Jackie's POV

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It's been two weeks since I arrived at the Walter house. And so far, it's been a whirlwind of emotions. I'm still dealing with the loss but honestly, I was excited to come here to Colorado. It's a good contrast from the city to the countryside. I couldn't stay in New York anymore; it was far too suffocating.

I miss my family a lot but living with so many people really fills in the gaping hole. There is always a different vibe around the Walter house and someone to always match your interests with. There is never a dull moment, and you can never be lonely.

I am starting to make friends here, especially Nick. Honestly she is probably the prettiest girl I have met in Colorado. She has no such features that specifically stand out. But her long hair, in her half up hairstyle swish around with the breeze as she walks. Her dark brown eyes are so intense yet so soft. They can feel like a storm and a home. I don't think anyone in the school really notices her beauty. They are all so focused on Erin. Erin is Cole's on and off fling.

Actually, about Cole, I feel like he is flirting with me, maybe even teasing me. I told Grace about this, and she told me in her exact words, "that is Cole Walter being Cole Walter. But don't let him get to ur head, he does this with every girl. Only flirts or plays with them and since ur the newest addition here so automatically you become the prey." And later on, Skylar told me a very similar story.

I don't know what to feel about this situation. I mean obviously I don't want to be some fling but I kinda like the attention. He makes me feel normal again. Like something happened alright but its okay cause I'm still me. After the accident people treated me like I was some stinky untouchable person. But Cole treats me like I am still going to be me no matter what happens.

I am bonding well with the others as well. Skylar and Grace are quickly becoming good friends. I go out for runs with Nathan. I even do a bit of filming with Jordan. And I share my love for reading with Alex. Alex is really nice even though I can tell he is a bit broken inside, but he is quite lively. The other day, he showed me the loft and we did have a lot of fun. At that moment I felt closer to Alex like I wanted to tell him all the worries of my life and just open up to him. That was until Cole barged in. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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