chapter 5

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A day of the UA sports festival arrived and security was high, especially with the sports festival being broadcasted live.

Class 1a were in there assigned class waiting room. "So m/n I have to ask are you a student?" Tokoyami asked.

"Yeah I kinda wondered the same thing I mean you don't do the same work we do." Mina said.

"And you help the teachers with hero training not to mention the villian attack." Tsu said as well.

"Well mentally I am on a much higher level then a first year class, I do more difficult school work, otherwise I kinda am a student."

"Why don't you help us with class work if your so smart!" kaminari said and m/n just shrugged.

As one 1a walked out to the freshman stage the other first year classes followed suit. Midnight, the referee for the first year's was on the stage and she asked for the first year's representative to come forward. Bakugo. M/n smirked slightly, he got to pick the representative.

"I just wanna say. I'm going to win against all you losers." Bakugo said making m/n pleased with his answer. And of course the other classes very pissed off.

But on the Good side now they will push themselves, and 1a will have to push themselves as they are, as midoriya said, now targets.

"Moving on." Midnight said, "the first event will be a obstacle race! About nearly 4km around the stadium!" She announced as the students gathered around the gate.

With m/n in the very front as soon as the doors open he bolts running as fast as he could to get ahead.

He was far enough ahead to avoid Todoroki's ice. As he came to the 0 point robots, these were no problem. The program was simple they can't see you they don't fight you, so shine bright! And that he did shinning brightly to appear as a light and not a human m/n ran passed over and under the robots.

Nextef a rope walk to make it easier he made small stepping spots of light o walk across but he had to hurry as they fades fast. And the last one a land mind.

He ran across the mind before using a light shield to get a explosion to bust him in the air enough to shoot himself with arrows to sent him across the finish line.

M/n made it landing on his feet only seconds before midoriya came tumbling down.

"Seems we had the same idea." M/n said holding his hand out to help him up. "Glade I was ahead or I might of gotten second."

Midoriya smiled taing his hand "

M/n first place
Midoriya second place
Todoroki third place
Bakugo fouth place

"Alright! The first 42 students will be moving on to he next around while the rest of you failed to move on." She said, "as for the second event will be a cavalry battle.

You will each form a team of 2-4 people, and each team will get a headband, the points to the headband are the place you placed in the race. So for first place is 10 million. You will have 15 minutes to pick teams."

Having the most points was advantage and disadvantage he's a main target but if he can keep it he wins on spot. Knowing this m/n knew he needed a good team. Walking to Ochaco he spoke.

"Will you join my team?"

She smiled and nodded "sure!"  M/n nodded and moved over to tokoyami

"I need you and dark shadow if you'll have me"

Tokoyami loomed at m/n as dark shade made a silky little face "I suppose." M/n smiled and nodded.

"So here's the plan, 10 million is enough if we just keep it we win so Ochaco I want you to use your quirk to make us float, if you can do all three of us at one but I have no doubt you can.

I'll us a light arrow with rope to keep us from floating away and dark shadow can be extra protection." M/n explained

"Hm that could work." tokoyami said.

"Oh thats a great idea!" Ochaco grinned.

"Right then irs a plan."

Ochaco and Tokoyami held m/n between then as the 15 minutes ran out as it did Ochaco used her quirk on m/n first to make him float out before going Tokoyami and then herself, floating up out of reach m/n used a light arrow connected to himself to hold then as he shot it into the dirt.

Ochaco and Tokoyami held onto m/n to not float away as Tokoyami had dark shadow ready to use if needed. Allowing m/n to focus on keeping tied to the ground and Ochaco to keep them up.

Most teams left m/ns team alone focusing on getting more smaller points the wait time trying to get up to their hight.

Thay was till bakugo launched himself with his explosion in the air at them. M/n quickly pulled them closer to the group with he robe but the fast thinking made him lose focus and drop it.

"Ochaco get yourself and Tokoyami down before releasing me." M/n said as he nodded, once herself and tokoyami were on the ground m/n spoke again. "Tokoyami think you can catch me?"

"I can try." He said. M/n nodded to Ochaco as she dropped him making him fall.

He fell as tokoyami caught him in his arms holding him bridal style.

"Oh shit watch out!" M/n said before tokoyami began to understand from the angry flying bakugo, scary. "Begone demon!" M/n yelled being carried around the field.

But luckily he was driven off guard to be asked a blonde child now. Meaning all m/n, Ochaco and Tokoyami had to do was keep their headband for a while longer.

Meanwhile in the stands, "wow aizawa look at m/n go!" Present Mic said loud of the boy he helped raise.

"He's holding back." Aizawa said, "he's barely used his quirk. He's to cared he's going to hurt someone."

"Yea but he's having fun." Present Mic said as he turned on the speaker announcing the end of the team race.

M/ns team
Todorokis team
Bakugos team
Shinsos team
And midoriyas team

These 5 teams moved on.

These five teams fight

And for m/ns first battle him vs Mina.

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