4. Back To Muggle World

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The Golden Trio, soon going to be a duo if Harry had anything to say about it and he did, were seen sharing their usual compartment as the Hogwarts Express took off from Hogsmeade station to Kings Cross. Hermione sat on the window seat with Harry next to her while Ron sat on the opposite birth, looking weirdly at the duo's newfound closeness. He shook his head and faced Harry, "So mate, what are your plans for summer? I might go to visit Bill with my family but I am not so sure."

"I will be joining Summer Quidditch camp this year. I have heard a lot about it from Oliver and Diggory and I decided to give it a try," Harry replied airily, "What about you, Hermione?"

"My parents are taking me to France this time. We will be returned after six weeks of travelling and sightseeing. Say, Harry, would you be interested in spending time with me for the last two weeks of summer?" Hermione asked her raven-haired friend.

Before he could reply, Ron jumped in, "Why would he go to yours when he could have so much fun with Weasleys at the Burrow? What do you say, Harry? I am sure we will come back in a month or so. And what's this about you joining the Quidditch camp mate? I say you don't go. I have heard from Charlie that while the matches are fun, they make you do lots of work. Why would anyone want to do that?"

Hermione gritted her teeth and was about to burst when Harry's cool answer calmed her.

"I don't see why would I be bored at Hermione's. I was already at the Burrow last summer and I want to spend time with my best friend too," Harry then turned to Hermione, "I will be delighted to accept your invitation, Hermione as long as your parents agree," Hermione nodded in acceptance stating that she had already written her parents about it and they can ask once again at the platform. Harry addressed Ron once again, "As for doing lots of work at Quidditch camp, why wouldn't I? I want to go pro in Quidditch, so of course I have to work for it. I think my inherited skill on broom will take me only so far without working really hard for it."

"You want to go pro in Quidditch!" This time both Hermione and Ron echoed their sentiments together.

Harry scratched his neck sheepishly and grinned, "Well I am not completely sure but having such skills and not putting them to use would be quite a waste. I mean I literally haven't lost a stitch ever in any of the games and that's saying something, even if it is in just school-level tournament. As I said, I am not completely sure, but I am hoping that going to camp will help me consolidate my opinion. I might play a few in a few Hogsmeade tournaments as well. I have heard that both national and pro teams scout for the players there. Who knows, I might become the youngest professional Quidditch player, like in Hogwarts," he finished with a laugh.

They talked about it for some time before Hermione changed the topic by asking about optional.

"Divination and Care of course," Ron replied lazily, "they are the easiest. Divination is an easy O and Care is not as stuffy and boring as others. What about you?"

"I am taking all of them," Hermione replied proudly getting a 'mental' from Ron in return who turned to Harry for support.

Harry again waved Ron's attempt off and replied, "If anyone can do it, it's you, Hermione. Though do be careful and do not burn yourself by doing it, okay!" making Hermine beam at him.

Ron shook his head in irritation and turned to Harry, "What about you mate? You join me in Divination and care, aren't you?"

Harry shook his head, "Nah, I will be taking Arthimancy and Care of Magical Creatures. I have an interest in spell crafting and CoMC seems like an interesting subject to choose. And guess what, Kettleburn is retiring. You do understand what it means don't you?"

Hermione's eyes widened, "Hagrid! Hagrid is going to be our new Care professor, isn't he?"

Harry grinned and nodded in affirmation, "You got it, Hermione!"

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