Chapter Two: Holding Friendship's Hand

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Chapter Two: Holding Friendship's Hand


  I hear the songs of birds, as they sing their melodies and lullabies into the sky. The sun was up in the sky, all bright and yellow, beaming smiles to those below.

  My legs dangle off a large rock, one that I had just found this morning. The cool morning atmosphere nourishes me with energy, fills me with the strength to make it through the day. If I didn't have this excess energy then I wouldn't be capable of surviving through the day. Especially during times like this.

  Last night, I recall, was hectic. As messed up as it could be. I reflect on how uneasy I felt, how nervous I was. I had to admit, I could not help but think something was off within our friend group. People are meant to be comfortable around their friends, and their friends are meant to allow them to flourish. But yet, my friends scare me.

  Perhaps, I was exaggerating in some ways, perhaps I was hallucinating. However, normally whenever there is tension in our friend group, it does not leave an everlasting impact on me. Why did this one— out of all— affect me? Maybe this question was what left me quizzical and uneasy.

  I glance at the tents, at the camp, where everyone was snoozing away. Slowly, the camp begins to stir to life, starting with the awakening of Kyanite. Yesterday, I remember, Kyanite was relatively quiet, minding her own business, as if she were in her own dilly-dally world.

  "Naoko?" Kyanite calls my name, yawning. She takes a clunky step outside of one of the tents. Since we, as referring to our entire hopefully-fine friend group, were friends were Kyanite, we were all fully aware that Kyanite was permanently disabled, with a mechanical left leg instead of a real one. She preferably doesn't choose to elaborate on the incident, so I can't quite tell what happened to her. All I know is the aftermath.

  I wish I could also know of the aftermath of this camping trip. I hold a firm belief, believing that the aftermath of this camping trip wouldn't be the greatest outcome. But this is all just assumptions and speculations; I can't speak for the future. I can only wait, and watch the show planned for us.

  "Hm?" I say for a simple reply, but yet a reply acknowledging her call to me. I knew Kyanite would never bring me harm, but I still felt off while talking to her. Was I turning into someone who couldn't trust anyone?

  "You're up early." She remarks, "Why so?"

  I take in a breath, to calm myself down. Relax, I tell myself, repeatedly over and over again, till I felt the slightest bit better. I searched my mind for a blank reply, one that didn't tell Kyanite of much, and one that will instantaneously end the conversation.

  So, I come up with this: I shrug, a plain, nonchalant shrug, "Just because I am."

  And with that final sentence, our conversation came to an end. Tiny gusts breeze by, as I still sit still, and wait. Being the cook she is, Kyanite had today's breakfast prepared, however, I had no appetite. After all, how could I?

  "Good morning!" Gloria is basically yelling, as she tries to rile us all up. "Come on guys, let's get up so we can do something fun!!"

  Her face is full of messy makeup. She must've applied it in a rush, to go meet up with us. Usually Gloria is not a morning bird. Somehow, today, she decides to be one.

  A large grin just sits on her face. There is smudged mascara all over her eyes, and some even got on her nose. She is a mess. A complete, and total mess.

  Gloria catches sight of us. Her grin grows unusually longer. Is she okay? Maybe she took a tumble into a rock. Maybe she got bit by something with rabies.

  Oh no. She's jumping up and down as she rushes towards us. We need a priest.

  "Naoko! Kyanite!"

  I had to admit. Despite Gloria practically acting like some sort of lunatic, unlike her usual demeanor, I still felt that wave of uneasiness. A massive wave. Yesterday, she was a part of the tension in between the group. Not just any part, however, she was a major part. Like how addition is a key component of mathematics, Gloria was a key component in yesterday's conflicts. But then, I found this arcane. I also found myself dubious.

  Kyanite, unlike herself yesterday, is first to speak to Gloria. Timid me just couldn't open my mouth. Timid me also couldn't toss away the past, and move on from last night's events. Kyanite looks up from whatever she was doing, and in a superfluous tone, she greeted Gloria, "Good morning! What is it that you are pointing towards doing?"

  I think of sedulous words to say. Trenchant words. Gloria was, for sure, obdurate. Any spontaneous conversation would go her way. What we want might go her way as well. Was there even a way to dissuade Gloria as myself? I then scowl at myself, with an urge to slap myself. I loathed delineating on inconvenient thoughts.  Why was I thinking of this, when we were on a trip? A trip of which should be enjoyable and relaxing, of course.

  I glance at some nearby laurels, but only for a second. Turning away from someone mid-conversation was flippant. It was something I shouldn't be doing, otherwise, the future's prescience would hold something grotesquely for me.

  I fear doing impetuous or languid actions, in front of my friends. Each and every one of them were involved in the tension. And so was I. It would be dangerous for me If I did such actions.

   I choose to simply just listen in on Kyanite's and Gloria's conversation. I figured I would find some other time to intervene. I wondered if this was a problem regarding me being cowardly, or if it wasn't.

  Gloria's enthusiasm was contagious, but it also sent a shiver down my spine. Despite her cheerfulness, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something off about her. After all, she had been at the center of the tension last night, and her sudden change in behavior was unsettling.

  "Good morning, Gloria," Kyanite greeted her politely. "What's on the agenda for today?"

  Gloria's grin widened at Kyanite's question, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I was thinking we could go explore the forest," she suggested eagerly. "There's going to be all sorts of hidden treasures out there, just waiting to be discovered!"

"Yeah, that sounds great!" Cameron replied.

  Suddenly, everyone had come down to where we were. They had circled around us, and faced Gloria with similar smiles. This struck me as strange. Well, perhaps this is some sort of joke where they are trying to scare myself and Kyanite.

  "Okay, I'm down for it!" Jacan said with excitement.

  "Hmm, I'm not sure...isn't it dangerous?" I asked.

  "Yeah, I don't know if it's a good idea." Kyanite responded hesitantly. "Maybe we should take it easy today. We don't even know what's out there in the forest."

  Gloria's grin faltered slightly at  our responses. "Oh, come on guys," she cajoled. "Where's your sense of adventure? We'll stick together, I promise. It'll be fun, I swear!"

  Despite my misgivings, I found myself relenting to Gloria's enthusiasm. After all, she was my friend, and I didn't want to spoil the mood for everyone else. But as we set off into the forest, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were walking into danger, that the secrets of the wilderness held more than just hidden treasures.

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