Ch.4 Whispers in the Dark

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Everyone decided that they will meet at ayesha's house,Ayesha's heart raced as they gather at her house, the lingering fear of the strange events still fresh in her mind. Huzaifa, sensing her distress, quietly took her aside. In a rare moment of vulnerability, he gently wiped away her tears and whispered reassuring words, unknowingly easing her fear and igniting a spark of warmth within her.

As Rishi suggested waiting for another day before taking any drastic actions, everyone nodded in agreement, finding solace in the idea of normalcy returning. They dispersed to their homes, hoping for a respite from the eerie occurrences that had plagued their school days.

In the following days, school life seemed to return to its usual rhythm, with no signs of the unsettling events repeating themselves. During free periods, Arshin gathered the group and shared his theory that the incidents might have been mere coincidences-the cow, the shadow, the flickering lights-all easily explained away.

Yet, a lingering unease remained, a silent understanding that what they had experienced was unsettlingly real, even if they couldn't fully comprehend it. As they resumed their studies and daily routines, a quiet tension lingered beneath the surface, waiting for the next unexpected twist in their ninth-grade journey.

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