The final farewell

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The day of Chief Wallace Boden's line of duty funeral dawned with heavy clouds hanging low in the sky, mirroring the somber mood that enveloped Firehouse 51. As the firefighters gathered in their dress uniforms, a sense of solemnity settled over them, mingling with the grief that still lingered in their hearts.

The funeral procession wound its way through the city streets, accompanied by the mournful wail of bagpipes and the somber beat of drums. Firefighters from stations across the city lined the route, their heads bowed in respect as Chief Boden's casket passed by.

At the church, the sanctuary was filled to capacity with family, friends, and fellow firefighters, all come to pay their final respects to a man who had given so much of himself in service to others. The air was thick with emotion as eulogies were delivered, each one a testament to Chief Boden's dedication, courage, and selflessness.

Severide and Casey stood at attention, their faces solemn as they listened to the words spoken in honor of their fallen leader. Memories flooded their minds: moments shared, battles fought, and lives saved under Chief Boden's watchful eye. He had been more than just a boss; he had been a mentor, a friend, and a guiding light in the darkest of times.

As the service drew to a close, the mournful strains of "Amazing Grace" filled the air, a haunting reminder of the loss that Firehouse 51 had suffered. With heavy hearts, the firefighters filed out of the church, forming a solemn procession behind Chief Boden's casket as it was carried to its final resting place.

At the cemetery, under a canopy of dark clouds, Chief Boden was laid to rest with full honors. The sound of bagpipes echoed through the air as the flag draped over his casket was carefully folded and presented to his family. Tears flowed freely as a final salute was rendered, a tribute to a man whose legacy would live on in the hearts of all who had known him.

As the last notes of "Taps" faded into the distance, the firefighters of Firehouse 51 stood in silent reverence, their heads bowed in prayer. Chief Wallace Boden may have been gone, but his spirit would live on, a guiding presence in the lives of all who had been privileged to serve under him.

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