Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Each large pack on the continent had their own school system. Smaller packs that didn't have their own schools would make arrangements with neighboring packs to send their students there. Our pack had their own system with three different high schools. The one I was oh so lucky enough to attend was in the pack house district, which housed a few servant kids but predominantly was full of rich or well-off students whose parents held high pack positions.

Arriving at the school, I hopped off the bus that held a few students. Most high school kids had cars or friends. While I am sure one of the two friends, I was fortunate to have would love to drive me, I wasn't putting them in danger. As long as the Alpha's knew, no one talked to me. Everyone called me "Roach". And most importantly, no one helped the pack leech.

I walked quickly into the halls, slumping to hide the stain. Arriving at my locker, I open it and sigh in relief as I see Anna and Charlotte, smiling as we briefly hug each other.

"Again?" Anna frowns, nodding down at my shirt.

I don't respond but Charlotte grabs my sleeve and pulls me towards her locker a few spaces away. She reaches into her locker, pulling out a cute yellow crop top. I knew the drill by now. She always had clean shirts ready for me. I would wear it around the school and then change back, in case the alphas see me get off the bus.

"Keep this one, Bug. It's too small for me anyways." She grins. Realistically, I know she doesn't need it. She probably could get seven more easily. Though I usually feel guilty when I don't give her clothes back. I nod anyways, too tired to argue. As long as I don't wear it directly home, the alphas shouldn't notice the new shirt, though it is a little flashier than my usual clothing. I shrug the thought off and go to change quickly. The shirt doesn't look like a cropped top on my short torso, showing less than an inch of skin when I move my arms up. It's tight to my frame though, showing my figure more than I typically do. I appreciate the cute shirt more than my friends could realize. I scrub the syrup stain out of the old shirt, so it won't be disgusting when I wear it back to the house and head to class.

Class quickly comes and goes and suddenly it's lunch time. School isn't long enough in my opinion. I walk over to our usual table and see Anna and Charlotte making their way with trays full of food. They both take a seat, each of them taking items of food off their tray and placing it in front of me. I murmur a quick thanks, hating that they need to provide for me. I learned quickly as a child that I couldn't take food from the kitchen. The only times my meals were provided was while I was working, which thankfully meant every meal besides at school. And school lunch was too expensive. Even at $3 it was more than I had to my name for even one lunch, let alone a week.

As we scarf down our food, Ava pulls out a notebook. "Okay, we have new research" she says through a mouthful of her sandwich. I take a bit of my own, nodding, we had a plan to get me out of here after I paid my debt. "There are some no goes like the blood moon pack. Too much of a bloody reputation. No pun intended."

The continent was wolves only, there were other species in the world but most stuck to their own continent. If I wanted to stay on this one, it meant finding another pack to accept me or going rogue like my parents. Rogue was not an option. There were sixteen large packs, one being Half Crown, our pack. While I could go to a small pack, we were worried about how vengeful the Alphas could be. I needed some protection.

"So, we have narrowed the larger packs to two good possibilities and two decent smaller fall backs. We found an interesting back up as well." I nod as she continues. "Our top choice is Alpha Cade of Rock falls. He is 28, not mated, but treats his pack fairly."

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