Part III

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Dan's POV.
My alarm wakes me up the next morning. Uugh. I press snooze and turn around, five more minutes. One minute later i wake up, and half an hour has passed... Shit! I drag myself out of bed and in the shower, staying there way too long. I wash my hair and body, then get out of the shower, put a towel around my waist and walk back in to my room, sighing as i pull black skinny jeans and a black shirt out of my wardrobe. I put my clothes on and straighten my hair. I hate it if it's curly. I check the time and i'm way too late of course. I take my black backpack i packed yesterday evening and pull on my black shoes. You can say i like black. What i don't like is school. I hate it so fûcking much. Nothing matters, we're all gonna die anyway so why do anything. The only reason i go is that there's nothing else to do. I put my headphones in and smile as revolt from muse's new album plays. When i come down there's a sticky note on the table: *sorry that i'm not home honey, had to work early. Phoebe is already at school. Have a good day! Xx mom* i sigh again. I know she works really hard to buy food and stuff, but since my dad left i never really see her anymore since she's so buzzy. Phoebe is my little sister. She is one of the reasons i haven't gone completely nuts. She is a ray of sunshine and i love her alot. I will protect her no matter what. No time for breakfast.

I walk in to class (science) ten minutes late. I sigh as i remember i have to sit next to Phil. Ugh. I drop my books on the table and lean back in my chair. I can see Phil looking at me, but i don't care. "Er... I eeh..." He starts. I glare at him and he clears his throat "we have to work on our project" he says. I sigh, annoyed and sit up a bit straighter "what am i supposed to do?" I say. "Well... You could... You know..." He stutters. I roll my eyes "can you just be clear for a sec!?" I say angry "er yeah sorry can you just write down what i say?" Phil says, turning red and looking at his table. I shouldn't have yelled. He didn't really do anything wrong. He waits till i open my notebook and have my pen ready. Then he starts saying what i should write down. "Sorry" i say, while he's waiting for me to finish writing after he said the sentence. "what?" He says, looking at me with a confused look in his eyes "i'm not gonna say it again Lester" i say. "Eehr yeah... So then.." He scratches his head and starts saying what i should write down again and soon the bell rings. We don't even look at each other while leaving the classroom.

The chemistry projectOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant