Embracing it

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When Emma walks downstairs she sees a note from their parents informing them that they are going to be away for three days and that they put some money into Emma's bank account. As Emma prepares breakfast she sees Alex walk down the stairs and then he walks up to her and hugs her and as he does Emma recites the note to him and then Alex says "Em I think I might be a girl, like all my hair is disappearing and I like your clothes more than mine, I don't know what to do" then Alex starts quietly crying and Emma hugs him and says "Alex there is nothing wrong with that if you want to be a girl I will let you" Alex nods and Emma wipes away his tears then he says "yesterday when I was at daycare I like the name Madison can you call me that or Madi?" Emma nods feeling gratefully that Alex now Madison feels that he can express this to her. "Emma can you also call me a girl I want to be a full girl now" says Madison, Emma nods as Madison stands next to her as she finishes breakfast. Over breakfast they decide that they need to get rid of Madison's old clothes and replace them with girl ones so Emma puts them up for sale online trying to get buyers while they go out. Madison asks Emma if she can help her pick out an outfit, Emma takes Madison into her room as they find an outfit for Madi, Emma asks her about different outfit's but some Madison doesn't feel comfortable in yet finally Emma finds a pair of pink panties a pair of black tights and a white fluffy jumper as well as a pink beanie. As they arrive at the mall Madison starts to feel overwhelmed and cry's a little scared of going in public as a girl but Emma wipes her tears away and grabs her hand as they walk into the big mall, as soon as they enter Madison spots clothes stores she wants to go into and drags Emma along, Emma finds her long blonde hair swaying cute and even cuter that her once brother is taking her to a girls clothing store. As they walk around Madison picks up different items of clothing but Emma puts some back as she only wants Madison to have things she definitely likes not wanting her to feel pressured to wear what other girls wear. Madison finds two jumpers one purple and the other light blue then she also grabs long sleeved white top a baggy purple top as well as a Harry Potter shirt similar to those that Hermione wore, Madi grabbed a mix purple and white knitted jumper a fluffy purple bomber jacket and lastly a pair of overalls. As Emma paid she noticed Madi being more lively and excited as a girl, Emma put Madi's new clothes into her bag before she grabbed Madi's hand directing her into another clothing store. In the next store before finding the clothes Madison asked Emma to buy her some hair ties but Emma said they had enough at home but then Madison grabbed a two pack of scrunchies one pink and one purple that Emma let her get. In this store Madison quickly grabbed a purple scarf and a light blue dress that Emma tried to deny her but Madi pushed through and got the dress as well as two pairs of pants one purple the other light blue, as the girls walked passed the underwear isle where Madi ran in and grabbed a seven pack of pink, blue and purple undies as well as a 2 pack of pink and purple undies which are thicker and cotton. "Madi you know those are panties right?" Madi nodded happily and Emma accepted this, as Emma paid Madison stared out into the crowds while holding Emma's hand without knowing, after they left the store Madison started to feel tired and as they walked she walked closer and closer to Emma eventually resting her head on Emma. When they finally reached the car Madison sat in the front seat and by the time Emma finished packing up the car she was asleep, while Madison slept she dreamt of life as a girl a even younger girl and this brought a smile to her face. Emma carried Madison inside putting her down in her bed before deciding Madison wouldn't like the boyish colours so she laid the peaceful Madison on her own bed covering her with blankets before returning downstairs to collect the items from the car, after finishing unpacking the car Emma sat down enjoying her alone time but slightly missing Madison so she walked up to her room and sat on the bed feeling Madison slowly awake she brushed a loose hair from Madison's face. Emma went up into the attic rummaging around for more of her old stuff eventually finding old bedding and a box of clothes, Emma went into Madison's room and started stripping her bed replacing the old blue and green covers for pink and purple ones. While Emma did this she noticed Madison in the door "Madi is there something wrong?" said Emma as she turned to Madison who nodded before saying "I don't like this room I want my bed to be in your room, Emma decided to accept this as she had Madison push her bed into Emma's room putting in the corner next to Emma's bed leaving them with just about a meter between beds, Madison smiled and hugged Emma thanking her for her understanding. The girls spent the rest of the day moving some of Madison's items into her new room which included her closet and draws and after they had been moved Emma and Madison started to move Emma's new clothes into the closet and as they looked they realised how bare it was so Emma said to Madison "hey Madi when mum and dad get home we can have mum take us out to shop for you" Madison smiled warmly liking this suggestion. As the pair had two days until their parents came home Emma helped transition Madi into being a girl by helping her do her nails and hair, as the day passed Emma and Madi sat outside enjoying the breeze but as she felt the tell tale signs of the need to sleep she leaned up against Emma enjoying her warmth before she fell asleep and Emma carried her up to her bedroom she smiled at her younger sister. Madi woke up in the middle of the night by