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This is a story from season 7 episode 4 but with a twist

*casey stapling fliers to trees*

Otis, hit every house on the block no one knows about a kid with a grenade

Casey,so hit the next block then the next round here somewhere gotta find him fast

*otis runs off*

Kid walks up

Kid,is this for real?

Casey,yeah know something about it?

*kid looks at ground*

*casey walks up to kid*

Casey,look nobody's in trouble whoever has that grenade is in serious danger so if you know something anything

Kid,Kyle becanan has it

Casey,do you know where Kyle is right now?

Kid,there filming a movie in his backyard.. it's the last house down the alley

Casey,you did good

Casey on radio
,we have a positive id and location of the boy
Heading there now

*casey runs off*

Boden on radio heading to car
Get me a address I'll call bomb squad and cpd to meet us there

Boden drives off

*casey arrives at house*


Casey,the grenade is real Kyle but it won't go off unless you release the handle so keep a tight hold on it ok?

*otis runs into yard*

Casey approaches the kid

Casey,your doing great Kyle just take a deep breath try to relax

Casey,we'll do this slowly ok?

Kyle drops the grenade
And runs

The grenade goes off

Casey was thrown a couple feet landing hard on the ground knocking him unconscious

Otis had sharpnel in his legs and arms Otis attempted to stand up but it was to painful he crawled his way over to Casey

Boden who had heard the explosion ran into the yard running over to Casey and Otis he called for a Another ambulance

Boden radioed over to Brett and foster telling them to get to the address immediately they got there within seconds as they were helping search for the kid

Brett,oh god

Foster and Brett ran over to Casey

Foster ,He's not breathing

Foster began cpr

Foster,Brett grab the defibrillator Dawson grabbed the defibrillator and hooked it up to Casey while Shay did cpr


Foster.alright we've got a pulse back it's weak but it's there LETS MOVE CMON

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