Alex's confusion begins

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Alex wakes up in a unfamiliar place before realising it's Emma's room then he wonders how he got there before again remembering falling asleep on Emma's bed last night, Alex peaks at her clock and sees its only 3 in the morning so he decides to go back to sleep this time squishing up against Emma for warmth. When Emma wakes up she realises it's 8am and then she feels Alex right next to her and she slowly shakes him awake and he yet again complains about being cold and as Emma just woke up she decides to give him a old pair of her sweatpants and a oversized hoodie covering him in her old clothes. When looks at him she sees his golden blonde hair sticking up making him look a little more girly, again when the Emma ventures downstairs she sees a note from their parents telling them that they are going away for the day again. Emma walks back upstairs to find Alex now fully awake and he quickly says "hey Em I am feeling weird but not like sick just different today" Emma then hugs him and says "your ok buddy if you feel weird just tell me and we can try figure it out" Alex just nods his head quietly. When Emma takes Alex downstairs they agree to have a day in so Emma starts a fire and tells Alex to get pillows and blankets while she prepares breakfast. They both meet at the couch at the same time with Alex dragging many pillows and blankets behind him, Emma also made pancakes with honey which they both enjoy, as the day drags on the siblings decide on a movie marathon starting with the maze runner trilogy. It was during the second movie when Alex screamed as he saw a zombie and he dug his head into Emma's shoulder, Emma thought this was out of character for him but she enjoyed the boys company so she let him lean into her. After the siblings had a lunch of mac n cheese they decided to do some more painting this time painting a pretty sunset photo Emma found on her phone, Emma's painting turned out well but Alex's not so much but he didn't mind and as they returned to movies Emma picked up a thick blanket which she chucked over herself and Alex. Alex would have used to have complained about Emma taking care of him as she had been but now he let her do it. When Alex went up to the bathroom he walked past Emma's room and he saw a few stuffed animals which he took back with him to the couch and he then threw the stuffed penguin at her as well as a stuffed cat but when he came back onto the couch Emma had set them up next to each other. As the days of the holidays went on by Alex and Emma spent more time together and before long their bond was stronger than ever, it had been a week since the holidays started and the morning started the same with Emma waking Alex up then they would have breakfast together but this morning after breakfast before the siblings decided they would go out and enjoy the day Alex called Emma to his room where he had her help him pick out a outfit for the day which consisted of blue undies a pair of black track pants and a purple shirt with matching purple jumper but today Alex asked Emma for a pair of her gloves as he had lost his so he also had on a pair of pink gloves. When they walked down the street to the coffee shop Alex slipped his gloved hand into Emma's as they neared the coffee shop Emma confirmed he wanted a hot chocolate but he also asked if they could share a chocolate muffin which Emma agreed to. Once they left the coffee shop Alex slipped his hand into Emma's hand as they walked by different shops and when they saw a store that sold plushes Alex begged Emma to take him in where he spent his time looking at different stuffed animals before asking Emma to get him a small penguin plush matching her stuffed animal. Emma's heart melted as she felt Alex give in to more of his desires. Alex is confused about his new found love for stuffed animals but he also enjoys it and as Alex and Emma walk home Alex holds his stuffed penguin while asking Emma "Em what should I call him" "I'm not sure you should think about that on our way home" replied Ema smiling at her brother. As they walk home Alex thinking of names for his stuffed penguin the wind howls around them causing Alex to jump, Emma slips her hand into his and he instantly calms down and as the wind howls around him Alex looks around his surroundings looking at the passing dogs. When they get home Alex asks "hey Em can we do some more painting" "of course Alex" replied Emma getting out her watercolours and setting them up on the kitchen table, as the pair paint Emma sneaks a look at Alex's and sees him painting their garden and she can also the improvement in his painting as he started to blend colours and mix designs. "Emma can we go outside for a bit" says Alex standing up to walk towards the door "of course" Emma replies doing the same as they sit down outside Alex just looks at the different trees and plants in the backyard, as a bunny runs by Alex follows it with his head and eyes. Alex spots an old trail going through the backyard and he points at it and says "Emma Emma can we go through the trail please" Emma nods to him as he runs off ahead into the bush occasionally coming to walk next to Emma looking through the bush at trees finally Emma said "Alex buddy its time we go home its getting dark" Alex sighed as he bounded back to Emma walking alongside her. While Emma cooks dinner Alex sits on the couch watching more tv and becoming more and more invested in the movie and as one of the main characters almost dies Alex feels his eyes welling up a little with tears before quicky wiping them away with his sleeve. After their dinner both siblings go to their rooms and Alex looks for a book to read on his shelves and is quickly dragged towards "murder most unladylike" a murder mystery, but as Alex starts to read he becomes a little frightened and when he goes into his sisters room to read with her he complains of his lights not being bright enough. As Emma goes downstairs to cook their dinner Alex follows her sitting on the couch not looking away from his book once and as Emma calls for him he doesn't even hear here as he is to ingulfed into the story, so as Emma walks up behind him and starts tickling him he finally gives in squealing like a little girl. This time the pair sits side by side looking out into the ever darkening garden and Alex looking out sees a shape run through the garden and he points it out to Emma "Emma theirs something in the garden look look" "yes Alex is probably just a bunny" replies Emma laughing at her brothers naivety. "Emma can we watch Harry Potter tonight please" says Alex pleading to Emma "yes of course of I haven't watched that so long" so as the pair gets ready for their movie Emma grabs a massive