DWMA: death weapon mister academy

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Saying Raina was shy is an understatement. Raina is so incredibly shy hardly anyone knew
she could even speak. Before coming to the DWMA she was afraid of everyone and everything, coming from a home where being afraid was an important thing that kept her alive she held onto her fear to almost an obsessive state. On the other hand Evaasyo was incredibly loud and he didn't care about it. Yeah, he got scared sometimes but he never let anyone know it. Being loud showed all those brats that he was there and couldn't be ignored anymore. Before the DWMA he never stopped talking, to him if he stopped talking no one would never listen to him again. When they met each other it was awkward, to say the least. They were in class falling star and they had both been left out, Raina because no one noticed her, and Evaasyo because he was talking very loudly about how lame some of the other weapons looked. No one wanted to pair with them so, as the left overs they paired together. "Hey pink haired girl do you wanna pair up? These lame-os already found someone as lame as them to pair with, but you seem pretty cool." Evaasyo said as he walked towards Raina putting his hand out to her. "U-um sure I-i um I'm Raina Cruz" she replied grabbing his hand and standing up. "I'm Evaasyo- wait you are a mister right? That be pretty stupid if we were both weapons right? You are a mister right? Right?" "Y-yes I am a mister." "Good." Everyone else had left the room it was just them. They shook hands with a shaken breath Raina spoke, "Evaasyo, will you be my weapon?" "Sure you seem cool enough." They shook hands and the rest was history.

*flash forward + Raina pov*

"EVAASYOOO WAKE UP WERE GONNA BE LATE!" I screamed as I put on my lemon hairpin and went to start breakfast, butter sirracha toast. I know, I know it sounds gross but it's actually really good. I got tired of waiting for Evaasyo and went to his room to wake him up. Banging on the door I attempted to wake him up without going into his room, he might be my partner of 2 years but he's still a teen boy and his room had been like super dirty for about 2 weeks. I don't do well with strong smells so going in is a nightmare for me. "EVAASYOO IM GONNA LEAVE YOU IF YOU DONT GET UP RIGHT NOW!" I hollered one last time as I started walking away he yelled back "IM UP IM UP STOP YELLING AND DONT LEAVE WITHOUT ME" happy with Evaasyo finally being up I went to make sure I had everything for class that day and eat my breakfast. About 25 minutes later Evaasyo walks out seemingly all ready for a day at the DWMA. "Did you brush your teeth?" "Yes I brushed my teeth don't act like your my mom or something" "I'm just checking because last time you didn't and I almost threw up" "WELL I DID BRUSH MY TEETH AND STOP NAGGING ME" "JUST EAT YOUR DAMM BREAKFAST EVAASYO" 15 minutes later we had walked out the door and headed to the academy. Morning classes pass by in a snap and soon it was lunch. "We haven't had an assignment in a while maybe we should pick one up?" I suggested to my partner as we walked to our usual lunch spot, a pick-nick table under a pretty cherry blossom tree. "I mean it had been awhile but remember how the last one went? It was utter shit" "Aasyo it's wrong to say swears in public" "You act like you don't cuss up a storm when we're collecting keshin souls" "That's different, they aren't people" I rebuttal. It's true our last mission went pretty bad and a lot of property was destroyed. "But if we don't get some souls soon our class rank is gonna drop" I whine as I lay my head on his shoulder and steal one of his fries. "DONT TAKE MY FRIES PINKY" I blush stupid hard. One thing I hate is when people stare at me and with Evaasyo as my partner people stared a lot. "SHHHHHHHH" "Sorry raindrop I'll be quieter" I get up and stretch and finish eating my food. "Aasyo are you ready to take on another assignment or do you wanna wait a bit more?" "I-I think I'm ready to take another one up" our last assignment was hard for Evaasyo. We got caught on a stealth mission because he misfired, I ended up getting hurt and Evaasyo blamed himself for the longest. I wasn't even hurt that bad, just a broken arm but still he felt so bad for me. He didn't leave my side once while I was recovering. I pat his head and run my hand through his locs. "You done eating? Class is gonna start soon." "And don't even think about skipping again!" "I won't don't worry Pinky" And just like that lunch was over. Soon we'd pick up an assignment and get some more kishin soul eggs.


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