown fate. However soon enough Lucius understood his fate. His breath stalled as they came upon the gates of a well known Ludus.

"This cannot be". He murmured.

The carriage stopped and the men were shuffled out. For a mere moment Lucius believed he would be spared such a cruel fate as the rest of the common men. That this was merely a stop along the many and this was not his destination. After everything he had done and sacrificed for his nation. He had believed himself too valued to be enslaved. He was a celebrated warrior, people still spoke his name throughout the roman empire. Look at him now reduced to this, a mere slave.  Why!.

His answer came more swiftly than he expected and the blow of it, even sharper than he imagined.

The man stepped into the light the sun glinted off the swords of the guards who followed, shadowing their master.  His eyes squinted as he assessed the men before him as one would measure livestock. Hot shame mingled with fury rose up in his chest, reddening his face.

He was not fucking livestock! He was a celebrated commander!

"Odisius Quintus your new stock for the games as promised". Their captor announced proudly.

 There was not an ounce of care or guilt in his tone. He was happy to supply men to this disgusting practice

"Yes! gratitude for the speedy arrival. I understand the inconvenience. You will be handsomely compensated". He said distractedly.  

Waving his hand a man slave moved quickly to hand the slaver his fee. The man gave a toothless grin before causally departing.

The man walked leisurely through the group of unlucky men appraising them one by one. It appeared he was looking for something or someone as he quickly dismissed each  until he came upon him. Lucius grew suspicious as he suddenly stopped and stared at him as though seeing a long lost brother for the first time.

"This one.  he said addressing the man awaiting nearby.

The man stepped forward a menacing figure with a whip strapped to his hip. A Doctore he knew them well.

"Yes Dominus" He replied dutifully.

That  was the mans  only words spoken before he sealed his fate condemning Lucius to a fate worse than death. A fate he knew well. That he had previously, the blessings of the gods to have once escaped

The fate of a Gladiator.

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