My Life

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My life isn't exactly boring, I mean, I live in Vegas, well maybe not exactly in Vegas, but more off the strip where it's in the middle of nowhere, but Vegas is literally right there! I moved out here when I wanted the quiet, I out lived my party days, and I wanted to become a responsible person, so I packed up my shit and took a little drive out here, and bam, I got a home! Well, it did take awhile to actually buy the house. I had a bit of money saved over the years. And your all probably wondering how old I really am, yeah, I'm not gonna get into that right now. You'll probably find out later though. So your probably all wondering what I do with my life out here in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, well, I do have a life, I have a job, I work at the school, I'm an assistant in the front office. I do all the paperwork shit, it's not much, and it's terribly boring, but then I get to go home and unwind from the day, or sometimes when I get off I go onto the strip, I may not be in my party stage anymore, but I still like to look around and do things. Like I said, I do have a life. I may not have many friends, seeing as I just moved here, but I do have some cool neighbors though. The Brewster's are cool people, Jane always waves to me when I have to leave for work, and Charley always comes into the office and says Goodmorning to me. So it's not all that bad.

And if your asking, 'Do you have a love life?' Well, that's a bit complicated if you ask me, but after awhile I just thought it was time I took a break from men, I already got my heart broken once, and it hasn't exactly healed from the last time. So I'm trying to just relax and let things go it's course, I guess. It has been awhile, a long while, but I still think about him, I still think about the way we parted. But I try not to think about him, and I try to move on. I mean, it's life, right? I have to move on. And that's what I'm doing, I'm going forward in life and just trying to think about me for a chance. Even though it sounds a lot easier then it is. But I'm pretty sure I get new friends, new hobbies, I mean I like watching tv, going to the movies, even riding my bike outside. Even though I have a car. It is nice just to go out there and enjoy the sun, from where I'm from, or well the time I've from, it wasn't right for a woman like me to do these sort of things. But the times have changed, and I'm a changed woman.

Oh and your probably wondering what my name is.

I've changed it a lot lately, well just the last name. So people don't get suspicious over time. My name is Rosalie Celeste Williams, but you can just call me Rosie, it's nice to meet you.

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