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Rochester, New York

The sound of glass breaking jolts me awake. I blink a few times as I try to figure out how I fell asleep. My hand is still clutching the acceptance letter, along with the full scholarship offer, to the University of Texas. I remember going to my room to open it before Papi came home. I must've stared at it until I fell asleep.

It still feels unreal though. All those days during the summer where me and the boys played ball on the field. It started as a way to avoid going home. My boys needed someone to pitch, then come to find out that I'm actually really good at it. So, we started playing almost religiously until we found a Little League program for city kids. Papi almost said no because he didn't like the idea of Mami being alone by herself, which I didn't understand back then, but now I know his controlling antics for what they are. He thinks that she will cheat on him, not because she is that kind of woman, but most likely it is from his own guilt that makes him feel insecure. Thankfully, she is good friends with a few moms on the team, so she promised to be at all the games with me, and promised to sit with the women. 

At first, Papi complained about having to buy some gear for it, but the program offered funds for it, urging me to keep playing. I'm a pitcher and apparently a damn good one. I have been playing in the Little League since I was ten years old. I just graduated high school and was told that I qualify for the Major League Baseball, with the skill level they are interested in, but my coach said to try at least a year of school to develop more pitches in a different environment to hone in my skill. I am actually really excited to do just that. Getting out of Rochester is a dream of mine. 

"Que te jodan!" I hear Papi yell, followed by a slapping sound. "Donde crees que vas?" Mami cries out and there's another thud, and possible furniture being moved around. I'm up and out of the bed before I can think twice. The letter falls somewhere on the floor as I run towards my door to open it. The house is small, the walls are thin, so I know exactly where they are. As soon as I open the door, I head to the kitchen with one thing on my mind. 

I'm not no tonto. I'm not stupid. I know Papi used to hit Mami sometimes, but he never did it in front of me or when I was home. I just used to see the evidence. He did used to yell and say things around me, but never this. I love my Papi, but there's no way in hell I'm just going to let him hurt her. 

"Papi! Por Favor!" Mami cries out. "I can cook you something. I thought you were coming home later!" 

"I work too hard for this shit. You fucking Puta! You think I don't know? You open your legs para todo el mundo menos yo!" I walk into the kitchen and find him thrusting his hips in a suggestive way. I put my hands up in a placating way, trying to get his attention off of her. 

"Hey Papi! Mami y yo got home late today. Guess what?" I make myself get excited, which isn't hard to do when thinking about the letter waiting for me and what it means. I'm hoping that maybe he will calm down enough to see that he is tripping. Mami may not work for money, but she works hard. I see that and I know he do too. "I got into college!" I throw my hands up in celebration.

"Bueno! Something else I got to pay for!" He clicks his teeth and does a little spin before turning back to look at me with frustration. 

"No Pa. That's the thing. It's all paid for me. They want me and gave a full scholarship!" My mom lights up at the news and comes over to me to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Felicidades mijo. Estamos tan orgullosos de ti. Right, mi amor?" She places her hand lightly on my cheek as she smiles up at me. She turns her head slightly so she can make eye contact with him. I can tell that she is genuinely happy but there's no denying the desperation in her eyes when she waits for his response. I watch him as well. His body language remains tense as he breathes heavily without looking at neither one of us. Instead, he seems to be staring at the clock on the wall behind me, slightly above my head. 

"Yeah," he trails off for a moment. He looks right at me now. "So proud, hijo. Let's go out to eat and celebrate. As a family." He smiles at me and tilts his head up in a way that tells me to go ahead. "Go get ready. We leave in five." I look up at the clock and see that it is ten after five before I leave the kitchen.

My mom smiles and claps her hands before turning to do the same. I make for the bathroom to freshen up. As I wash my face, I can't stop the smile on my face. Life is so good right now. I was worried for a second and I don't like thinking about Papi hurting Mami, but at least I was able to stop it from going further. We never get to go out to eat because he don't believe in wasting money. I don't see it as wasting money, but he is a firm believer that Mami is supposed to keep the house clean, take care of me, and cook everyday for us. 

So, today is a treat and I can't wait. We get in the car, hop on the expressway, and I can't help but get excited thinking about where we might be going. Honestly, I would be good with Applebee's or something like Bill Gray's as well. I'm busy listening to the music in the background playing Bad Bunny that I don't even realize that we reached the restaurant. It looks like we going to be eating at the Italian steakhouse. I'm surprised by the choice but you won't catch me complaining. This going to be good.

Pa looks over at me as we start walking in. "Order whatever you want papi. We can start with appetizers." He claps me on the back as I nod with him, rubbing my hands back and forth as I think about all the good food we going to be eating. Since it is the middle of the week, I guess it's not that busy so we got in right away. 

We order so much food that we couldn't even finish it all. We end up leaving with two boxes full of leftovers that I definitely will be eating tomorrow. At home, we always eat dinner together, but it is never like this. We actually talked like a family, tasted everything together, and smiled the whole time. Papi is usually too tired and doesn't always talk much, but he does check in during dinner and heads to bed right after usually. I never felt like he cared much about my baseball career. He always acted like it was my hobby and never came to any of my games. Tonight makes me feel like he does care, but maybe he was worried about paying for it.

As soon as we get home, they get ready for bed and I head to my room, and I immediately pick up the letter from the floor. I smooth it out and prop it on my nightstand. I'm going to frame it as soon as possible. One day, I will take care of Mami and Papi. Then, maybe they won't fight about much. 

I change into some sweatpants for bed and go to sleep with the biggest smile on my face.

The next morning I awake to the sound of nothing. It's hard to explain because city life means that there's always some kind of noise, no matter what time it is. Aside from the usual yelling, lawn mowing, music blasting, and cars speeding, there's a silence in my home that feels loud to me. 

I listen out for Mami, who is usually up listening to Wilfrido Vargas as she prepares breakfast for her and I to eat, but I don't sense any movement. I check her room before going downstairs towards the kitchen. As soon as I reach the bottom of the stairs, I stop in my track when I see her in the living room. She is sitting on the couch with her body hunched over. I can't see her facial expression from here, her head is hanging between her legs as her arms dangle on top of them. Her shoulders shake a little which is why I approach her slowly.

"Ma?" I say as gently as I can. "What's wrong?"

"He's gone, mijo. Papi left us."

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