The convo

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Next morning, Jackie woke up late, still weary from her journey. She changed into some fresh clothing and prepared herself for the first full official day at the Walter house. By the time she went downstairs, everyone had finished their breakfast. Thankfully it was a Sunday so she was in no rush. Today Jackie had decided to make friends with at least one of the walter boys so that school the next day could be easier. As she entered the kitchen, Nicky looked up to her and said "Hey morning Jackie! Umm... do you like walks by any chance?"

"Yea love them!" Jackie blurted out with instant regret. She realised that this walk was probably for the dreaded conversation. But she had to have that conversation at some point and the sooner the better. 

"Okay great! How about you have some breakfast and then we can go for a walk. There is a pretty little path near here that I think you'd enjoy"

"Actually I'm not that hungry, how about we go now?"

"Sounds cool!"

As Nicky guided Jackie through the side door of the house, Jackie could feel Katherine's eyes on her. She knew Katherine had good intentions at heart but it didn't help that she was glaring into her soul. This also just so happened to be her first official meeting with Nicky. She had said hello to each of the walters yesterday but Nicky and Cole she had only seen through a window.

As Jackie began walking, a knot started forming in her stomach. She walked for a few minutes in complete silence. During this time she started admiring the beauty, the countryside could be really beautiful.

(This is an imaginable path for reference)

(This is an imaginable path for reference)

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Jackie saw the path ending and wondered if Nicky was going to say anything after all. 

As if on cue, Nicky started "Jackie I'm sure by now one of the boys would have told you that two years ago I lost my mother. So I can understand your pain at some level. Obviously not to the extent that you are feeling. But I am the best person around here who can understand what you are going through. Look Jackie I'm gonna be honest this is not gonna be easy. Your life is changing really fast, all of a sudden you are transported from a bustling happening city to a laidback countryside. It's quite a lot. And living with the Walter boys is not gonna be easy. They are loud, messy, annoying and what not. But, I can tell you from experience that they are very welcoming. They'll accept you right in as one of the household. Ultimately, I just really want you to know that I'm here for you and if any of the boys trouble you, you let me know okay. I know how to deal with these boys and keep them in line. Just if you ever need a friend I'm here to talk."

By the time Nicky had finished talking, they had reached the end of the path. Any knot in Jackie's stomach had vanished, she was glad that Nicky didn't make her talk about her feelings or emotions or even mention her dead parents. Clearly Nicky had dealt with this pain and knew how to take things through. She was also glad that there was no beating around the bush or any small talk attempted, the whole conversation was straight to the point. 

Nicky turned around and locked eyes with Jackie. That's when Jackie noticed a fierce gaze radiating out of Nicky's subtle black eyes. 

"We should probably head back, you must be getting hungry."

"Thanks Nicky!"

As the two started heading back, Nicky asked "so do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, do you?"

"Nah, any guy you got your eyes on?"

"Not really Nicky, how about you?"

"Ohh! you'll realise that the boy pool in Colorado is not that great."

Jackie chuckled at this. So far she had only seen the Walter boys and each one seemed quite fine. Jackie realised this was the first time she was smiling. She hadn't felt this normal and relaxed in quite a few months, ever since the incident. After her parents passed away, everyone treated her awkwardly and kept reminding her of the nerve-chilling incident. This was the first time someone was making her feel normal, not acting as if nothing had happened but also not reminding her of what had happened. She loved the way Nicky had eased into a conversation and made it all so relaxing, clearly she was experienced.

 As they neared the house, Jackie smiled to herself, knowing that she had found a friend in Nicky. Nicky a warm and friendly personality whom she could totally use for an emotional dump. Tomorrow, school was gonna be easier with Nicky by her side.


As the two girls reached the house, Cole Walter or as Danny had described "the blonde" emerged outside. He had a smirk on his face and the way he walked, Jackie was able to detect a cocky attitude. As he neared Jackie he spoke "Hey New York, you've bought quite the show here."

Cole gazed at her so intensely that Jackie suddenly started feeling fidgety. Nonetheless she held eye contact. His eyes were a colour Jackie simply could not place which just forced her to stare deeper. "You must be Cole Walter."

"There's a lot of names people call me. Cole Walter's just one of them. But be carefull New York there is a lot of competition out there to call me mine."

"Cole seriously take and give a break. Jackie does not need to be making enemies on day 1. Just go bother Erin." Perked up Nicky.

"Nick you're not even letting me be hospitable to our guest" As Cole said this, his eyes never left Jackie's and he moved a little closer. At that moment Nicky grabbed Jackie's arm and took her inside. Jackie may not be very good at understanding social communications but this one was definitely weird.


Later in the evening, it's just Nicky and Katherine in the kitchen. Everyone else is asleep including Jackie.

Katherine, "So how did the talk go?"

Nick, "She is hurting a lot but she is also coming through. She's handling the pain. What about you Kat? How are you dealing with this?"

"Nicky! I..... she lost her mother, my pain is not comparable."

"No it's not but that doesn't mean you're not hurting. You'll get through this Kat, trust me. It's gonna be so much easier now with having Jackie around."

Hey guys!! Please leave some comments down for me:)

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