i'm late to school... and my period.

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Let's get this straight:


My period is more than two weeks late and yes... I get that it's normal if I've had my period for only a year and a bit but I can't help feeling a little uneasy. And frustrated! I was due on the 4th of April and it's the 19th of April. I hate being on my period but I hate anticipating it too. The anticipation is worse than the period itself, for me. I was blessed with a short cycle of 22 days and I have really bad PMS too. I've actually read somewhere that coffee can cause all of the worst symptoms I have and coffee is my lifeline. It doesn't make me feel more awake but it tastes really nice! BAHA! I never fail to drink it but I'm trying to get sober as I need to stop drinking it so much. I went off topic, my period is late by more than two weeks and we got back from half-term holidays this week. I have had to keep checking every day more than three times as I have constant fake alarms and today, I just got fed up. I decided that I would put a pad on in order to bamboozle it into starting, as I was on my way to my classroom, I saw my teacher walking towards me. Well, probably not towards me but towards my classroom and my peg is outside of my classroom! I was walking awkwardly towards my backpack and we met at my class's door. It was playtime therefore there weren't any children in the class yet there was PG and HDL (PG being a teacher and HDL being a teaching assistant. They are both quite close with my teacher, SA.)
"You okay?" SA asked me, smiling the same way she always does.
"Yeah... I just."
I advanced toward my bag.
"Why are you wandering around the corridor?" she asked me while laughing.
"I'm not, I just..."
I don't usually finish my sentences and SA walked into the classroom, I opened my bag and got a pad. I knew HDL had seen but I didn't care. I just walked back to the bathroom and put the pad on. 

Lesson of the day: Be prepared for awkwardness surrounding your period!

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