New Neighbor?

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Rosalie's POV (A few days later).

God! Why did I agree to work this job?! I'm so tired, my eyes hurt, and I'm pretty sure I can't feel my ass. And I forgot to bring my lunch, again! I was in a rush this morning, so I had to eat the school lunch, it was horrible. I shivered at the thought of having to eat that slop. I'm just glad I can come home and crash on my bed, but maybe I should eat something before I crash, oh a shower sounds really good right now.

You would think paperwork was easy, yeah, that's what I thought too when I first got the job, but no, it's hell. Very much hell, you sit for hours, just staring at a packet of papers, having to read, write and read some more. One of these days I'm going to go blind from staring at these shitty papers, I should have gotten a job that had at least some excitement to it, not this shitty and boring job. Why did I get a job?! I have a lot of money saved over, so why did I get a job anyways. Oh yeah, so I wouldn't get bored at home all day, but I'm kinda regretting the job. Sitting at home would've been better then this. But I really don't want to put my two weeks in, because I'm lazy and I don't want to deal with people and them asking why I'm quitting. Ugh. Things were so simple back then, well, not everything, there was definitely some hardships back then, some of it I wouldn't want to relive through. But I'm just glad that I'm home and I get to eat, shower, and then crash on my bed. I was tired, my ass was pretty much still asleep, my bones hurt and popped from sitting in my place, I hated it.

But as I was about to walk into my house, where I would have kicked off my shoes and face planted into the couch for like an hour before getting up to eat something and then take a shower, and then went to bed, but no, of course not, because my curiosity got the best of me, and like always, I turned to see what was going on, I could hear a familiar voice, my neighbors Jane and her son Charley, oh and there's Amy, Charley's kinda girlfriend? I guess. It's complicated. But anyways, they were talking to the new neighbor, hmmm, so it's a man, not because I was being stereotypical, but because I can see from here, that It was a man, digging into his front yard? What the hell is he doing? And why am I making my way over to them? Did I even want to meet the new neighbor? I sighed to myself, I guess it wouldn't be that bad to meet new people, I can't just hole myself into my house like a hermit. Hey, maybe he's cute, and maybe, just maybe he'll be my type. I really have to go with this whole new moving on thing. I'm allowed to look, I'm even allowed to date, because from here, I can tell he's cute, he's got black hair, and is it wrong to say that he looks hot with a dirty tank top on? No. I didn't think so. But I couldn't tell what his face looked like, I was still a bit far away, so I didn't know what his face looked like. I was about to though, and I really hope that I don't embarrass myself. It's been awhile since I flirted with a man, so I'm a bit rusty.

I walked on the sidewalk, because it's considered rude to walk on peoples lawns. And I really think Jane cares about the appearance of this neighborhood, even though we're in bum fuck nowhere, well, technically it's not bum fuck nowhere, seeing as it's right outside Vegas. But still, the neighborhood is considered bum fuck nowhere, with all the desert around us. It's why I moved here, I didn't want to move into the city, I didn't want that life, I wanted something quiet, I wanted something peaceful. That's why I came here. But anyways, I was almost there, to where the others were. I put on a smile, to make myself seem friendly. I walked up to Jane and Charley, I placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Hey Jane! Hey Charley!", I was acting ecstatic to see them, they were good neighbors to talk to, so it wasn't that bad to see them from time to time. Jane turned to look at me and she gave me a big smile. "Hey Rosalie, it's good to see you, did you just come home from work?", I saw Charley looking at me, he gave me a awkward wave of the hand, and I just winked at him. Then I looked back at Jane and I gave her another smile. "I sure did, you wouldn't believe how tired I am, can you believe how many packets of paperwork I had to do today? I'm pretty sure I'm going to go blind. Today was a long day", of course I vented off about my paperwork, I needed someone to vent to, my job life sucked. "You need to get a better job, one that is actually exciting", I couldn't help but laugh at Charley's words, because they were true, I really needed to get a new job. A better job, a exciting job, one that won't make me go blind. "Charley!", Jane scolded Charley, I laughed again and shook my head, they were amusing to watch. Charley just shrugged. "Just saying the truth, even she knows I'm right", I mean, he's not wrong, he's just saying the truth, the cold hard truth.

"I mean, he's not wrong. I really do need to find a better job", I shrugged, the people at my work, were what you would call, Karen's, or they think they're all that, they point their noses to the air and think their shit don't stink, news flash bitch, it does. But then I remembered we weren't alone, oh yeah, the new neighbor. "Oh yes, Rosalie, this is our new neighbor, Jerry. Jerry, this is Rosalie, she lives on the other side of me", I turned my head to look at our hot neighbor, ready to look him over, to get a eyeful, and see if he was my type. But then my smile disappeared and my eyes widened, and I froze. No. No. No. It can't be, it couldn't be. Why? Why? Why now? After all this time, why now? I could feel my eyes start to get glassy, but I won't let this douchebag see me cry. Not today.

I knew my past would someday come to bite me in the ass. And it was standing right in front of me. Staring right back at me, with his dark brown eyes, that almost looked black. I once loved those eyes of his, I always loved how unique they were, but now, I just wanted to go run into my house and never come out. I could feel a shiver run down my spine as I looked at him, his eyes never left mine, I could see the shock in his eyes, I could see the recognition in his eyes, he knew, he knew it was me. Shit. Fuck. Ugh! But then he acted as if nothing happened, and he held out a hand to me, I gulped softly and looked down at his hand, his hands were dirty, but that wasn't what I was focused on, because I could remember all those times that his hands were on my body, my skin, every part of me was touched by those hands. I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. "It's nice to meet you, Jerry", I then put my hand in his and shook his hand, but then he did something that shocked me. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. His eyes never left mine as his lips were on the skin of my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Rosalie", no, no it's not, you dumbass, asshole, motherfucker! You left! You fucking left! You fucking left me! You don't get to stand there and act cute! I won't fall for it again.

I refrained from scuffing at him and yanking my hand back, I just gave him a fake smile, and he knew what my fake smile looked like, and he could see it now. Take that asshole, you don't get to come back into my life just like that, not after all this time. I won't let you. I pulled my hand back from his hand and turned back to look at Jane and Charley, oh and Amy, kind of forgot she was here. Oops. I gave them a smile, this time a real one. "Well, I better go, I forgot I let the stove on and the last thing I want is for my house to catch on fire. Goodnight Jane, Charley, Amy", I didn't even bother to look back at him. I didn't want to, I could already feel his eyes on me, which only caused another shiver to run down my spine, and I hated that it was a good thing. Damn it! I'm not falling for it again! Nope! Nope! Nope! He can go fuck himself! It took everything in me not to turn around and give him a piece of my mind, or to give him the middle finger. I didn't want unwanted questions from Jane, so I just turned and started making my way towards my house. I was half way to my house when I heard Jane talking to Jerry. "Sorry, it takes her awhile for her to get used to new neighbors. But once you get to know her, she's a real sweetheart", I scuffed, yeah right, I was done being a 'Sweetheart' to him. I once let him get to know me, and I regretted it, and I won't be doing it again.

I can only go through one heart break.

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