Cedric confesses his love (Cedric pov)

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Aaaaaagh I'm being chased by a group of fan girls trying to tell me that they love me so I run into a random compartment THAT JUST SO HAPPENS TO HAVE MY CRUSH AND HIS BEST FRIENDS ALL IN SIDE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH HOW COULD MY DAY GET ANY WORSE "Hey whats up guys" I say completely out of breath as I slide down the closed door that I had slammed behind me as I had gotten into the compartment. I started to blush as I saw my crush harry turn red and cover his face. He is so cute with his messy hair and his cute smile and adorable glasses that had previously fallen down his perfectly adorable little face. 

I just wan't to kiss him till his lips are swollen and he can't hold his breath any longer. Agh now I can't get him out of my head geez really "hey Cedric do you maybe want to talk you look a little stressed"says my sweet little angel commonly known as Harry Potter or the chosen one (though I don't think he likes being called the second one) "sure, lets go somewhere private Harry" I exclaim. Wait. MY!?! AAAAGGGGHHHH he's going to kill me some day!!! so we get to the bathrooms and I start speaking first to let him know that I'm alright so that he can stop worrying so that he doesn't get a headache because of it. That would make me so very upset that this cute little angel got hurt just because he was worrying about me over trivial reasons. But he looked kinda sad before I entered the compartment so I should ask him about it so that he  never has to be sad again. oh my poor little baby. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH WHY AM I SAYING THIS KIND OF STUFF LIKE WE ARE DATING WE ARE NOT DATING!!! Although it would be nice if we were... But sadly we aren't. Hey maybe I should ask him out AND reassure him i'm ok yea that sound like a good idea. "Hey, hey, I'm ok my sweet Harry" I whisper as I  notice that he is upset "oh, ok Ced-wait, WHAT" my adorable little cinnamon roll shouts " Hey, darling no need to shout" I chuckle a little bit "DARLING, I'M NOT YOUR DARLING" he shouts again " Ow. ok, ok, Harry but I do need to tell you something and ask you a very important question... Would you, maybe... like to go out with me? like on a date? and I love you so much and are you ok? because earlier you looked like you were about to cry." I said in a gentle voice as to not scare the little precious bean away. "yea I'm ok and of corse I would LOVE to go on a date with you... and I... I love you to... Cedric."harry whispers the last part softly I almost could not hear him but I did. Awe it was so cute the way he blushed so subtly that I could just see a hint of it in the dim light of the bathroom and the way he slightly smiled was a everything I could have ever imagined. I might just...


what do you think is going to happen next read the next chapter to find out bye my lovely people.

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