Chapter Five

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(Harper's POV)

We were sitting on his bed when he put his hand on my stomach, then up my shirt. the other hand on my face, and wrapped it around my neck.

"Peter...Stop. No."

"Just stop, stop fighting it."He said loudly.

"Let go of me, I want you to go home." I was uncomfortable.

He put his hand over my mouth and tied my hands to the bed. "Just relax..." His expression turned dark.

He wouldn't let me move. I was trembling with fear.

I woke up gasping.

At the kitchen table the next morning:

"Hey sis, you look tired. Did you sleep okay last night?" Talia asked me.

"I just didn't sleep that great last night," I replied.

"Are you, Having the nightmares again?" She asked, becoming alarmed.

"Just last night I had another one. I haven't had one in a long time." I replied, gulping water.

She didn't talk for a minute, then she took a deep breath and said, "I know you don't like me saying this, but... I think you should go to therapy. You've been through a lot of crazy things lately." I started to get aggravated.

"You know what's gonna happen if I get therapy? The therapist is gonna make me tell them all the shit that happened Last summer, which I won't be able to do because I could get arrested! And even if I don't get arrested a ton of shit is gonna get stirred up and It'll just be last summer all over again! So no, I'm not getting therapy."

She didn't reply for a long time, then she finally said, "Okay. But you can't bottle your feelings up like this fore-."

"Just let me be a normal person with a normal life! Just forget anything ever happened last summer, that'll be the best therapy! I'm going to school." I cut her off and left for school.

(Alex's POV)

In the hallway before 3rd period:

"Hey, stranger!" I laughed, waving Harper over to my table. She made her way over to my table and said hi.

"So how's your part of the project coming along?" She asked me.

"It's going okay! I was wondering if you could look over it for me and give some advice on what I could make better." I asked.

"Oh sure! here let me take a look." She replied.

Reading my pages in the binder, She made a frown, and almost said something but stopped herself.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, Not to be mean, but there are a couple of errors here with your facts on pollution, also there are a couple of minor grammar mistakes, Maybe we could talk about them and finish our project sometime before Friday." She replied.

"Oh, I didn't know that I-." I started to say and then my class bell rang.

"That's my bell, I'm so sorry but I gotta go. Oh Hey! Me, Sam, his girlfriend and my sister Aria are all gonna be hanging out playing video games tonight, Wanna come over and play them with us and we can work on the project after!" I said to her.

"Oh, sure! I'm pretty sure I'm free." She replied.

"Okay cool! See you then!" I shouted, heading into my classroom as she walked to hers.

"See ya!" She replied.

(Harper's POV)

I got ready, Changing out of my sweaty tee shirt and into my mom's old red flannel, which was always my favorite. Then I put on some perfume and headed across the street to Alex's house. He opened the door and greeted me with a hug.

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