Ch.8: Sneaky mentions

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"Where are you going?" Leon leaned to the couch as he watched Chris climbing down the steps, fully dressed. It was Sunday morning and Leon wasn't planning on figuring whatever is Chris's plans so he just questioned. Easy as that..

"To the lab, I gotta check the autopsy report of our new case and maybe recheck the victim's corpses" Chris brushed off as he laced up his sneakers.

"Can I tag along?" Chris look at Leon with a frown but nodded nevertheless. "Give me five" Leon hurried up the stairs. Leon wanted to take a second look at the whole case cause no criminal could do a crime and escape perfectly. And joining Chris in the forensic lab could make the things easier.

"Your ride then" Chris walked towards Leon's car and sat on the passenger seat and Leon on the driver's.

All the police department of this state and the PAS has a common forensic lab. Most likely because it was common for agents to be partnered up with officers and the government thought it would keep the things convenient.

The driveway wasn't much crowded so was the parking lot. Chris got off first and Leon attempted to park the car.

Chris didn't mind to wait for the other but rather directly walk inside. He greeted back for the many greetings he received. He is the best one out here and also the one and only to be specialized in Forensic Pathology, DNA analysis and Toxicology, in the whole country. He's a perfect example for age is just a number.

And of course he has all the qualification to be in the PAS's best team with no room for arguments.

Chris grabbed his lab coat from the number of white coats hung on the coatroom. It was was the room in which every forensics white coats would be stored. And each one had their own name tagged to it as well.

Walking out of the room,Chris glanced around for a glimpse of Leon who is supposed to be here a few minutes ago. Chris shrugged off and walked to the autopsy room where the victims of their case would be kept in.

When he stepped inside, he realized that he wasn't the first to be in here. The lights were bright and Chris wasn't notified of anyone who's joining him in the examination. But it's not like there's anyone standing in the middle of the room, it just he feels a presence,a strong one at that..

He shoved his hand into his pocket and walked forward into the room, humming a song. He's confident he is not delusional so he kept calm.

And suddenly he stopped on his track and stretched his free hand to the side and grasped the intruder who had most likely barged into the room.

It was a women, a women in her early twenties. Chris glanced at her top to bottom. She was wearing identical coat as that of Chris's and her name tag read 'Ciara hobbs'.

Well if this Ciara is planning on hiding then it was such a bad idea to fit in between the two lockers. It's pretty obvious and her coat didn't do a better job in disguising her as well.

"Who are you Ms.?" Chris questioned politely yet he pressed the words. No one was allowed in here unless there's permission. The cases were supposed to be confidential even for the insiders in the Forensic Department.

The women remained calm and her face did not change colour at the sudden presence or the almost-harsh grab. Suddenly her face reciprocated a smile, a playful smile.

"I'm Ciara hobbs'" Chris nodded letting her continue further. "I'm sorry I am a trainee and the supervisor asked me to get the case file of Mr.Ben's homicide case" She added as she chimed the pair of keys with a key tag that pointed number 43.

This key opens the locker number 43 and this locker is in a the south corner of the department and what this women's doing in the north corner was, well questionable. Chris kept his thoughts to himself.

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