~ thirteen ~

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It's around 7pm when you check the time, the boys finally finish they last labs after losing most of the game. Feels bad, but at least it would keep them fit.

Now actually that you think about it. They didn't win a single one.

"Okay everyone good job today. think of this as a part of ur training." Coach Ukai called out. Looking at all the tired boys ready to rest. "Running increase your stamina and mentality. Don't feel down if you don't feel like you're doing your best, cause you are. There's more of this to come." Ukai continued. "Now go to the cafeteria and get something to eat, then rest. Big day tomorrow." Coach Ukai said walking towards the teachers lounge.

"My legs feel as if it's gonna snap at any moment." Hinata whine, laying on the grass panting.

"You're just weak ass." Kageyama said, still standing with a smug look.

"At least I have an ass." Hinata shot back. Kageyama shot him a death glare. Which send Hinata to hide behind your back. "Bakayama." He whispered, nobody can hear him but you. You let out a chuckles.

"I mean he got a point." You laughs, and so is Hinata and the rest of the groups. Kageyama shot you a death glare also. Which made u laugh even more. "That glare ain't gonna work on me boy." You said. Slowly recovering from the laughter.

"Okay guys let's wrapped this up. You heard coach Ukai. Go to the cafeteria." Daichi ordered. Which all the boys followed through making their way towards the cafeteria.

"You coming?" Suga asked. Which you shake you head.

"I'm gonna pack up here, you guys go on ahead." You said decided to stay back and pack up the gymnasium.

"Okay don't be to long, cause you might not even get the chance to see dinner." He said chuckling. Knowing the boys would slurp it all up.

"Yeah okay, I'll see you inside in abit." You waved and he waved and turned back and make his ways towards the cafeteria. You sigh, but get on with your work. You packed up the net and rolled it up ready to be put in the storage room.

You make your way around and grab all the volleyball balls and put them in the basket. You looked at the balls and wondered.

I haven't played volleyball since elementary school, I wonder if I still got it.

You looked around seeing as nobody is here you decided to try and serve the ball. You get into position to serve with the ball in your hand and arms forward. You threw the ball up a few feet from you, jogging up to it. When it was on the nice spot you jump up bringing your hand to hit the ball. The ball made impact with your hand which send it flying across landing in the line.

"YESS!" You jumped up excited that you hit that. It's been a long time, but it feels nice.

"Nice serve." A familiar voice called out form behind your. Which made you jumped. You whip your head to see who it was.

"Oikawa you fucking scared the shit out of me." You said clutching your heart. Throwing a ball at him, which he catch. Of fucking course.

"I didn't know you can play." He narrows his eyebrows.

"I don't know how play, and if you excuse me I have work to do." You huffed, turning to pick up the ball you just hit.

"Liar. that serve was powerful, and it was a jump serve. you can't tell me that was your first time. Cause it ain't look like it." He questioning you. which you ignore.

"Whatever don't tell me. I didn't wanna know anyway." He stated crossing his arm. You can feel him eyeing you from head to toe.

"What are you doing here anyway? Can I help you with something." You declared. getting sick of him trying to read you. You don't like it when people are trying to dig your brain.

"Nothing, just watching you." He said honestly. Wow this man ain't got no shame.

"Well if you don't mind, I'm trying to finish cleaning up." You said hinting for him to leave.

"Yeah you can do that. I'll just be here." He smirked, Knowing full well he is getting on your nerve.

"Alone." You stated. Glaring at him. All he can do is smirked. You picked up the net and walk past him to get to the storage rooms

You mothefucker just you wait-

Not long after you feel yourself slipping. You can't do anything since you're holding the net. You clutch to the net for dear life ready for impact. You felt someone grabbing you on both arms. And feel something on your lip. it's soft and warm. also minty.

You open your eyes, and surprisingly met with Oikawa. Ain't no fucking way.

You got up fast and covered your mouth.

"You fucking asshoel why the fuck you kiss me." You shouted, wiping your lips.

"Girl you're the one who was on top of me. You're welcome by the way." Oikawa stated, who is still on the floor.

"You didn't have to do that." You said, feeling heat creeping up your cheek. His lips was so soft omg I-

"If I didn't, you could've spilt your head open." He exclaimed, slowly picking himself up. You realise that he is right. You could've, you sigh.

"I- Thank you. For catching me." You said, your body is turning hot from what just happened.

"Your welcome. Although I didn't expect our first kiss to be this way." He smirked, teasing you. Your face turn red as a tomato now.

"Y- you fucking asshole." You insulted him, throwing the net at him. Turning away from embarrassment.

You exits the gymnasium. Face as hot as a frying pan. You can't believe you just kiss Oikawa. He didn't even care. You remember feeling a rock hard abs on your stomach when you were laying on top of him. Which made you blush even more. FUCKK. You ran towards the cafeteria not giving a second look at the gymnasium.

Holy shit I can't believe that happened. But his lips, his abs, his- OH FUCK. SHUT UP. You shut your thoughts off. After joining the boys.

Her lips was delicious and warm and soft. Oikawa thoughts. He knows he won't be able to resist you, he wants more, and he knows he will have more. Y/N just you wait, you won't be able to resist me for long.

Hello beautiful girlies, and boylies. I'm glad you guys are enjoying the book. I know I've been slack lol. but dw a smut scene is comes soon. I'm tryna set up the story line first atm. I don't want them to go straight in to having s*x yk. I want to build abit of connection between the mc and the character first. i just find it weird them going straight into s*x. but obviously there is a lot of teasing and flirting dw👽🩷

THANKS SM FOR 3k I don't expected that many people to read my book. i appreciate everyone of you guys.


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