Shitty Excuses

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Rosalie's POV (The next day)

I could barely concentrate on the stack of papers in front of me. How could I? When the man I've loved my whole life has finally showed up after so long? She he thinks he can just walk back into my life, just like that? Oh hell no! Fuck that! I will no longer fall for Jerry Dandridge's tricks again, he can go fuck himself for all I care! Or walk into the fucking sun, I don't care anymore! 365 years, 365 years! He's been gone from my life! That is basically three lifetimes that he's been gone. So I basically lived three lives without him, HA! That actually sounds pretty fucking sad if you ask me. Real fucking sad. I sighed heavily and grit my teeth angrily. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him so fucking much! "I know paperwork isn't the best job to do, but you don't have to glare at it like it's killed your best friend", I turned my head and saw Anna Beth looking at me with a amused smile on her lips. I sighed heavily again. "Hi Anna Beth", I said softly to her. I really wasn't in the mood to talk, but I know she's gonna wanna know why I'm like this. So let's just get this over with. "So, what's got your panties in a twist?", she asked him. I sighed again and sat back in my seat. I really didn't want to say anything about what's got me in a mood. But I really wanted to rant. But should I tell her? Well, obviously not all of it. I'm not stupid. Not like HIM! I can tell her a little bit. "You know that boyfriend I had before, the one I told you about?", Anna Beth nodded her head. "The boyfriend that broke your heart and is the reason why you don't date or hook up with anyone?", she asked me. I raised an eyebrow at her words. Jesus. Am I really that predictable?

I ran a hand through my hair. "Yes, him", I said to her in a defeated tone. It was her turn to raise an eyebrow at me. "What about him?", she asked me. I sighed heavily and dramatically and face planted my desk. "He's my new neighbor", I mumbled, but I'm pretty sure she was able to hear me. It was quiet for a moment, a long moment. I'm pretty sure she's trying to look for the woods to say to me, to try and comfort me. "Oh..........Rosalie, I'm so sorry, date really screwed you over, didn't it?", she said to me. Wow, not very comforting, but the cold hard truth. Fate really did fuck me over. I hmm'd softly. "Yep", I mumbled softly. Why was this my life? I mean, I've lived three lifetimes, why did he come back in the third life? After 300 and something years, he finally comes back? I got some shitty luck, or fate is really fucking with me this time. "He tried to act as if everything was okay and walk back into my life, like he didn't break up with me", I mumbled softly into my desk. I didn't feel like raising my head from my desk yet. I heard Anna Beth hiss at my words. "That really is a douche move", she said to me sympathetically. I sighed and nodded into my desk. "It really is", I mumbled softly. I sighed one last time and pulled my head back up. "But you know what? I'm gonna do what I do with everything else that's shitty in my life, I'm just gonna ignore him", I said to her. I know it didn't seem like the greatest outlet to use. But I have too much built up inside me, and if I suddenly just it go? Yeah I don't think we want to go there. I have about 300 years worth of shit built up, it's not pretty. And I don't want to get into it anyways. "You know, that's not really healthy to do", Anna Beth said to me. I turned to look at her, she was giving me a sympathetic look, I grumbled under my breath. "Yeah well, I got too much shit built up inside to just let it out, you don't want to see me when I do, it won't be pretty", I told her truthfully. I then went back to the stupid paperwork that I had in front of me. The whole time, I tried to keep his stupid cute mug out of my mind. And believe me, it was a hard thing to do.


By the time I got home, I just wanted to fall face down into my lawn and take a dirt nap, I was so drained, physically and mentally and maybe emotionally. I could barely make it out of my car, I sighed loudly as I locked my car and made my way around the car. It was already mid evening, so the sun wasn't in the sky, but it wasn't night time yet, if that made sense. "Rosie", I froze, fuck! Really?! Can't I have a fucking break here?! I didn't bother to turn around. "Not really in the mood to deal with you Jerry, I'm too tired to deal with your bullshit", I mumbled under my breath, but I knew the asshole would hear me.

