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Will takes Jackie around the Walter house, introducing everyone. 

So far Jackie has met Danny, Isaac, Jordan, Lee and Nathan. From inside the house, Jackie peeks out a window to see a girl her age talking to young kids. Will follows her gaze and explains, "That boy is Benny and the blonde girl Parker aka my most mischievous siblings. They are know as the death duo here- cause the messes these two create are deadly to clean. Oh and that older girl you see playing with them she is Nicky."

At the moment Nicky tossed her head back to look at Jackie, she waived her hello with a pleasant expression on her face. Will's phone started ringing and he had to leave as well, so he left Jackie in Danny's care. 

All of this was quite a huge deal for Jackie, back home it was just 4 people including her and now it was like an entire village living in a single home. Jackie looked at Danny and asked, "Does everybody live here?"

"Oh no! Will lives with his fiance and Nicky is actually a family friend. Tho she does hang around here a lot." 

Immediately from the window, Jackie say a blonde guy emerging out of the swimming pool. Danny explained, "That's Cole an arrogant teenager who thinks he looks like a greek god. He is best friends with Nicky. It's quite a funky friendship to be honest cause you'd never expect these two to become friends. But the rumors are Nicky helped Cole while he was dealing with some shit and Cole knows stuff about Nick that no one else does so they just understand things about each other that we don't which makes them close friends. You know Nicky lost her mother 2 years ago and after that her father had a bit of a slip away."

Jackie knew that the only reason Danny was telling her this was so that he could show his sympathy in the most discreet way. Nonetheless she appreciated this concern. 

Jackie tired after a long physical and emotional journey called it a day in her bedroom. As she lay her head on the bed she wondered how did Nicky cope up with the pain of her mother, was it a secret relationship with Cole. As more thoughts started coming to her mind, she pushed them away knowing that it was none of her business. Even though she just wanted to sleep, her mind kept replaying Cole walking out of the pool and Nicky talking to the kids. 

Jackie got out of bed to get a glass of water. She tip-toed down the stairs and as she was about to enter the kitchen, she heard sushed voices. She peeked her head in to see Katherine and Nicky sitting around a table. Katherine was talking to Nicky, saying, "Nicky.... you should talk to Jackie about all of this.... this change for her. You're the best person to talk to her. You know she didn't even have dinner tonight, she just went to her room, I don't know what's going on but I really want to help her. Please talk to her Nick"

"Katherine, don't worry, I'll talk to her tomorrow. Just give her some time she will adjust to this."

Suddenly Jackie wasn't so thirsty anymore, she went back to her room dreading the future conversation she was going to have. The last thing Jackie needed was someone forcing her to talk about how dead her parents were. 

Guys, I would really appreciate some comments!!

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