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As Alex enjoys the rest of the day with Emma he notices his hair being longer than usual, it's usually medium length but now its almost long as his blondeness shows having his hair be bright and curly. As Emma and Alex sit down to watch the tv Alex sits on the floor in front of Emma causing her to have an idea and quickly pause the tv while dragging Alex upstairs into her room before sitting him at her desk and telling him "Alex your hair is just to cute we have to try and style in" "Em don't you think that's a bit girly" replies Alex looking at Emma "no of course not Alex we can just keep it to ourselves anyways as mum and dad are out for the night" says Emma pulling Alex's hair into a quick ponytail before standing him up and rushing into her closet. Emma returns holding up a pair of baggy jeans and a white t shirt "hey Em that's just girls clothes" pouts Alex, Emma walks up to Alex putting a arm on his shoulder "nonsense Alex you will look pretty and as I say no one will have to see this" says Emma as she instructs Alex to take off his clothes leaving him in just his blue undies, "ok Alex just trust me we are going to try different hairstyles and clothes on you and if you act like a big boy we can have whatever you want for dinner as well as watch whatever you want tonight" says Emma bargaining with Alex who quickly nods and smiles excited for the night. As Emma try's new clothes on Alex and hairstyles she lets him decide when it gets to girly for him which he does on about the fifth choice of clothes. As Emma and Alex find new ways to design Alex the night comes in and Emma asks Alex what they are having for dinner to which he responds pizza, as Emma orders it she decides to keep Alex in some of her old clothes putting his hair into a simple ponytail before helping him slide on a white pair of comfy pants as well as a light blue shirt that is a few sizes to big for Alex causing it to drop down quite some way. As Emma and Alex slip onto the couch she passes Alex the remote and he decides to watch final destination, as both siblings finish their pizza's Alex started to get spooked by the movie slowly sitting next to Emma where she puts and arm around his shoulder to comfort him which works as Alex enjoys the rest of the movie. When Emma sends Alex up to bed she waits for ten minutes before watching her show for half an hour thinking about how Alex has embraces things he typically wouldn't like her dress up ideas. As Emma slips into bed she falls asleep fast but after what seemed like 5 minutes but was an hour Emma was jolted awake by Alex's screams as she runs into his room holding his hand to comfort him as he between tears tells her he had a nightmare, as Emma stands up to leave his room Alex follows her slipping his hand into hers as he asks to sleep with her, Emma complies letting Alex face away from the darkness that had previously scared him. Emma awoke at 4 in the morning to Alex shifting around in the bed but she puts an arm and a blanket over him as they fall back to sleep eventually waking up at 9 in the morning to sunlight streaming through Emma's windows, Alex sits up embarrassed by the fact he got scared and had to sleep with his sister but as he sits up he feels Emma also sitting up as she puts her fingers through his hair and stroking his back as they fully wake up. Emma decides to treat Alex by taking him out for pancakes but as they are in their rooms getting changed Alex looks through his clothes deciding he wants to wear none of them, he walks back into Emma's room explaining his problem to which she squeals and nods rushing into her closet before coming out with a oversized hoodie and t shirt that are both light blue as well as some long black pants but before they leave Emma sits Alex down to style his hair again going with a simple ponytail not wanting to embarrass Alex she ties it up with a light blue scrunchy. As the pair walks down the street towards the cafe Alex spots a big golden retriever rushing up to it and asking to pet it to which the owner lets him, as Alex pets and plays with the dog Emma comes up behind taking photos and talking to the owner, after ten minutes of playing Emma grabs Alex's hand and drags him away thanking the owner, Alex spends the next fifteen minutes talking about how cute the dog was, as Alex rants on Emma listens intently her heart melting at the fact that her thirteen year old younger brother is in her old clothes in a ponytail holding her hand while talking about cute dogs. When Alex and Emma arrive at the cafe they quickly find a booth and as Emma expects Alex to sit opposite her he sits alongside her looking out into the passing street, as waiter comes to take their orders Alex orders a hot chocolate as well as his pancakes with honey on the top Emma then orders a coffee as well as the pancakes to satisfy her brother. Both their drinks come first as Alex picks up a spoon and starts drinking his thick hot chocolate, Emma watches this over her coffee smiling as her brother enjoys his hot chocolate and stares out into the busy streets. As both siblings enjoy their pancakes Alex stands up asking Emma to take him to the toilet as he cannot find it, Emma quickly finds it ushering Alex in as she returns to the table to wait for him, she sees him walk around the corner confused the quickly spots her walks swiftly over his ponytail swaying from side to side. When the siblings stand up to head home Emma proposes the idea of going shopping to which Alex agrees as they start their walk to the mall, as they wonder through the mall finally finding a department store and as the pair wonder to the clothes section Alex finds a few items of clothing he wants to try before Emma points out its the girls section so he need a bit bigger sizes. On his way to get changed Emma quickly