"Princess, please", I grit my teeth as I heard him use that fucking nickname again. "Don't fucking call me that Jerry", I spat at him. I turned around and glared at him, damn it! He was wearing all black, and it was messing with my mind, no! I'm not weak! I am not weak! His sexiness can not control me! "You can go fuck yourself, because I do not care", I spat at him angrily. He tried getting closer to me, but I held out a hand to stop him. "I will not fucking hesitate", I hissed at him. He knew I wouldn't hesitate to use my powers on him. He gave me those same puppy dog eyes that he used to give me. But I won't let them control me, fuck that! "Rosie, please, let me explain", he said to me. I laughed bitterly and shook my head. The nerve of this asshole! "No, I won't, because I don't want to hear the bullshit that comes out of your mouth, I won't believe it, and frankly, I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear the fucking excuses that you have for leaving me, for 365 years! For saying the shit that you said to me! For fucks sake! You said you didn't want me, that you didn't love me! A person can't come back from that shit, you broke my heart, you piece of shit", I hissed at him angrily. I was glad that I put a spell around us, so no one would see us or hear us. Because it would look really suspicious to see two neighbors that are supposed to not know each other, yell at each other like they're past lovers, which we were!

I pointed my Pointer finger at him. "You stay the hell away from me, and you leave the fucking neighbors alone too! Or I will not fucking hesitate to send your ass to fucking hell", she hissed at him angrily. But again, he was a dumbass, god damn it! He really was fucking pretty, but he was really fucking stupid! He got too close and he placed his fucking hands on my shoulders, and I didn't fucking hesitate, I flipped him over, and he landed on his back. I bent down to his height. "I told you Jerry, don't fucking touch me, don't come near me, and leave me the fuck alone", I hissed in his face. I then stepped over him, and I continued walking up to my front door. But I didn't even make it to the past the lawn. I yelped and fell on my face on the grass. "Listen to me, you beautiful stubborn woman!", he yelled at me. I groaned in irritation, he really was fucking stupid! I flipped over and glared at him. "You really are fucking stupid, aren't you?", I snapped at him. I sat up and glared at him again. I brushed off my clothes and started to get up. "And why the hell would I listen to a word you say?", I spat at him. Again, he got too close. "Because, I love you", he told me. This time I fucking laughed loudly in his face. "You really think I'm gonna believe that shit? This coming from the man that told me he didn't love me? You got some balls on you to say those words to me", I hissed at him angrily.

I could tell I was pissing him off. I could see his eyes turning to his vampiric black. Oooo! Very scary! Not. He got closer to me and gripped my upper arms. "I already told you the reason why I left, why can't you understand that?!", he yelled at me angrily. I sneered at him angrily. This motherfucker, really? That stupid ass reason he gave me for leaving, was fucking stupid. "That stupid ass reason you gave me for leaving me for 365 years, when you could have came to me! Instead of fucking leaving me! I would have fucking told you! A vampires bite doesn't fucking kill witches! It kills werewolves, you fucking dumbass!", I yelled in his face. His face got closer to mine, and I could see his fangs peeking out from his lips. "I didn't know! Okay?! I didn't fucking know! I left so I could protect you, from myself, I didn't know, and I didn't bother to come to you, because I didn't know if I could control myself around you! You think I wanted to leave you? You think I wanted to say those things to you?! I didn't want to be the reason I killed the love of my life! I didn't fucking know! I fucked up, okay? I know! You've been on my damn mind all these years, not once did I forget you, all these years, I regretted leaving you, all these years, I hated myself for saying those things to you, if I could go back and take it all back, I would!", he yelled at me. I just stood there, listening to him. To every word he said to me, I could hear the sound of my heart beat in my ears and I'm pretty sure he could too. I gulped harshly. I was dumbfounded, I was speechless. I could feel tears well up in my eyes. And your probably thinking, am I really going to forgive him after all these years? After 365 years of thinking he didn't love me? That I would forgive him that easily?

Fuck no.

I scuffed and shook my head. "And yet you still did it, you made me believe for 365 years, that you didn't love me, that you didn't fucking want me, you hurt me, so fucking bad, I don't want to hear your excuses, I don't want to hear anything come from your lips, I am not the same girl you once knew, she died the same day you fucking left", I snapped at him angrily. I then turned and started walking towards my front door. And this time, I wasn't stopped, because I put a barrier between me and him. I was done, I was fucking done.

I was fucking done.

I didn't turn around and look back. I slammed my door shut and that was that.

I was done with his shitty excuses.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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