chapter 4 : confession from years ago (end)

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Dekisugi's pov :

He was crying. He have this panicked and scared look on his face.The room was starting to be filled with a scent of rose that makes my mind go berserk. I covered Nobita with my coat and carried him to my car. I sat at the drivers sit, with him on top of me, facing me. He sank into my arms gripping onto my shirt tightly with shaky hands. I held his waist so that he wouldn't fall and surprisingly my hands fits perfectly onto his slim waist.

"Why are you playing with my feelings?" He said with a shaky voice, I was surprised that he started the conversation. "What do you mean?, play with your feelings? I could never even imagine that" he was taken a back for a moment and continued.  
"I confessed to you before I leave the town yet you never answered it when we met, you knew I liked you and you still want to invite me to your wedding? How cruel of you" at this point he was already sobbing in my arms. I don't understand what he meaned by that, wedding? Confession?

"I never even have a girlfriend in my life so how could I be engaged with someone?" He was frozen for a moment and looked up to met my gaze. "But you hugged Shizuka and held her hands before the graduation, now you guys were even engaged" I was shocked at what he said, so he thought I was Shizuka's boyfriend and that I'm the one engaged to her? I Chuckled. "Shizuka is my cousin, at that time she was supposed to meet her boyfriend which is her fiance right now, she was followed by a creepy guy and saw me at the park, she told me about it and to pretend to be her boyfriend until she meet her fiance"

"So that means you guys never dated" he asked "of course not silly, but what was the confession you were saying earlier?" His face became flushed and avoided my eyes " I confessed to you when I rolled down the car window before I left" ohh so that's why I never learned he liked me all this years. I was glad to know we shared the same feelings but frustrated at how stupid I have been.


Nobita was suddenly gasping for air and it seems that his Body temperature is high. "Nobita are you alright?" He was panting, and his ivory skin gradually became flushed red, as I held his chin up gently to meet his gaze I saw his eyes all watery with his luscious lips trembling as if it were begging to be messed with mine. He looked lustful.

"I-i think it's my heat cycles" he said, those words astonished myself, my beloved was an Omega all this time? "Do you have any suppressant with you?" "No I don't have them since I thought it will never happen again" again? What does he mean by those words? "You wait here and I'll buy you a suppressant" "no. I don't need a suppressant, I need you"

"Nobita you're under the influence of the heat cycles that's why you can say that-" "I don't care if I'm under the influence of what what I know is that I need you dekisugi, please." He pleaded with me looking at me with those seductive look on his face. How troublesome. If I lose control of my self I might just pounce at him right now, I'm scared that I might hurt him.

I cannot avoid the seductive looks of him. I want to r**l him. Nobita looked me in the eye practically begging me with his lustful look. He came closer to me and whispered to my ears "Dekisugi~ haa, please...Help me." While rubbing my member. At this point something snapped inside of me.

*Tomorrow morning*
When I woke up I saw Nobita besides me sleeping peacefully, his body was covered with marks all over his ivory skin, his lips were swollen and his eyes were puffy from crying. He looked lovely. Wait what happened last night, memories from last night flood into my head and I realized how I hurt him.

"Hmm? Good morning dekisugi-" "I apologize for what I did last night, I will take responsibility for it I promise. You can file a complain about me threw me to jail-" "if you want to take responsibility, you can start by being my official mate or my boyfriend."
"Wha- mate" You mean" "yes, you and I are destined, since highschool"

I was lost for words for everything I have foundout. Nobita was an Omega, he like me, and we're destined? It's all to much to process in just one day! "Nobita do you have anything else that I don't know about?" "Well there is one thing, it is that I love you hidetoshi Dekisugi" he chuckled and kissed me.

It is literally 3 am in the morning and I'm not sure at what I'm writing here, but I will come back with a side story with a new life to celebrate the new couple.

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