Small signs

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Alex woke up and he felt the same yet different he couldn't quite put his finger on it so he forgot about, just as he was stretching he heard knocking but it was a different knock it was Emma's knock, "come in Em" said Alex as Emma walked through his door immediately hugging her little brother. "Mum and dad went out for the day with some friends so its just you and me Alex" said Emma excitedly "oh nice a day to ourselves I feel like we haven't had that in forever" replied Alex "yeah same" said Emma. Emma and Alex are three years apart in age but she is still Alex's best friend and vise versa, they have always been there for each other and they love each other even more for that. Alex and Emma walked downstairs of their family's quaint cottage just outside of Willowbrook, the house was rustic but the children grew up there and have many memories as well in the house. "Alex turn on the tv please I will make breakfast" said Emma to Alex as she walked into the kitchen and he into the living room turning on Netflix so they could watch now you see me 2 as they had watched the first one the previous night. Emma walked into the room holding two bowls of yogurt with strawberries and blueberries, "aw thanks Em" said Alex grabbing a bowl which he put on the coffee table as did Emma sliding in next to him. As the siblings ate their food and enjoyed the movie they decided to just relax for the day and enjoy the sun while they still had it as it began to grow cold in Willowbrook and more jumpers started to be seen around town. After the movie when Emma went to the toilet Alex laid down on the couch enjoying the view of the trees outside the house, Emma slowly tiptoed behind Alex and then jumped over the couch startling him as she started tickling him "aw stop Emma please stop" screamed Alex just then Emma stopped and laughed at the way the boy screamed "you sounded like me when I was 8 and had a nightmare" laughed Emma. As the siblings got dressed for the day Alex walked over to the swing hanging off a tree their dad had made and Emma sat on the swing next to him slowly picking flowers off the ground, "Em why do you still pick those flowers your 16" "it's because I enjoy it and they are pretty Alex" said Emma lightly jabbing him in the side. "Ok I want to get coffee and you want a hot chocolate so lets go down the street to the coffee store huh Alex" said Emma getting off her swing elegantly "ok Em lets go" said Alex running off the swing and almost face planting in the mud before Emma grabbed him "don't worry Alex I saved you from the scary mud" said Emma as she pulled her brother up right "yeah thanks" replied Alex semi quietly. As the siblings walked down the street they started talking about when they where younger "remember when mum first let us walk home" said Alex "yeah she was so scared you where going to get kidnapped that I had to hold your hand the whole way home" replied Emma laughing and jokingly slipping her hand into Alex's to which Alex held back causing Emma to say "aw such a cutie scared of the world without me his protector" joked Emma as they neared the coffee shop. As they entered the coffee shop Emma pulled out her wallet as she ordered her coffee and his hot chocolate, the pair sat down at a table looking out to the road as they people watched and slowly slipped on their drinks. In the coffee shop there was some light jazz playing in the background and even though Alex usually complained about it when Emma would hum along she hummed today and Alex even lightly hummed as well blushing when Emma smiled at him. As the pair walked home Emma decided to grab them some lunch for later so as Alex was about to turn onto their street Emma once again grabbed his hand and said "we are going to go find something for us to eat for lunch" Alex just nodded as they walked towards their favorite lunch time spot a sandwich shop where they both got a sandwich and while they waited Emma caught Alex taking quick looks at the watercolour paintings on the wall but she decided not to say anything but decided she would get hers out later. As they walked back to the house Alex grabbed Emma's hand saying it was cause "his hands where cold" but Emma just let him thinking about how cute of him it was, when they walked into their house Alex again complained about being cold so Emma wrapped him in a hg before turning on the heater. As the day goes on Emma gets out her watercolours and starts to paint pretty flowers and after a while she notices Alex lurking in the back watching her paint "Alex I can teach you to paint if you want and if you just want to watch come sit next to me" says Emma turning to Alex. Alex quietly says "can you teach me to paint" "of course Alex" says Emma almost a little to excited, she teaches Alex the basics of water colours before she decides to let him paint his own thing "ah" says Alex annoyed "Alex it's to paint it took me a long time to get good at it" says Emma smoothly. After two hours they finish their paintings and Alex stands very close to Emma saying "yours is really good, can we do this again sometime?" "yes of course Alex just say when" says Emma excitedly. As the sun sets Emma sits on the couch watching the beautiful colours illuminate the sky, Emma sees Alex come out of his room and slowly sit on the couch "c'mon Alex your not to old to sit with your sister" says Emma as Alex sits next to her and after a little leans his head on her shoulder, Emma puts an arm around him enjoying the comfort of her little brother. As the sun goes beneath the trees the siblings turn on some dim lights for a nice ambiance and Emma starts preparing dinner with Alex standing behind her asking to help with whatever he can so Emma gets him to start prepping the pasta while she makes the sauce for their dinner, finally they finish and they take it to eat by the fire while they watch tv. Mid way through their movie they hear knocking on the door before unlocking it and seeing their parents walk through "hello my dears how was your day" says Sarah warmly to which Emma replies "it was good we got some lunch and I taught Alex how to paint" "oh wow painting, Alex good on you for trying something new. After a bit of talking about their days both siblings retreat to their room for the night, Just before Alex decides to go to sleep he goes into Emma's room and lays on her bed to say night but he falls asleep and Emma soon does to next to her brother.

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