chapter 5 : (side story 1) the wedding

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Dekisugi's pov:

After all that missunderstanding he wanted to take things slowly and one at a time, I respect his decision so I courted him for 5 months and now we're dating for 3 and still counting. I would always go to his shop to get flowers before going to work and would pick him up At night, strolling around and eating dinner with him. "Morning beautiful" i greeted him as I enter through the door, he chuckled as he sees me enter "you're here for your flowers again?" He said and handed me the bouquet of flowers " mhm and for my morning kiss too" his face was flushed red, even though I have been coming here for my morning kiss for the past few years he's still embarrassed about it which I find it cute. He looked around checking if anyone was around and gave me a peck on my cheeks, it's cute. I creased his front hair backwards to reveal his forehead, and gave him a kiss to bid him farewell "well then I will see you tonight beautiful" I leave the shop with satisfaction and a big smile on my face "well this could keep me motivated for some time"

I looked at my phone's clock eagerly waiting for it to turn 10:00 pm. yes! I stood up grabbing my car keys making my way to the door "wait Mr. Hitedoshi where are you going?" Shizuka ask, "I'm going home obviously, it's already time" "sir you have been going home earlier than our interns for the past 3 years"  " and? I don't see a problem with that" "sir all of the other employees including the intern's have been working overtime because of the paper works you have left!" "Well, I believe that as an employee of my company they are doing a great job, keep up the good work! well then I'll see you tomorrow Ms. Shizuka"

"Nobita, when are you closing you're store?? Hmm?? Aren't you hungry?" "You know my store always closes at 12 pm but you always come here 2 hours earlier" "but Nobita can't you close earlier today? Hmm? Please??" I looked at him with my puppy eyes and it seems to work just like how it works every time. After he closes his store I drove him to his favorite pastry shop. When he got out of the car his eyes light up like a child seeing a playground, even though he was trying to hide his excitement I can still see it visibly. "What are you ordering this time?"  I asked and took out my wallet, "just a milkshake"  he said and looked away "what's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" "No I just left my wallet at home so I don't have much with meright now" he always tried to pay for his own meal cuz he felt guilty of me paying for his meal since he ordered a ton of food everytime we went here. " Well it's on me today so feel free order anything you want" I said and ruffled his hair gently. he looked liked a chipmunk eating all those pastry, "you should slow down a little darling, you looked like a chipmunk trying to hide all those food inside his cheeks" now his brows were frowned and his mouth were pouted. Still looked like a chipmunk I thought and Chuckled "how can you be so adorable at everything you do?"

The next morning when I came to his store it was closed. "Huh?" I tried to go at back doors and but it was still locked strange . I knocked a few times but no one answered, maybe he was at home? It's been an hour since i came to his doorsteps I was constantly knocking at his doors even his neighbors got out to see what was happening. I did have a key at his house but recently he changed it to a passcode one and I didn't have the chance to asked the pin code, I tried to call him a few times but it was to no avail. Shit Nobita where are you? "Sorry the person you are trying to call is not available right now, please leave message after the beeb"  'darling where are you? Why didn't you tell me you're not opening today? Are you at your home right now? Where are you? Are you sick? Please reply to me darling I'm worried'  I texted him a few times but he just wouldn't reply

Was he kidnapped? No I walk him home yesterday, did someone break in? No his house would be opened and is in a mess. Ugh I can't think straight. Should I call the police? No that would be too much, I should call the special force to find him. Even though I want to find him myself Shizuka was calling me non stop nagging me to come to the company. Even though I already have my people to search him I was still anxious, the anxiety and my thoughts was eating me making me more worried. Where are you Nobita?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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