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"Hey buckaroo- wait what's wrong?" Buck has a hurt expression on his face it looked like he was hiding something

"N-nothing eddie I promise" he tries to get the subject out the way

"Nu-uh Buck sit.now. I know your hiding something you look hurt you do know you can tell me anything I won't judge you im here for you your my best friend"

Buck sighs sitting down on the benc in the locker room

"OK but you promise not to tell anyone"

"Promise" eddie looks at him with a  sinscere look

"O-ok here it goes" he lets out a sigh

"I have a daughter whom I havet seen in years due to her mom she blocked me out of nowhere the DAY of her birthday I was suppose to spend the day with her but when I went to the house nobody was there and it was a mess everywhere there was even a note she threatened me if I ever looked for her that she'll hurt me and my daughter and also make my life a living hell and I want to see her again that's why I've been acting weird lately I've been wondering where she has been this whole time I've never stopped thinking of her not once I've been trying to find ways to reach out b-but nothing"

Buck looks down at his hands and starts fidgeting with tears at the brim of his eyes helooked like he was about to have a break down

"Hey hey hey hey Buck its ok to cry let it out let it all out" eddie imidetly hugs Buck who is now sobbing he returns the hug gripping the back of Eddie's shirt


Couple of silent minutes later

"Hey eddie?"

"Yes buck?"

"Can I show you what she looks like?"

"Of course buck tell me all about her whatever makes you feel better and besides u want to know about her too"

"Thanks..." he pulls out his phone and goes to the photos

"Here's the last photo I took of her"

"Her names Marie by the way"

"Aw I really like that name"

"Thanks.....and here"

Buck give eddie the phone his eyes filling with realization

"Buck......i-ive seen her before"

"What do you mean? Years ago shes probably in a different state right now"

"No- I see her once a week at the donut shop I go to like dead ass"

"There's no use to go talk to her ,her mom-"

"Buck look at me I promise you will be able to see her again and i mean it"

Eddie faces buck putting his hands on both  shoulders

"Breathe buckley breathe follow my lead"

To, marieWhere stories live. Discover now