Ending P

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Now this is the one that got the most votes which... honestly gives me a bit more faith in humanity.

So, this was a little awkward. Why? Well, maybe it was the random kid that Toriel had decided to take home. Not that you had a problem with the kid, but to just suddenly have one appear out of nowhere was something you hadn't prepared for.

From what you had heard from Toriel, she found at the cave flowerbed you fell on when coming there. That got you a little concerned.

For one thing, it took you the better part of an hour just to get up there in the first place so you couldn't imagine them going through that. Two, you were an eighteen-year-old boy, and they were a short seven- to ten-year-old toddler, so it may have been less painful for your fall, but it had to be more for theirs. Three, following the last point, why were they just wandering alone around the mountain to begin with? It didn't make sense.

You tried to ask them some questions, but they haven't given you any direct or non-vague answers. They've just been quiet for the most part. Kind, but rarely says a word. And it hasn't been a full day since they got there. The most you got out of them was their name.


You were sitting at the table with the kid to your right. They were drawing a picture of something, like always, quiet. Not even humming to themself. Well, it couldn't hurt to try and start a conversation, right?

"So, uh... whatcha drawing there?" You say, grabbing their attention.

They looked up at you, then picked up the drawing and showed you. It was of a sunset sky in a view from a cliffside.

"Huh, not bad. You are one talented artist." You say as they smiled at you before you patted them on the head.

They were such a sweet kid and really showed you kindness. Maybe you could get used to having them around. Sure, maybe you wouldn't be able to have 'fun' with Toriel as much as you used to, but hey, at least there was more company. Plus, it's not like you were someone who couldn't go a day without having sex.

(Next Day)

You were out walking around the ruins, just exercising a bit and even getting to see the other monsters and how they were doing. And you saw a small change

The froggit family had some new children added which you got to meet, the whimsun were mostly avoiding you yet far less, the loox were... actually not annoying anymore, the vegetoid encouraged you to eat greens with more enthusiasm, the migosp weren't rude as they used to be, the moldsmal... didn't say anything, the spiders had some new items in store, and the Dummy... well, didn't do anything.

You were walking with Napstablook having a nice talk with him. He talked to you about how kind the kid was being to him when they first met. That made you feel a little better, knowing that they were at least getting comfortable around there. That being said, you started to walk back home, hopefully to see how they were settling in.

"Hey, I'm home!" You called... no answer. "Hello!? Tori!? Frisk!?" You called again... no answer. "Where are they?"

Where could they have gone? There was almost nowhere for them to go with such a tiny place.

You looked around and was about to check for where they might be, before you suddenly felt a what seemed like a short-lasting earthquake. That got you a little worried and you quickly started running around the place while calling for their names. Another small quake which worried you again.

You looked everywhere, wondering where they could be... everywhere except one place. The hallway. As much as you hated the idea of having to run down that long hall, you had to suck it up if you wanted to find out where they were.

Toriel x Male Reader (Lemon) (NOT CLICKBAIT) 18+Where stories live. Discover now