chapter 3

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Aizawa announced that the 1a will be taking a trip to USJ for training, as iida lead the kids outside "everyone in a line and find a setting buddy!" He announced as they neared the bus.

"Oh this was not what I was expecting.." he said as they reached the bus, it was a lot nicer then a normal school bus but regardless the all got on, m/n of course sat with aizawa.

Once at the USJ center they met up with pro hero thirteen. She greated them and explained the lesson.

"But some quirks can be dangerous to those we are protecting, I could easily kill let alone hurt someone if I wasn't careful and that goes for all of you. That's why today we will be welding our quirks for the sake of human lives." She explained.

M/n was half listening hearing this many times before, from more then just her, when he felt..uneasy. the hair on the back of his neck and arms stood up.

"Aizawa.." he said tugging his arm as a black morph type portal opening as dozen of villains come out from it.

Aizawa looked over as his eyes hiddened slightly, "students huddle together this is a real attack!" He ordered, "thirteen protect the students m/n by all means necessary no one gets hurt!"

He said as one of the villains speak. "Odd all might was supposed to be here.." he muttered annoyed. M/ns eye hiddened as his heart skipped a beat, that feeling.

Death and dispare the darkness that will takeover this world was him. This was the villian he needed to worry of, this was the one that broke into UA, this man would not harm anyone here.

"Aizawa.." m/n said and he got the word.

"Thirteen, get 1a out of here and get back up! M/n your will me." Aizawa said as ran fighting off villains, being the pro he was this was no problem for him to take down many at once.

Meanwhile m/n turned and glanced at he class before holding his hands out forming a bow of light as he ran towards the villains. Pulling the bow back as arrows formed he shot them at the villains.

Not to kill them but they wouldn't be getting back up anytime soon. M/n was fighting off villains with mostly arrows when he heard a familiar angry yell.

"BULLSHIT WHY DOES HE GET TO FIGHT!" Followed by the sound of a explosion. M/n turned only to see kurogiri teleport the students all away. Away to where he didn't know. Away with possible villains surrounding them. Away out of m/ns sight.

M/n grabbed a villains arm that was about to attack him throwing the villian over his shoulder slamming his back down as harm as he could before dashing to thirteen and the warp villian fighting. He was so so close.

She was just out of reach when he made a portal as she went to use her quirk and reflected it back onto her. She was to hurt to fight now this was up to him. Is aizawa coul et the blue hairedone and if m/n could take down this villian they would have a chance.

"Iida go!" M/n shouted as he shot at kurogiri with some of his arrows.

M/n shot at him 3 arrows at a time on repeat senin them all different ways distracting the villian just enoight for iida to get away.

Shoji assisted m/n in fighting, or at last trying to fight back the warp villian but most attacks were just teleported away. But m/n suddenly stops as his heart stopped for a second. A single second before it bested rapidly. He turned to see aizawas elbow getting disintegrated by shigaraki before a Nomu pulled him down.

Shigaraki got angry as kurogiri came to him telling him iida got away, knowing a lot of pro heros would come soon he decided to retreat but before he did he turned to tsu. Reaching out to touch her fave to disintegrate her. But before he could aizawa had already used his quirk to erase Shigarakis.

Meanwhile as soon as m/n saw aizawa he felt his mind go blink. His body began to glow a brightly yellow light, like fire even as his hair stood up completely his eyes glowing so brightly they were pure white.

He jumped at the Nomu kicking it off aizawa, at the same time deku went to attack shigaraki but before he could the Nomu stepped in and took he hit..but it barely did a thing.

Before the Nomu could even thing to attack izuku m/n jumping in throwing izuku over his shoulder moving him towards the other student. Like the arrows a large scythe of light formed in the air as he grabbed it running at the Nomu.

He couldn't be on defensive for this, no, for this he had to fight.

M/n was a lot different with the scythe, his fighting was like a dance as he dived under the the Nomu swinging fists swinging his scythe at its side but his heart sinks in his chest. It barely even cut him?

With aizawa and thirteen down and not knowing whe the pros would get here m/n had to do something. But what?

He didn't have time to thing as he was thrown against the wall. Falling to the floor he cursed under his breath, that hurt a lot. But he had to get up, he had to protect the kids.

Standing up he narrowed his glowing eyes as he balled his hands into fists. If his light weapons weren't enough he'll just have to use his body.

Running at the Nomu he dived under his legs as it slammed its fist on the ground snapping around only to be meant in the face with m/ns fist.

"Ah-" m/n didn't even have time to react as he was thrown back crashing to the floor holding his arm, his hand in extreme pain from being broken. Studying the nomu he was already light headed but he had a idea.

If he could just get someone anyones attention near by it could be ok..

Getting out his light bow despite the pain of his hand hand he pulled it back forming a big arrow shotting it up to the ceiling.

As it broke through the ceiling and to the sky he smiling slightly hearing it explode setting off a bright firework in the sky, a alarm, or at least somthing to get noticed. At the same time it set off the USJ doors burst open as all might rushes in.

M/n looked over to all might with a small smile, but it was short lived at the nomu punched him sending m/n to the floor again. With a deep ragged breath m/n slowly sat up and gave all might a nod. While all might rushed to fight the nonu m/n rushed to getting the students away from he fight making sure they were a save distance away before rushing to aizawa picking him up moving him away.

M/n shook his head trying to get rid of the dizzy feeling but it was all but useless , he flopped down next to aizawa with a sigh.

He didn't feel uneasy anymore.

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