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Rosalie's POV (A few hours later)

I let out a sigh, getting ready for bed. Trying to forget what I saw today, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care. It's not like I'll see him, he goes to bed during the day, I'm at work most of the day, and it's not like he can come in, I've never invited him in. And yes, if your asking me if I know what he is, then yes, I do. I've known for a long time. But like I said, I don't care, I don't care. I can just ignore him, I can just pretend it's not him and just some random neighbor, I can do that, I can, and that's what I'll do. I'm great at ignoring people, and pretending they're not there. And that's what I'll do.

I was in my pajamas now, getting ready for bed, I was so tired, I just wanted to go up to my bed and go to sleep. I'm a few minutes from passing out on the floor or the couch, which ever is closest. I took a sip of water, hmm, I stood there for a few seconds, my life is not easy, it never has been, I've done a lot to get to where I am now, and it took a lot out of me too. You wouldn't understand what I've been through, you wouldn't be able to walk in my shoes, for the lifetimes I've lived, they were not fun I'll tell you. That's why I try and keep the past in the past and keep trying to live in the present and future. But it's kinda hard when the past lives a few hours down from you. I sighed in irritation, why here? Why now? How did he even know I was here? It couldn't have been coincidental, things are never coincidental with that man, they just aren't. But then why did he look surprised to see me? Did he not know I was going to be here? If not, then why did he choose this bum fuck place? This place doesn't seem like him, so why? There were so many why's that I wanted answers to, but I knew I couldn't get them, I knew I could only get the answers, was by asking them, and I was not about to ask that man for anything. He was lucky I even let him touch me. He's lucky I didn't burn him in his place, he stood there as if he didn't know me, I'm pretty sure that was for Charley's and Jane's benefit though. I saw the recognition in his eyes, I know that he knew it was me. I haven't changed since the last time we've seen each other, but even if I had, he would know my scent anywhere, with a nose like his, of course he would, I could change my hair, my hair color and makeup, but I knew that man would know me, just by scent. And I hated it. I'm just glad he hasn't tried coming up to my door yet, but why would he? He didn't want me, he said so himself, he wanted nothing to do with me, so I'll pretend like I don't know him. He may be pretty, but he's a piece of shit, and I ended up the one being hurt in the end.

So no thank you.

I don't care if Jane or any of the other women on this God damn block thinks he's hotter then hell, that's where he'll be going if he even thinks about touching me again.  I would've been fine with the handshake, but he went too far with kissing the back of my hand, I grit my teeth in anger, he did that all the time back then, it was a normal thing for men to do that, but I won't let him touch me with his dirty hands. I closed my eyes and I took a deep breath through my nose and slowly let it out. You will get through this, you will, you've gotten through everything else. This is just another obstacle, it'll be a piece of cake.

Yeah right.

I was just trying to convince myself.

I opened my eyes when I heard a knock on my door, I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion. I looked at the oven, there was a clock on it, it was late, around 10:30, so who could that be? It couldn't be charley or Jane, and I didn't really talk to anyone else, I was a bit of a hermit, so I didn't really talk to anyone else. So who was it? I walked out of the kitchen and made my way towards the door, I grabbed the bat from behind the couch, just in case, you never know these days. I gripped the handle of the bat in my hand, ready to strike at any second. I grasped the handle in my hand and turned it, I opened it, and I really wish I hadn't. Fuck. I really had to fucking jinx myself, didn't I? My nose flared at the person on the other side of the door. "Go fuck yourself", I spat at him and slammed the door in his face. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest, but it wasn't in fear, but mostly adrenaline. I was not facing my fucking past again, fuck that! He can go fuck himself for all I care! I leaned against the door, I took a few deep breaths in and out. "Rosie, please", my jaw clenched at the name he Called me, I could feel my teeth grit together in anger again. I gripped the bat in my hand tighter. I opened the door, almost breaking the hinges off of the door with my anger. "You have a lot of nerve calling me that! Showing up at my doorstep, I know this won't hurt you, but it'll give me great pleasure hitting you with it, so you better fuck off before I make you", I spat in his face, I ignored his pretty face, I wasn't about to get distracted by it again. I was not the same person I once was, she was long gone. But then I watched closely and intensely as he tried to reach out to me, trying to touch me, but couldn't, because I didn't invite him in. Hmf! Serves him right! I glared at him, he can't just stand there, looking pretty and not act like he didn't leave all those years ago!

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