Chapter 1

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Anne Shirley-Cuthbert sat on her bed, looking over the letters she had been sent that day. She held them delicately in her hands, afraid she would crinkle their perfect edges or smear the smooth ink. She read the names off each one carefully, waiting until she found the one she had been waiting for. 

She sifted through the pile. One from Jerry, one from Matthew, one from Miss Stacey, until she finally found the one she had been looking for. 

She held it up to the window, watching as the afternoon sun's rays cast a golden glow on the black ink that was drawn across the thin paper. She looked over each letter slowly, breathing in the smell of the ink he used to write his name so perfectly. 

"Are you going to open that now, or wait another 10 years?" a voice called out from across the room. 

Diana stared at her with a smirk as she saw Anne staring at the letter. 

"I will, don't worry," Anne called back, still looking at the letter. She had been waiting for this letter for weeks, and finally, it had arrived. 

To Anne Shirley-Cuthbert was scribbled on top of the thin paper in dark, black ink. Underneath it, quite smaller, but just as perfect, was Gilbert Blythe. 

He had finally sent her a letter. 

Before he left for college, he promised her he would write to her, explaining everything. The last time she saw him was when they kissed each other goodbye before he left for Toronto. She goes to Queens, a long ways away from him, and every day, she has waiting for the moment the letter would arrive. 

"Open it already!" yelled Diana. Diana was her best friend, her other half, a kindred spirit. She and Anne did everything together, and Anne was overjoyed when Diana said she could go to Queens with her. 

"Okay, okay!" Anne giggled. 

Slowly, not wanting to rip the paper, she opened the letter. A small page covered in his writing lay in her hands, folded up with care. She unfolded it, running her fingertips along the creases it created. She held her breath as she began to read. 

Dear Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, 

How are you doing? I hope you are well. I've been studying so much that I haven't had time to write a letter, so I apologize profusely. I hope you can forgive me. 

Toronto is quite beautiful. If you were here, you would say it is magnificent. The grass is the perfect color of green, and the sky is almost as blue as your eyes. It is wonderful here. 

How are Bash and Delphine? Are they well?  I hope they are. Next time you visit them, please tell them I miss them so much and that I would love to see them soon. 

Now that it is fall, and the leaves are starting to die, I cannot help but think about Christmas, and how lovely it will be to see you again. I hope you are as excited to see me as I am to see you. 

But, now I must go, because my roommate, Timothy, is yelling at the other students I go to class with. For once, I wish he would be quiet. He usually keeps me pretty occupied when I feel lonely or am missing you. Usually, I wouldn't trade his talkative characteristics for the world, but it is a bit agitating at times, like now. 

But even though I saw you but a few months ago, I can't wait to see you again. 

With Love,


She reread the letter almost five times, memorizing the words. And my, did he have way with words! She blushed as she read the last few lines over and over. He really did miss her. It was a relief to know he still thought about her, and didn't find another woman more beautiful or smart than her. She sighed and fell back on her bed, grinning softly. 

"That amazing?" Diana spoke, laughing silently. 

"Oh yes Diana. He is absolute perfection. I love him so much, I can hardly wait for Christmas!" Anne smiled, the thought of his warm arms around her waist during the holidays. 

Diana laughed, knowing her friend was going to be thinking about him even more. "Are you going to write him back?" Diana asked. 

"I was thinking so, but if I were to see him at Christmas time, my letter may not even arrive in time for him to read it before he comes back to Avonlea," Anne said sadly. 

"Girls!" Miss Margaret called. "Wash up, for it is time for supper!" Miss Margaret was one of the heads of Queens, and was in charge of keeping the girls in good shape all throughout the school year. 

"Coming," Anne and Diana called. 

After dinner was made and eaten, and Anne had showered and said goodnight to her friends, she lay in bed, falling asleep to a dream of Gilbert Blythe kissing her softly and wrapping his strong arms around her thin waist. 

Hey y'all, thanks so much for reading this chapter! This is the first chapter, and I promise there will be good Shirbert in the next few as well! Sorry for any mistakes, and hope you enjoyed! 

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