2. Rufus Lauferson - The New Manager Of House Of Potter

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Harry tightened his cloak as he snuck out using the secret passage to Hogsmeade. He had an appointment to keep in a few hours after all. After making sure that Mandrake restorative draught was being prepared, he had assembled a makeshift notebook using the parchments and enchanted them for his eyes only, a trick he had learned from Hermione during days of their Horcrux hunt.

He then went on to sketch out a schedule for everything he planned to do in the near future, all while thinking, how it was such a Hermione thing to do. The first thing on his schedule was to make sure Potter Holdings grew in both asset and influence and hence Harry got the idea of Potter Enterprises- a parent company that would either invent or invest in other businesses.

That brought up a question of staff to handle it seeing Harry was still a minor and would be rather busy in the coming years. And within seconds, Harry had the answer.

Rufus Lauferson was someone who had a great impact on Harry's life. Their first meeting was quite an unpleasant memory, seeing they had met each other in Malfoy's dungeons, where he had seen Luna, Olivander, Goblin Griphook and a few others already present. Rufus had refused to escape with Dobby and had been a great help in rescuing Hermione from Bellatrix and Snatchers, taking out Romulus- a strong werewolf and Scabior- the chief snatcher in the scruffle. He had also done much to prepare Harry for the confrontation against Voldemort and his followers, which to be honest was Harry's first proper training to prepare him for a combat situation. All the power, after all, would be quite useless if one didn't know how to use it.

From what Rufus had told him about himself, he had been his parent's senior by 2 years. He had joined the Hit Wizards just after Hogwarts and served for 5 years. After the war, he left for the muggle world seeing no career option because of his muggleborn lineage, which he hated. He cracked the exam for the British Armed Forces and was sent to service after training for a year. He had to retire after he took a nasty injury to his shoulder which disqualified him from the Armed Forces. He got magical help and got rid of his shoulder injury but couldn't rejoin the army, seeing it would be a breach of the Statute of Secrecy. He got into an accelerated course to get Masters in Business administration while he got treatment for his shoulder injury and even tried his hand at business. Unfortunately, it didn't pick up due to sheer nepotism in the Business scene of Britain. Aghast he tried to look for security jobs when he was recruited by a special division of SAS, which protected the Queen from threats- both muggle and magical. He served there for a term of 5 years before he was released as dictated in his employment contracts. Missing the magic, he had tried to establish himself back in Magical Britain where he worked many security assignments for a few years before the return of Voldemort. He had tried to contact the Queen when the situation had gone out of control after the death of Dumbledore but was captured by Death Eaters and thrown into Malfoy's dungeons, where he met the Golden trio.

Harry knew that it was around this time, that Rufus was trying to establish himself in magical Britain, so he would be quite amenable to take up the job of looking after the House of Potter and hopefully take over as Harry's magical guardian so that he was safely out of Dumbledore's influence outside Hogwarts. After all, it was a job that would pay rather well and Rufus was the kind of person who would be attracted to this job.

"Should have just asked Dobby for a lift," Harry grumbled as he picked himself off the floor after the floo spit him out as usual, "I thought I stopped having that problem by now."

Magical travel had indeed started to agree with him by the time he gained his magical maturity at seventeen. Unfortunately, it looked like the days of tumbling and stumbling were back. He shook his head and cleared the soot residue from his person with a wave of his wand, frowning as the wand resisted his magic once again. He suspected it had something to do with the Horcrux being gone from his scar. Thankfully, he could see Ollivander after his business with Rufus was concluded.

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