Part I

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Dan's POV
I hate Phil. I hate how he always is so childish, how he never seems to be able to do anything even a bit mature. You couldn't have a normal conversation with him without him mentioning lions or something even once. And yet here I was... My science teacher knows how much I hate Phil, and of course he put us together as partners for the last semester.
So there I was. Forced to sit next to the person i hate the most in this f*cking shit school. My one week break of partying was over and i was forced to do this last semester of my last year of hell. With Phil. See the thing was, i was failing science at that point. I was failing a lot of classes. But i told myself to start working because i really couldn't handle another year here. As I was saying, i sat next to Phil, sighing loudly as i walked to the table, i dumped my bag and then threw my books on the table. I slumped in my seat trying to sit as far away from Phil as possible and sighing loudly again to show i really didn't like sitting next to him and leant lazily against the wall, Trying to look as annoyed as possible.i could see Phil from the corner of my eye, sitting upstraight in his chair, with his books full off doodle's and colours and stickers which seemed extra childish compared to my black ones. At first he was surprised and watched me with wide eyes, but when i shot him a what-are you-looking-at-m8?!-Look, he looked away quickly and payed attention to our teacher who was about to start the lesson. "So class" the teacher started explaining what we had to do, but the first two words bored me already, so i put my headphones in, 'famous last words' from my chemical romance blasting through my ears. Well, there goes my resolution of doing work and paying attention... I closed my eyes and listened to the music. I got out of my trance by someone poking me with a (with lions covered) pencil. My eyes shot open and Phil backed away quickly. I took one earbud out and shot him an annoyed look "what?" I said. "Eehr... We have to work on the project, want me to explain what we have to do?" He asked silently. I rolled my eyes but nodded, pausing my music. phil explained what we had to do, although i didn't understand a word. "... So we will have to work on it after school too if that's okay..." He finished his explanation, looking at his desk. I rolled my eyes again, but i knew Phil didn't like working with me too "can't you just do it?" I asked "well, you actually really need two people to do this, and it might be good for you grades...?" He said. I can't believe how many times i have to roll my eyes when i'm around this kid.

Phil POV.
"You shouldn't let him talk to you like that, he treats you like a dog!" Chris blurted. It was finally break and i had told my two best friends Chris and PJ about how my science teacher had put me next to Dan Howell. Dan Howell. He was the kid everyone liked but was also afraid of. He was kinda popular and partied a lot, he always got the most drunk. He was annoyed a lot and his grades weren't good. So, of course, a un-popular, shy kid like me is scared of him. I don't really care about his opinion, i never cared about the cool kids anyway, but this guy was scary... He is always so dark and stuff... I sigh "but he's kinda scary and i just.. I don't know he's intimidating..." I said, looking at the table. "I get that, but you won't do all the work and let him do nothing okay? If you do that i will cut you to pieces you can't let him walk over you like that okay?" Chris says and nod. "Okay now the fun stuff!!" PJ says, trying to lighten the mood. It works, PJ is always able to lighten the mood. The rest of break we laug at PJ's funny story's about what he had done this break and how his english teacher had managed to embarrass herself in front of the class. The bell rang way too soon. "What do you guys have?" I ask Chris and PJ "i have math" PJ says "i have history" Chris says "i have math too, good luck with mrs Johnson" i say and wink at Chris. Mrs Johnson hated Chris. "Ugh" he says, then rolls his eyes and goes to his class. I smile at PJ and we leave for math. We take our seats in the back of the class, and creepy Dan on the opposite side of the class, leaning against the wall, chewing gum while listening to his music. Great. He was here too. The lesson was boring as usual, so i looked out of the window and drew a few more lions. I started scanning the class and saw Dan look at me. I went red and looked away quickly. He freaks me out every time. I hate that guy.

The chemistry projectOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant