Kisses, Cuddles, and Comfort (Harry pov)

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he leans in closer to me closing the distance between us. as he glances down at my lips and leans down I find myself leaning upwards to meet his. Our lips meet it starts out slow and innocent and loving just lips on lips. Then he pics up the pace by gently nipping at my bottom lip. I know what this means so I do what I am told and open up my mouth just enough for him to shove his Tongue into my mouth as we battle for dominance I know he is going to win so I give up and succumb to him. As he explores my mouth I moan quietly it feels so good my pants start to tighten. I feel something poking me. Oh yea no, I'm not ready for this to happen yet. I push him lightly it feels to good to stop and I almost whine when he pulls away.

"What's wrong my sweet Harry?" whispers Cedric "I'm just not ready to go any farther than this for now. I'm sorry." "and there is nothing wrong with that my darling. No need to worry love. Do you just want to cuddle." He whispers again "yes please, and can we go back to the others now I don't want to worry them." "Of corse my lovely Harry," he exclaims making me laugh. He stands up from the ground that we somehow ended up laying down on then he helps me get up.

As we walk back to our compartment we notice that we are almost at Hogwarts. So we hurry back to get changed into our cloaks. Once we got back Ron said "You were gone for almost 5 hours what were you doing! Snogging?" "For your information -- not that you need it -- yes, yes we were snogging." announced Cedric "and I have just one more thing to ask Harry. So here goes. Harry do you wan't to be my Boyfriend?" asks my lovely Cedric "YES! YES, OF CORSE CEDRIC!" I squeal.


I am so happy so I pick harry up and spin him around once and set him back down and hug him to death. then I notice that he is crying "what's wrong my love?" I whisper in his ear "nothing, I'm just happy. these are happy tears... love" my angel whispered


awe so cute Harry just called Cedric a pet name out loud for the first time. bye my lovely people

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