a nightmare and as she cried she felt Emma sit next to her embracing her in one of her warm hugs which Madi and grown to enjoy but as much as she loved her sisters warmth the need to pee outweighed it but she was scared of the dark asking Emma to hold her hand as she went into the bathroom but her fingers shook as she was still scared of the dark causing Emma to pull down her pants and panties before sitting her on the toilet letting her do her business before carrying Madi back to bed with her. As the sisters curled up under the blankets Madi turned to Emma who was awake before saying "thank you so much Emma I love you, you have really helped me" Emma smiled before pulling Madi in tight and saying "I always wanted a little sister and you brought her to me" Madi smiled as she felt the warm sun hit her face but as the pair sat together Madi suddenly lost her smile as she ran towards the bathroom with Emma behind her having just enough time to pull her hair back as she vomited in the toilet. After her vomiting incident Madi had a bucket by her at all times and Emma as well comforting her, after her vomiting when Madi cried Emma held her tight hugging her as she brushed Madi's hair out of her face, while Madi sat on the couch Emma sat with her stroking her neck and running her fingers through her hair. As the day dragged on Emma put on a romantic movie on the tv hoping to distract Madi which it did until she felt the need to throw up and as she bent down to throw up she felt an unfamiliar warm wetness soak her pants and as she finished vomiting she cried realising she had peed herself and soon Emma ran in seeing her sisters accident she hugged her tight reassuring her that it's fine as she was vomiting and it happens to loads of people. As Madi sat on the couch she watched the tv crying but as a commercial came on she noticed it was for pull ups for teens and as she looked to Emma Emma asked her "do you want to try them for just today? so then you won't have to worry about accidents and they look cute, also I can just easily change you" "ok then" says Madi smiling slightly. As Emma helps Madi into the car she has her hold her bucket and when they arrive at the supermarket Madi grabs Emma's hand and Emma directs her towards the diaper isle but as they walk in they spot the pull ups but Madi also notices another pack which she likes the design of "Emma can I get those ones to they are for toddlers but it's cute and I'm small please pleaseee" says Madi holding up the pull ups Emma nods while also grabbing to packs of the original pull ups and ask's Madison "Madi which ones do you prefer butterfly or penguin?" Madison points towards the penguin ones as Emma says "I figured" as they pay Madison tugs on Emma's jumper saying "I need to pee can I try the pull up?" Emma nods and grabs Madison's hand before directing her to the changing room. As Emma helps Madison up she picks up both pull ups and letting Madison choose and Madison points towards the one she picked out which where pink princess ones and then Emma pulls down her pants and slides the pull up up snugly and as she looks at Madison she notices that her dress is quite short and as Emma picks up Madi before putting her down she sees the pull up beneath her dress as well as the top of the pull up sticking up through her dress between the shirt. "So Madi go in your pull up you said you needed to pee"  Madison squints hard before asking Emma "Emi can you push my bladder so it makes me pee?" to which Emma complies and soon she hears the sound of the pee hitting her pull up. Before they leave the bathroom Emma puts the rest of the pull up into her bag and suddenly Madi runs to the toilet and starts vomiting, "hey hey it's ok Madi" says Emma calmly as she strokes Madison's hair and as they leave she notices Madison's pull up sagging below her dress significantly and while they walk through the store a few people stare at them and Emma pulls Madi in tight. When they arrive home Emma has Madi lay on the couch as she pulls her wet pull up down putting it to the side before pulling a new one up, Emma soon chucks the pull up in the bin and leaves the rest downstairs figuring Madi will need to be changed and their parents won't be home until the morning after tomorrow. "Emma can you sit with me I'm tired" says Madi sliding herself further into the couch and as Emma slides in next to her Madi rest's her head on Emma's chest before she blushes and giggles shyly and closes her eyes as Emma puts an arm around her sister but as she lets her rest she notices the pull up beneath her dress realising that she looks like a cute little girl struggling with potty training. Madi awakes in a whimsical place one of magic and imagination and as she makes her way down a pathway she looks up at the magical world around her smiling as she embraces the warm air and reaches a small cottage that as she nears the door flies open revealing Emma waiting for her. As Madi makes her way into the house Emma takes her to a room that feels similar yet different and Emma walks into a closet grabbing a pink frilly dress that Madi for some reason likes the look of but as Emma helps her in she feels as though she is forgetting something before pulling up a pair of pink tights but before she leaves Emma lifts up her dress that barely goes halfway between her knees and waist revealing a big bulge coming from her tights and Emma pulls back the tights revealing a pull up and high fiving Madi saying "good job you kept your pull up clean now lets take you to the potty". As Emma grabbed Madi's hand she felt oddly proud and as they walked into the bathroom Madi saw a pink potty but it was up sized so it fit bigger people and as Madi walked up to it Emma pulled down her tights then her pull up and Madi peed into the potty while Emma smiled "going to the potty just like a big girl". Madi had gradually sat further