31| The ball

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Making her way to the caféteria, Yn hummed a little melody which was struck in her mind for the day.

She made her way to the food counter, and took the plate, then bolted to the farthest table available.

She sat there, alone. As after her little action from before where she beated the whole gang by herself. She was declared as untouchable.

Yn held her chopsticks, and ate the rice and drank the juice later. She felt someone slammed their hand on her table.

And that,
took everyone's attention in that place.

She looked up at the male and sighed as it was the brother of the girl her sweet sister fighted.

"What?!" Yn asked, not at all trying to be friendly. She sounded straight up rude.

The boy scoffed as he retrieved his hand, and looked at her dead-eyed.

"That's my seat." He spoke, more like deadplaned.

"So?" Yn took her little, sweet time but uttered, irritating him more than he already was.

The boy was about to explode but before he could let out a word, the caféteria's door slammed opened.

Everyone's attention went to the new comer, who was none other than the Principal.

"Attention here, my dear children." The Principal spoke taking everyone's attention.

The room filled with nothing but silence which made the Principal smile,

"First of all, be seated."

Hearing his words, Yn gazed at the boy with a blank face as he stood there, unmoving.

"Jihoo, take a seat."

From behind they heard a voice, which made him sigh and sit opposite to the girl, yet glaring at her intensely.

The Principal then looked at the students and uttered out with a smile.

"I have a news for you all."

He rather exclaimed happily, which made most of the people there curious.

"So, there is a event held in the school, and it is...." He spoke with his eyes glancing every student. His never fading grin still plastered and due to the suspence their Principal was making the students their whined.

The Principal laughed and announced,

"We are helding a ball in the University for the great start of new session for everyone, and it's the first time happening in our college."

As he stopped speaking with a smile, the students there blinked.

"And there are still few students, who didn't start joining the classes yet, but they will most probably be in that event." With his grin, he made his way back and told the teachers who were there to leave too, as he knew what was coming next.

And once the doors closed, the trail of hooting, screams or yells of happiness echoed in the caféteria.

The kids cheered for their Principal, even when he was not there.

While the Principal outside laughed at the great sounds coming from behind the door.

The teacher beside him looked at him and asked, "Excuse me, sir."

The Principal looked at him and indicated him to continue, "I'm not against the ball or anything else but can I ask something?"

The older male nodded, giving his permission to the junior to let him ask freely.

"We never done this before. So, why a sudden change?"

The latter gazed at the younger and smiled, he spoke with his ever gentle tone.

"I think it might be a great way to start a new session for the students, and a great farewell too."

He spoke simply, and went to his office in fast pace, with a wide grin indicating something only he knows and the information might be either very good or terrible.

And in this case, it's the former.

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