1. Slaying the Snake!

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"The Hell!" Harry's unexpected squeaky voice rang through the chamber of secrets, as he found himself armed with a sword as Fawkes the phoenix attempted to claw out the eyes of gigantic basilisk.

Harry was sure he wasn't supposed to be here, or at least not at the time. He was supposed to be brooding and regretting not asking Hermione out when he had the chance. Then what was he doing in the chamber of secrets, a place where he hadn't been for 9 long years and doing something he had already done years ago? Yes, he had wished for it to happen, but was it supposed to be so easy? Then he remembered meeting Lady Death and Lady Fate and coming to some kind of accord with them, which was a bit fuzzy in his memory, and then he was supposed to go back. He didn't think it would mean back with capital B.

Instinctively, he dodged a green spell and snarled in the direction it came from. The sneering shade of Tom Riddle was grinning cruelly at him as he shot two more spells at his person, one crimson-black, that Harry recognized as Blood Boiling curse and second purplish black that was Flesh Rotting curse. Annoyed, Harry channelled some magic through the Sword of Gryffindor and batted it aside, completely surprising Riddle.

By then, Harry had enough idea of what might be going on, after all, he wasn't just Master of Death, was he? He was also 'Fate's plaything'. Shaking his head, he concentrated on the present. If Lady Fate had thrown another oddball at him, he will make damn it damn sure to take every advantage he could gain from it. He would lament his situation later.

"Fawkes, Stop!" Harry called out, "Onto me, now!"

Fawkes suddenly flamed at his side, pushing him down with his surprising weight as a green life-snuffing curse passed through the position where Harry was a moment before.

"Thanks, Fawkes!" Harry said gratefully receiving a welcoming trill from the said phoenix. He again swiped his wand in Riddle's direction and used the overcharged smoke-screen spell to completely blind shade of Riddle. He might be spectral and able to walk through solid, but that didn't mean he didn't need to see.

"Flame me on the top of Snake's head. I will take care of it!" With a trill of affirmation, Fawkes got a hold of Harry's robes and flamed him above the Basilisk's head.

He started channelling his magic through the sword reinforcing it enough to pass through the nearly impenetrable scales of Basilisk, especially a thousand-year-old one, which led to a whitish aura surrounding the sword.

"Now!" Harry shouted and Fawkes dropped him on the top of Basilisk's head

"Rahhhh!" Harry shouted as he increased his magical output to increase the power of the sword and impaled it through the thick scale of Basilisk. He was rewarded by pained hissing shriek which died down gradually. Harry Potter had brought an end to Slytherin's Basilisk which had been lurking below Hogwarts for nearly 1000 years.

He changed the direction of his wand and pointed it at unconscious Ginny, his mind filling with hate for the bitch who tried to ensnare him using potions before he calmed himself. A blue spell shot off his wand and slammed into Ginny, sending her flying away, leaving the Diary 'Horcrux' behind.

By then Riddle had got rid of Smoke-screen, using an averagely powerful Ventus.

"How dare you!" Riddle's shade shrieked as he saw 'his' Basilisk being killed at the hands of his nemesis.

"I am a Lion Riddle, of course, I dare!" Harry snorted pissing the brat form of Dark Lord badly.

With a frustrated scream, Riddle sent a chain of Flesh Rotting, Blood boiling and Organ Liquifying curses at Harry, which Harry shielded by taking cover behind Basilisk's corpse.

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