Chapter 3

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"Mrs. Lovett!" Nellie heard Sweeney's voice call out. She turned around and smiled as she saw him rushing down the stairs. "Hello there, Mr. Todd." She said. "What are you doing? I thought you were getting the shop ready." "I was, I'll be opening up soon, I just wanted to see you for a moment before work." Sweeney responded. "I also wanted to give you this." He handed her a folded piece of paper. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of it, for surely it was another letter. "Thank you, love." She said. "No need to thank me, it's just something I want to say." Sweeney responded. "Something I would say aloud if I could." He added.
   "I don't know why it's so difficult. You'd think that just saying words wouldn't be so hard, it's just... I don't know, I guess I've just got so many thoughts and feelings, and so much that I'm still dealing with and working through. It's just so much." "Don't worry, dear. I understand." Nellie reassured. "Expressing feelings can be difficult sometimes, especially if they're particularly strong." "Yeah." Sweeney mumbled, nodding. "And they are quite strong. The amount that I admire you, it's just... It's a lot." Nellie smiled at him. "That's very sweet, love!" Sweeney smiled back at her. "I do try."
He glanced over at the stairs and sighed. "Well, I suppose I should open the shop now." "Alright, dear." Nellie replied. She held his hand and leaned in a little. "Just one last kiss before work?" The smile reappeared on his face, and he pulled her close. "Of course, love." He leaned in and kissed her, and she kissed back, holding onto him even tighter. She once again felt as though she could've melted right there in his arms, just as she always felt whenever he held her. He held onto her so tightly, yet his embrace felt so gentle, so comforting. How nice and warm it felt, just as always. She loved moments like this, she loved every soft little moment with him.
Even as the days continued to pass, she still couldn't fully believe that they were truly together, that he truly loved her at last. How overwhelmingly happy it made her to think about that. Now he wrote letters every day to express his affection, and how beautifully written they were. Even if he didn't say much out loud, she could tell just how much he truly meant every word. She did hope that one day, it'd become easier for him to express his feelings, but she didn't mind how things were now. In fact, she loved the letters. Even if he was saying things like that out loud, she'd enjoy the letters. He didn't let others see this side of him, but he really was quite the romantic deep down. As a hopeless romantic herself, Nellie loved this about him. Of course, there were many things she loved about him.
"Mum?" She heard a voice say. She quickly pulled away and turned around, noticing Toby standing before her and Sweeney. "Sorry to interrupt." He said awkwardly. "We're opening the shop soon, right?" Nellie laughed a little. "Yes we are." Toby nodded, then walked towards the tables, setting them up. Nellie turned to face Sweeney once again. "Alright then, love. I'll see you later." Sweeney nodded, then headed upstairs. She glanced at the balcony for a moment, watching until he was out of her sight. She then looked at the letter he had given her, and quickly unfolded it.

My dearest Mrs. Lovett,
Is it strange that I miss you during work hours? I know we live together, I know we see each other every day, I know it's only for a few hours, and we'll see each other again after work. For some reason though, I find myself missing you. I quite like my job, I'm sure you like yours too, yet it sometimes feels like the hours pass by so slowly, and I just can't wait to close the shop and rush downstairs to see you again. I imagine your smile as we run to each other, I imagine your warm embrace, and now I wish I could just take the day off from work and hold you all day. I can't wait to hold you again. I love you so much, Mrs. Lovett.
S. Todd

Nellie smiled, then rushed to her room to put the letter away. She had a case that she had been keeping Sweeney's letters in. She always loved seeing it grow as each day passed. "Mum, do you want me to put up the open sign?" She heard Toby ask. "Yes, dear." She replied. She set down the case, then rushed back out to the pie shop. It felt nice to know that Sweeney missed her during work too. She felt like she might've been a little dramatic, missing him when he was just upstairs. She couldn't help it though, she just loved having him around. She watched as some customers began to enter the shop, and sighed. It was time for work once again.

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