breakfeast and stories

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Marie's POV:

I wake up in a room that didn't look familiar until I look on the stands beside me there was a picture of eddie and my dad hugging and smiling I get out of the bed and open the door I walk out and im in the living room now

I look around until I see two people asleep I get closer and it was my dad and eddie
My stomach started to rumble I walk up to them and shake my dad a bit

" I'm hungry" he groans turning opening his eyes

"Oh hi marie ...let's see what eddie has for breakfast" I could tell he blushed when he realized he was on eddie he cleared his throat walking to the kitchen

He opens the fridge digging around he has a serious face he huffs then looks at me

"Well Marie eddie hasn't gone grocery shopping so I was thinking we could go out for breakfast"

"Yes please can eddie and Christopher come?"

"Yeah of course they can..go wale Chris up ill get eddie"

"Okay " I jog into Christopher's room excited jumping a bit

"Psst....hey Chris were going out for breakfast with me and my dad your dad's going too"

After a cpuple minutes he finally agrees not that he didn't want to go he just went to sleep late and was still a bit tired

"OK ok im coming" Chris says yawning sitting up

I walk back in the living room eddie was already dressed but my dad was nowhere

"Eddie were did my dad go?" I say concerned he noticed how worried I looked

"He went to shower oh also here are some clothes there Christopher's you can use them for now and after we eat we go to the store to get you new and comfy ones"

"Ooooo yes that sounds good"


"What are you hungry for marie?" Eddie asks looking at me through the mirror in the front" he smiles

"Hmm ....Oooo PANCAKES" I say happily pancakes are one of my favorite breakfast foods

"YES PANCAKES!" Chris and my dad cheer
Eddie shakes his head laughing

"I swear evan you act just like a kid sometimes"

"Wha I love pancakes too they are the best"

"Really what about that one time you cried when you attempted to make them but ended up burning them then proceeded to almost burn my house down then said youll never eat them again"

"That was only one time" he says i look at my dad in the front who has his arms crossed with a pouting face

"DAD! next time ask for help" I say half joking


"We're going to the best diner in town marie they have the best pancakes"

"Oooo yummy"


Buckleys POV:

"Soo how is the food" I ask her

" delicious you weren't joking when you said this was the best breakfast place"

"Why thank you marie I appreciate it very much" I look at eddie who is sitting across from me with his hand to his chest with a smile plasterd across his face it made my stomach flutter for some reason

"Hey do you want to hear some stories about us and the 118" I ask

"Oooo yes please I wanna know"

"OK so couple months ago it was almost a year ago my leg got crushed by a firetruck"

"Oh wow that must hurt you are lucky to keep the leg" She winces looking under the table at my leg then looks back up

"Does it still hurt?"

"Not anymore I had to get surgery to fix it the doctors gave me medicine to make me feel better but I couldn't go to work for a while and I lost my family for a while because of a mistake I made and even lost my best friend for a while it took time and I mean months for them to forgive me and move on"

"Wow that is an interesting and sad story but atleast you got your family back and now you have me too" She says fully meaning it with a smile towards me

"Oo one time buck saved me from a tsunami it was amazing for him to be there with me he helped so many people too he's a hero!" Christoper beams looking at his dad then me and marie

"Ooooo yeah I remember that I was at my apartment when that happend I was stuck up there for 2 days before water went down" I look over at marie with concern but not asking questioms because I knew she would feel uncomfortable instead I put a hand on her back to comfort her

"Ooo and there was one time at the fire station where me and your dad were arguing over the last Pepsi we didn't even notice Bobby grab it and drank it right infront of us we were both so mad at him forgeting we were mad at eachother when Bobby told us to stop and look in the cabinet and behold there was a whole box of em all the arguing for nothing"

"He called me a whining cry baby" eddie chuckles

"I called him mr.tsunami for that"

"Dad that was literally yesterday I was with you guys such a pair of dummys" Chris rolls his eyes playfully


She laughed at the stories we told her

We left the diner after another almost 2 hours just telling her stories about me and the team so she could catch up with  everything and wouldn't miss anything


I help her out the truck we took Eddie's because it has more room in the back for stuff and was more comforting for outings like this

"Ooo the mall I've only been here once whn i was 4" She looks at it amazed

"Trust me marie it has some really nice stores come here " I pick her up so she could get on my shoulders eddie doing the same with chris

"Ready for some new clothes marie?"

"YES and im going to get a new sweater too"

"Go for it whatever you need you get it"
I tell her as we're walking into the mall
To the first clothing store we see she imidietly spots a firefighter shirt getting excited

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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