blanket before chucking it over each of them, as the movie progresses and Alex becomes more ingrained in it he doesn't notice himself slowly moving towards Emma. It was almost the end of the movie when Harry was fighting Voldemort does Alex jump and scream to which Emma laughs at him before pulling him in next to her to which he slightly tries to fight back before giving in and finishing the movie with Emma. As both siblings return to Emma's room to read they hear their parents come home and shout their hellos to each other before delving back into their books, and as the clock nears 10 Emma says to Alex "hey Alex its probably time you do your teeth and get changed then you can come back here with me" Alex nods before rushing off into the bathroom to do is teeth then Emma sees him speed by into his room finally coming back into her room in a pair of white and black striped pajamas. Emma was sitting at her desk reading and after 15 minutes she turns around to check on Alex and sees him passed out on her bed so she moves his book and puts him under her blue covers and after another 15 minutes Emma goes to sleep with him. Alex wakes up and turns around seeing himself in the mirror he is wearing similar clothes to what he went to bed in but this time his hair is longer and it is in a ponytail but as Alex looks back at himself he notices that his have changed into pink and white striped pajamas and Alex feels his skin is smoother than usual but rather than find this weird he thinks its normal. As Alex walks into Emma's room she wraps him in a hug saying "morning Ava" "huh Ava?" Alex replies but in a high pitched voice not to dissimilar of his sisters when she was around 11 or 12, "aw silly billy woke up and cant remember her name" said Emma in a sing song type voice as she brushed Alex's hair back "I love what you did with your hair Ava it looks cute" Alex smiles but he also blushes as Emma grabs his hand and takes him downstairs. Just then Alex wakes up again in Emma's bed and he was confused by his dream but for some reason he enjoyed it, he looked over at Emma's clock and saw it had just turned 4 and he slowly reached over Emma to grab her stuffed penguin which he held tight and again turned into Emma. This time Emma woke up first feeling Alex pushed up against her but she saw he was holding her stuffed penguin and she decided not to wake him up instead rustling his hair, as Emma prepped breakfast she thought that Alex had been acting a bit differently lately but she decided to help him along whatever journey he was on, also thinking about his actions which reminded her of when she was about 11 or 12. Again Emma decided that she would help Alex do whatever he wanted and then she looked back upstairs seeing Alex stand in her doorway still holding the penguin, and as he walked down the stairs Emma said "cute penguin buddy do you like him" Alex just nodded and squished the penguin into his chest before sitting on the couch waiting for her. They decided over breakfast that they would go to a park today just like when they where younger, Alex walked upstairs dragging Emma by one hand and holding the penguin in the other he dragged her into his room and asked her to help him pick out a outfit for the day. Emma first picked out a pair of black track pants and a black shirt but Alex quickly shutting down the idea saying he wanted something brighter, so Emma eventually found a light blue shirt with the matching jumper as well as a pair of grey trackpants, Alex approved of this idea finally putting down the stuffed animal and he started changing starting with his light blue undies then his pants, his shirt, his jumper then lastly his shoes and socks. As the pair left the house going towards the old playground Alex looked into the sky pointing out different shaped clouds to Emma and as they neared the park Alex dragged Emma onto the swings with him and they talked about old memories at the park. After half an hour of the playground Alex saw a path which he and Emma took winding through the forest and as they walked through Alex heard the many birds chirping and he listened intently pointing out different animals to Emma as they walked through the forest eventually coming out by their house. This time they sit in the yard enjoying each others company while watching the trees and the forest life around them and Alex looked around at the forest and just sat there invested in the trees and the bushes around him. When the pair walk inside Alex finds a notebook and starts drawing the outside life in as best detail as he can, Emma walks up behind him and says "that looks really pretty Alex" "thanks Em" replies Alex turning around to smile brightly at his sister, Emma sits alongside the boy and they talk about the wonders of the outside world. "Emma when are the leaves going to start changing colour?" "in autumn Alex so like next month" replies Emma looking out into the trees "they look really pretty in autumn" says Alex also staring outside "hey Em" says Alex slyly as he turns his head "yeah?" she replies "wanna build a fort" "why not " says Emma as they walk over to the couches. As the siblings spend an hour building the fort in front of the tv out of pillows, chairs and blankets Emma turns to Alex and smiles "hey Alex mum and dad are out tonight we should spend the night in here" Alex smiles brightly and nods aggressively as they drag down Emma's mattress and put in the middle of their fort. As the siblings lie down on the mattress they decide to order pizza and have a movie night, as they wait for the pizza the pair get some movies lined up starting with Enola Holmes, just then the doorbell rings and Emma runs up and grabs their two pizzas before placing it on the mattress and going beneath the covers. As the night progresses until 10:30 Alex slowly leans his on Emma's chest before swiftly falling asleep, Emma feels her brothers head and strokes his blonde hair noticing it's grown, soon after Emma wraps up the movie and turns it off leaving the room in darkness and Emma decides to fall asleep. Alex wakes up and he feels as though it must be 1 in the morning but then he hears a noise outside causing him to jump and accidently wake up Emma, "Alex what are you doing?" says Emma sitting up "I-I think I heard something outside" Alex says shakily "it's probably nothing" Emma says pulling Alex down into a hug before they both fall asleep. Alex wakes up and sees sunlight streaking through the windows and he smells bacon as he crawls out of the fort seeing Emma cooking breakfast, "that smells really good Em" says Alex walking up behind Emma and resting his head on her back "aw thanks Alex" says Emma turning around to squeeze Alex in a hug.

Alex's new life and a regression storyWhere stories live. Discover now