Chapter Seven

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(Harper's Pov)

In my room one evening:

Luna and I hung out in my room doing homework one evening with Episodes of "How I Met Your Mother." on in the background. It was a cool October evening, but still warm enough to keep my bedroom window open. The kind of weather where you could wear a tank top and shorts, or a sweater and jeans and you wouldn't get hot or cold either way. My favorite kind of weather.

While we were doing homework I got a notification buzz on my phone and saw that Alex had texted me. So I grabbed my phone and texted him back.

"Who ya texting?" Luna asked in a kind of teasing manner.

"Alex from science class," I replied.

"Oh, the one who supported you when you had that badass rant in class?" She asked, reaching for her granola bar and taking a large bite.

"The very one." I giggled.

"Wait are you two like..." She asked me, making a weird hand gesture.
"Like what?" I asked, completely confused.

"Are you two..doing it?..." She giggled, sliding her left pointer finger back and forth between her right hand.

"What? No, We've only known each other for, like a month. And besides, a relationship is the last thing I need right now. I have no interest in him." I replied. But the truth was, I was very interested in him, his looks, his personality, his hand movements, everything. But like I'd just told Luna, we'd only known each other a month, and I didn't need a relationship on my plate.

"Whatever you say," Luna replied, raising her eyebrow.

Meanwhile, Alex texted me while Luna ranted about how much homework she had.

"Hey, So I was wondering if you wanna go to my Sister and her band's concert tomorrow night with me, it's gonna be held at the annual Freedom Fest." He texted.

"Yeah sure, I'm free! What time is it?" I asked him.

"It starts around seven, but you should probably be there by 6:30 so we can get our tickets and find good seats." He replied.

"Ok sounds good," I said.

We met at the concert just as it was getting dark outside and the sky was covered in a dusky, pinkish-purple color.

"Hey! I'm so glad you were able to make it! Sam, Aria, and the other bandmates are almost done rehearsing." Alex said to me as we went to find our seats. Sam, Aria, and a few of their bandmates who I'd never met before popped on the stage a few minutes later. Aria was the lead singer, Sam did the backing vocals and also played the electric guitar, one of their band members played the drums, another played violin, and the other guy played piano.

"(Ehem) Hey everyone, We're Renegade Fury, coming to you live from Chartway arena!!" Aria Shouted to the relatively large crowd of about 300 people at the festival. Many people clapped, and a few made a loud whistle cheering them on. "So, We're gonna start with a song that I and the band wrote. So, what's so special about this song to me is meant to be an anthem of empowerment, encouraging listeners to break free from the constraints that hold them back, and rise to take control of their lives. so here it is." She smiled nervously. The song started, and everyone was immediately stunned by their talent.

The lyrics were:

"I've been held down, trapped in this place
A prisoner of fear, a slave to the pace
But I can feel the fire burning deep inside
A rebel's cry, a call to take the ride

Break the chains, shatter the lies
I'm gonna rise, gonna light up the skies
I'm breaking free, gonna make my way
No more shackles, no more endless gray

I've been silenced, muted, and tamed
But the noise inside me is screaming to be claimed
I'm gonna speak out, gonna make some noise
Gonna shatter the glass, gonna make some joy

Break the chains, shatter the lies
I'm gonna rise, gonna light up the skies
I'm breaking free, gonna make my way
No more shackles, no more endless gray

I'll leap, I'll make the move
I'll find my voice, I'll break the groove
I'll rise high, I'll shine so bright
I'll break the chains, I'll ignite

Break the chains, shatter the lies
I'm gonna rise, gonna light up the skies
I'm breaking free, gonna make my way
No more shackles, no more endless gray

I'm breaking free, I'm on the run
I'm gonna make my mark, I'm gonna have fun
No more chains, no more pain
I'm breaking free, gonna make my way,
No more shackles, no more endless grey."

"Oh my gosh, Alex. Your sister sounds like an angel! And so does the rest of the band!" I exclaimed.

"They really are! I just wish Aria could see her own talent, she really beats herself up too much." He replied.

"Why would she beat herself up? She sounds so amazing!" I exclaimed.

"She's very self conscious." He replied.

"Well, she shouldn't be." I laughed.

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