grabs a pair of girls undies as well as a boys pair expecting Alex to like them, Alex styled different clothes namely a pink purple and light blue hoodie as well as purple track pants, while they pay Emma sneaks the undies and panties into her bag after scanning them while Alex looked around at passing shoppers. As Emma and Alex continued shopping they soon came across a small book store that both siblings liked the look of and as they looked through the books Alex found a series called the rangers apprentice which he grabbed the first two of as well as a interesting looking book called the apothecary. As Alex and Emma make their way home they feel little snowflakes falling from the sky, Alex leans up next to Emma enjoying her company as snow slowly covers the ground. When the pair arrives home Alex asks Emma to start a fire which she does and as they enjoy the warm fire and the snow they turn on the polar express, as its mid December Alex watches the movie intently as he is excited for Christmas and hopefully a snowy winter. As Alex snuggles up next to Emma she strokes his arm which to her surprise feels softer but she doesn't mention it but also she notices that most of his arm hair has disappeared and Emma knows Alex hadn't shaved and couldn't think of any reason for him to have lost it, as Emma thinks back to the day she also felt as though Alex's voice is higher pitched and Emma quickly pauses the movie and Asks Alex "hey Alex have you noticed anything different about your features lately?" "yeah sorta I feel as though I'm losing more of my leg and arm hairs" replies Alex, Emma nods in consideration as she turns the movie back on and Alex places his head on her chest. At night as it's dark Emma and Alex decide to watch a horror movie but halfway through Alex screams and buries his head into Emma's shoulder so as Emma changes the movie to a rom com as she rubs Alex's side attempting to get him back to watching the movie. As it grows later into the night Emma notices Alex's eyes dropping and he slowly starts to get more tired and Emma decides to take him up to his room but as she goes to lay him down he weekly says "Emi can I sleep with you please I'm scared" Emma nods her heart again melting at the fact that he called her Emi which he hadn't done since he was 11 or was scared. Emma carries Alex to her room before sitting him in her chair as she goes into her closet to find Alex some pajamas but the only things she could find in his size where a pair of pink pajamas with unicorns or some plain pink and blue ones so Emma decided to get the pink and blue ones and as she helped undress Alex she noticed that was body was a bit leaner and most of his hair downstairs was gone, as Emma slide the pants snuggly up Alex's legs and put the shirt of his head Alex smiled tiredly and then Emma laid him down on her bed before covering him in blankets. Emma quickly changed noticing Alex restlessly turn from side to side on her bed and as she slipped in with him putting an arm over him he stopped moving except for lightly pushing himself into Emma more. When the siblings awoke Alex groaned as he looked at the pajamas he adorned "Emma why did you put me in such girly pajamas" Alex stated annoyed, as Emma heard his concerns she could tell that his voice was even higher than the day previous but Emma quickly replied to Alex "Alex those where the only pajamas I could find in your size in here except for a plain pink pair with unicorns on them which I figured you didn't want" Alex nodded silently before Emma grabbed his hand taking him downstairs before he had chance to change. As Emma dragged Alex to the couch when she went to let go of his hand he held on again causing Emma to sit down next to him, Emma examined Alex's nails before saying to him "Alex before we go out I am going to have to sort out your nails" "Ok Emi" Alex said beaming. After breakfast when Emma took Alex upstairs she sat him on the chair before reaching into the bag of stuff he got the day previous and pulling out his jumper and pants "hey Alex so yesterday when we where out I got you some undies which ones do you want to wear" says Emma holding up the boy undies of mainly greens and dark blues in her left hand and in her right the girls pair with pinks, purples, light blues and yellows, Alex points to the girl pair as Emma chucks the boy ones off to the side as she grabs out a purple pair handing it to Alex. As Alex struggles with his panties Em says "let me help you Alex" as she pulls the purple panties up his legs then she pulls the purple track pants up over the panties before grabbing a plain light blue shirt giving it to Alex to put on but as he takes a while Emma grabs the jumper helping Alex to put it on. That morning as the siblings walked across the picturesc snowy landscape Emma sees a French bakery and as she points to it Alex runs off ahead almost slipping on the snow to which Emma laughs and jogs up behind Alex. As they walk into the patisserie the pair instantly get hit in the face by a massive heat wave and the smells of French delicacy's, Alex is stood in shock at how much good food there is and as Emma directs him to the back of the line he starts thinking about what he will have. As they finally reach the front Emma orders herself a coffee a croissant and a raspberry macaroon Alex tugs on her shirt before whispering "can I please have a hot chocolate and a pain au chocolate and a chocolate macaroon please" Emma recites the order to the cashier as they go grab a seat to enjoy their breakfast and the wonderful view outside. After they leave Emma looks up into the sky noticing dark clouds before ushering Alex home and just as they get in it starts pouring it down outside and as Emma and Alex relax on the couch they hear the roof clanging with the rain. As Emma and Alex sat listening to the rain Emma grabbed