chapter fifty-two

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Chapter 52


"Holy hell, this family can never catch a goddamn break."

Mina put her head down on the hard table harshly. If anything, the way things were going at yet another family meeting was making her want to bang her head against the table until she was seeing stars.

Bonnie put her head in her hands, refusing to seek refuge in Klaus at the moment, but needing the comfort of something.

According to Marcel, the problem at their feet wasn't another physical attack, but it was one that could damage their plans just the same. After feeling like Marcel had let down the people of New Orleans, the faction rivaled together, announcing their disappointment with Marcel's familial choices.

Not trusting him anymore, the city of New Orleans called for a new King. And instead of allowing someone to self-proclaim themselves as the king, like Marcel did, they wanted a vote. A vote in which no Mikaelson, blood or not, last named or not, were on the ballot.

"There isn't a world where I'm not the king of New Orleans, Klaus," Marcel snapped in disbelief. He could hardly believe the words coming out of the hybrid's mouth. For the last five minutes, every plan Klaus had suggested had involved leaving Marcel at the Compound. "It's my city."

"I've let you play king to your army of untrained children for months into my arrival at New Orleans, but now that this city no longer respects and adores you, it is time you step down."

"Step down?" Marcel growled. "I am the only person at this damn table who has the support of the people in this city."

"Are you not aware of the revolt happening as we speak?" Klaus asked sarcastically. "The factions, including your vampires, are marching the streets, planning to vote in a new king in spite of your ruling."

"And who told me that, Klaus?" Marcel asked. "Josh did! I still have half of my army. That's better than what you all have without me!"

Klaus scoffed, the man he once called son staring into his eyes. "What we have without you are the witches, so quaked with fear, they would help us if commanded. What we have is my alliance with some of the wolves. What we don't have, Marcellus, is everyone in this house working for one bloody purpose. You being king is not the focus here! It is protecting this city for my little girl."

"I'm working for the good of this family, Klaus," Marcel exclaimed. "I'm trying–" 

Klaus slammed his hand down on the table causing everyone's glass to rattle. "What I need you to do is be quiet and do what you're told!" 

Marcel gulped down the rest of his bourbon before sliding his chair back with the back of his legs. "It seems like there's no need for me, right?"

"Marcel," Mina started, groaning in her head. "No one is renouncing your place in the family. You are needed."

Marcel Gerard shook his head. "Try fighting this war without me," He nodded. "Well see just how much you have without me... Davina," He called, grabbing her attention. "Pack your drawings. We're leaving."

"Marcel," Bonnie pleaded. With Kol, Elyza, and Rebekah gone, the last thing they need is for more family members to step out. "Your place is here."

"And you're the only person with access to the vampires," Mina added. "The vampires make up a large piece of New Orleans. Without them, without you," She said, glaring at Klaus. "We're done before we even start."

When Davina came downstairs with a backpack in tow, Marcel grabbed his keys off the kitchen island. "I'm not the one you need to tell that to."

Bonnie sighed as the heard the front door slam. Coming in behind Marcel with shock evident on his face, Elijah came into the room with Isabel hot on his heels. They were both about to continue on with the conversation they were having, but they stopped when they were met with the faces of their family.

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