on Emma and as she peed Emma saw her pull up yellow smiling to herself. As Madi left the house she danced through the flowers her dress flying up and as Madi wandered around the vast fields of pretty flowers she felt a large quake in the ground and as she fell she awoke to being sat almost on Emma and realising the earthquake was her moving. As Madi stood up she felt the wet pull up and Emma stood up next to her surprised that she hadn't noticed but as Madi thought she was in the clear Emma pulled up her dress revealing a soaked pull up and Emma swiftly changed Madi. During the change Madi looked outside realising how dark it was she asked Emma "Emi what time is it" to which Emma replied "10 o clock Mads so I'm taking you upstairs to get ready for bed". As they walked up the stairs Madi yawned and Emma laughed "so your nap didn't really help huh" Madi nodded and as they walked into the bedroom she noticed Emma had already gotten her out a pair of pajamas which were light blue with penguins on them but Emma decided to let Madi sleep without the pants on letting her see the pull up, "Emma can I sleep with you tonight?" asked Madi to which Emma grabbed her hand and helped her into bed saying "if you need to go potty in the night just use your pull up dear I don't want to waste" Emma nodded crawling up next to Emma as they fell asleep happily. During the middle of the night Emma woke up to Madi's crying asking her "Madi what's wrong" "I need to poop but I couldn't in bed and the dark was scary" replied Madi choking on her tears, Emma grabbed her hand and directed her to the bathroom where she let Madi poop but Madi held her pee and as Emma walked back to their room she saw Madi stay behind standing and Emma saw her pull up yellow and sag as she grabbed Madi's hand taking her back to their room. Emma awoke first by the bright sunlight streaming into their room and she looked to Madi and smiled as she was peacefully asleep and then Emma pulled the sheets away revealing an even wetter pull up to which Emma smiled sitting on the bed until Madi slowly awoke. "Madi I know your not sick anymore but would you like to wear the pull ups today then tonight I can help get you out of them in time for mum and dad?" asked Emma holding both of Madi's hands to which Madi smiled and nodded saying "today can we go to another town so I can be a toddler for the day?" and Emma nodded taking Madi to get changed. After her pull up was changed Emma sat her on her bed as she dug through the closet to find some clothes that would look like a toddler might wear, Emma chucked out a pink shirt with a butterfly on it followed by a short skirt and a pair of pink tights followed lastly by a pink jumper. Firstly Emma slide the tights up Madison's legs and saw the big bulge from her pull up before asking "Madi do you want to wear a second pull up for protection also it would look cute you waddling as well as the bulge from the pull ups?" Madi eagerly nodded yes as Emma helped her into a second pull up before again pulling up the tights showing a very large bulge then it was the skirt which barely covered half the pull up followed lastly by the shirt and jumper. Emma sat Madi on her desk chair before quickly putting her in a braid which went over her left shoulder, as Madi and Emma made their way to the car Emma noticed Madi struggling to walk with both pull ups and a tight pair of tights. When they arrived in the town Emma took Madi into a mall and as they walked around Madi tugged on Emma's sleeve saying "EMI I need to poop" to which Emma simply said "a toddler would poop their diaper just squat down and let it go" and as she said that Madison squatted downing scrunching her face until it became relieved and Emma saw the large bulge at the back but continued shopping and as they neared the end of their time at the mall they entered one last store and in the middle of shopping Emma lifted up Madison's skirt then pulled her tights to the floor before pulling out the pull up then squishing the front saying "aw Madi it's ok to go poopie in your diapee just try to make it to the potty" Madison's face became bright red before Emma took her hand and took her to get changed. While Emma changed her she noticed that Madison's penis was gone and she said "Madi your officially a girl now" Madi smiled then her new pull up was pulled snuggly around her waist as they left to the car but on their way Madi noticed a park and she quickly grabbed Emma's sleeve saying "Emi can we go to the playground" to which Emma confirmed as she walked over but at the park Emma noticed that it no longer felt like winter as it was quite warm and she removed Madi's pants before letting her run around in just a pull up and shirt and while Madi played Emma noticed her squat and scrunch her face seeing the pull up yellow at the front and as Madi turned away she noticed the large mass at the back "Madi come time to get changed" shouted Emma to Madi as she ran over and Emma laid her on the bench before changing her pull ups taking her home in just her pull up and shirt. As they arrived home Emma took off Madi's pull up and toddler clothes changing her back into her 12 year old clothes and she set an alarm for every two hours to make Madi to the potty. As the day dragged on and Madi got her sense of when to go to the toilet back the pair sat on the couch and they talked well into the night until Emma realised it was 11 o clock and Madi started to get tired and as Emma put Madi to bed she told her "remember I will wake you up at 2:30 to go potty Mads" to which Madison nodded as she dozed off. As the alarm went for 2:30 Emma carried a sleeping Madi to the toilet and on the way she woke up and peed before instantly falling into bed asleep again excited for the return of their parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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