her paint and she held Alex's hand as she surprised him as she painted his nails purple Alex blushed as his sister did such a girly act to him but then he looked and realised how cute they were. Alex sat in his purple clothes wishing to go outside and then he looked to Emma and said "hey Em can I go play in the rain, if you say yes then I will let you do any hairstyle on me and can put me in girly clothes to wear but only if I fully soak my clothes" Emma thought it over before agreeing letting Alex play in the rain and as he ran inside Emma wrapped him in a pink fluffy towel before grabbing his hand and taking him upstairs. As Emma dug around at the back of her closet she finally found the box of her clothes from ages 11 and 12, Emma looked in the box before grabbing out a pair of pink panties with stars on them, as Emma showed Alex the panties Alex started regretting his deal but he was forced to play along as he made a deal. Emma pulled the pink panties up Alex's now bare legs then she grabbed a pair of pink tights before pulling them up Alex's leg then she grabbed another pink item this time a shirt before lastly putting Alex in a pair of overalls. Alex looked at himself in the mirror thinking how girly he looked but it was just the beginning as Emma split his now long blonde hair in two putting it in pigtails before finally finishing it off with a beret. Alex finally looked at himself hating how girly he looked but thinking quietly to himself how cute he looked, Emma then proposed the idea of going into another town for lunch as a girl which Alex tentatively agreed to. As Emma drove the half hour drive to the next town over she giggled at how cute Alex looked and as they pulled up to a restaurant she grabbed Alex's hand as the waiter directed them to a table and gave them menu's. Alex decided to have fish and chips as Emma had a burger and chips but when the man came over to take their order Alex became shy behind Emma as she ordered for him and after the waiter walked away Emma whispered to him "your doing really well Alex keep it up" Alex smiled slyly as the waiter brought them their food. When the pair left the restaurant a woman with a dog walked by and Alex asked to pet it to which the woman let him and as Alex played with the dog Emma talked with the woman and just before they left the woman complimented her on her polite sister to which Emma thanked her and grabbed Alex by the hand taking him to the car as he blushed profusely about being genuinely thought to be a girl. While Emma drove around she asked Alex "hey Alex do you want to keep pretending to be a girl for a bit longer" Alex nodded and Emma then asked "so how about I take you to the daycare here for a few hours and we can say your name is Madison" Alex tentatively agreed to Emma's idea but decided it would be funny and no one would know. As Emma pulled into the daycare she grabbed Alex's hand as they walked up to the front desk Emma saying "hello I would like to drop Madison here off for three hours if that's ok?" the daycare worker nodded putting the owed amount into the eftpos machine, after they finished the basic forms the daycare worker asked Alex "how old are you dear?" Alex hid behind Emma before responding "12" "ah ok then so lets let go of our sisters hand and I can take you through" said the daycare worker, Emma nodded to Alex pushing him away with the lady. When Alex walked into the room he saw many kids most only about 3,4 or 5 with a few 8 year old's and one 11 year old girl, the daycare worker pushed Alex towards the girl introducing Alex as Madison and the other girl as Lily and then the worker walked away. Alex sat next to Lily and they both asked each other some basic questions before Lily asked Alex if he wanted to play wizards to which Alex nodded eagerly, as the pair played Lily quietly went to a corner before joining Alex again. As Alex played her asked the girl "why did you stop playing for a second?" but Lily just looked at him before pulling up her skirt revealing to Alex what he expected to be a pair of panties but was instead a yellowed sagging pull up. Alex looked at the girl confused before they continued playing but after a while they stopped and stood around talking but they sat down and while they did Lily's pull up showed but as she stood up she squatted down and she turned around and Alex saw a big bulge appear in her pull up. Alex decided to ignore it before they kept playing but after a while a worker walked up behind Lily lifting her skirt up and pulled her pull up out before asking Lily "Lily why didn't you use the potty like a big girl?" to which Lily replied "I wanted to play" and the worker sighed before taking Lily to get a change and as they walked away a worker walked up behind Alex pulling his tights out causing him to yelp in surprise as the lady announced "nice job Madison your out of pull ups" Alex nodded quietly while he silently bounced between feet and shoved his hands in his crotch "Madison do you need to go potty?" to which Alex nodded and the lady directed him towards the girls bathroom where she let Alex pee in peace. When Alex came out her saw Emma and he walked up to her thanking the staff as he walked out with her, "so Alex how was it?" asked Emma as she helped Alex into the car "it was fun me and a girl Lily played wizards but she was wearing a pull up which she peed and pooped in which was weird" replied Alex "oh really?" said Emma looking over at Alex. When they arrived home Alex rushed inside asking Emma to put him back in some more normal clothes, Emma helped Alex pick out some light blue pajamas with penguins on them, then they both went downstairs to watch a movie. During the movie their parents walked in and saw Alex in Emma's old pajamas but decided not to say anything as he looked cute.

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