Pity Party

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( Ill set this one shot in like 2016 so Jake and Johnnie are like around 16 and lets just pretend Johnnie didn't drop out :') )

It was his day tomorrow.

28th of August.

His Birthday.

He loved birthdays, recieving gifts, Throwing parties, eating cake, blowing out the candles set on the cake. Everything about it was just amazing.

So he got writing. An invitation to all of his friends and anyone that he thinks would want to come.


plz come to my bday party :/

DATE: 28 August

ADDRESS: 69 emo way

TIME: just cum plz

Perfect. So he wrote to about 50 other people. Hes like so popular wow. 50 is a lot-. Too much. Eh. Whatever, half of them wont show up anyway. He sighed, but took all the invitations and went outside to put them in peoples post boxes.

Dont ask how he knew everyones adress. I wouldn't know.

As he walked down the street, he saw two of his classmates on the other side of the road and waved hi. He smiled and walked away.

He walked down the street and took care and his time to make sure he put the right letter in the right box. He even double checked before actually putting it in so he didn't give the wrong letter to tge wrong person.

It took him around 30 minutes and about 10 more to walk back home. Once he arrived home, he immediately got started.

He googled how to bake a cake to make sure he did it right. And, lets be real, he couldn't cook to save his life. Its not like he wanted to live anyway though so whatever.

Eventually, he made the cake and it was actually decent. And of course it was all black. Hes emo what do you expect.

He left the cake alone and set up drinks (alcohol obv), and other snacks. He set them all out neatly on the table.

Then he moved onto the decorations. Every ribbon, black, looped around the rail of the starcase and up ubove on the walls.

Black and white balloons were scattered across the room. And black confetti was all over the floor and would be a nightmare to clean up.

It was okay

It wasnt anything special

But not many people would come anyway

He didn't care. As long as his best, closest friends would come, he didn't care.

He was happy with how it turned out and he decided he would put up some more snacks tommorow.

He smiled and ran upstairs, wanting it to be the next day already.

[ Quick time skip to tomorrow 🙏]

He woke up, and laid in bed. But then he realised that it was his birthday and he woke up. He 'accidentally' slept in his clothes and they were clean so thats what he would wear. And he was also just lazy so it'd do.

He stood up too quick and became dizzy. He laughed it off and walked over to his bathroom. He opened his messy drawer of makeup and picked out everything he needed: Concealer, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara and all that.

It only took him like 10 minutes but it looked good. He put everything away and ran downstairs so fast he almost tripped on the last step. He walked over and sat down on the couch and took his phone out. He scrolled through random videos on tiktok just waiting for everyone to arrive.

It had been 10 minutes and no ones arrived yet. Whatever. It was still pretty early.

After 20 more minutes, he stood up and walked around tge house, making sure there were no flaws.

30 minutes have passed and still, no one was here. He still didn't care though. Knowing teenagers, everyones probably still asleep.

He waited and waited until he fell asleep on the couch.

And when he woke up, he checked his phone. He fell asleep for three hours. He sat up and looked around. He sighed and checked his phone for the ring camera app to make sure he hadnt missed anyones ring.

He hadn't.

No one even knocked. Eh. Whatever. He'd wait longer.

So he went to the kitchen to get some food. He settled on just some cereal. Nothing too out there. He walked back to the couch and sat on in to quickly eat his cereal.

Once he was done, he put his bowl to the side. And leaned back. He patiently waited.


At this point it was already dark out and tears were threatening to fall. Johnnie eventually stood up and walked over to the cake taking a slice out of it. That was his day. He walked back to the couch and sat down, starting to eat his cake.

He didn't even notice tears run down his face but yet there they were.

He finished his cake and walked upstairs to his bedroom and fell asleep in 5 minutes, crying.


He hadnt gone into school for weeks after that.

He got messages from all his friends, wondering where he was and if he was okay. He didn't answer anyone. He laid in bed all day, doing nothing.

He had like a hundered missed calls and some people were starting to think he died. And he kind of looked like he had. More pale than usual, his hair was messy and the dye was starting to fade away leaving blonde streaks. He also stunk. Like. Bad. He hasnt showered at all nir had he eaten.

He slept for most of the time and if he wasnt sleeping he was on his phone.

Soon, he sighed and decided he would come into school today. Or else tge teachers might start getting involved. That was the last thing he wanteed.

So he got up and got ready. He would be late anyway so he didnt really care how long he took. He took a quick shower, put clothes on and put some makeup.

He walked to school as it wasnt far away. When he walked in, no one was in classes. It must have been lunch. He was pretty late. Whatever.

After about 5 minutes, he saw Jake run up to him.

"Johnnie!" He hugged him. "Where have you been".

Johnnie sighed "where have you been?"


"Jake, dont act dumb"

"I literally don't know what your on about"

Johnnie just sighed and walked away and Jake stood there not knowing what was going on.

I guess he'll never know..


Might do a part 2 but idk im lazy

Anyway, who do you think stole the invitations ←little spoiler 🤭🤭

Word Count: 1109

Jake Webber x Johnnie Guilbert ||• One-Shots •||Where stories live. Discover now